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from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import islice
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Tuple

from numpy import arctan, array, cos, exp, log, ndarray
from numpy import pi as π
from numpy import sin, sqrt, zeros
from numpy.linalg import inv

alpha = exp(2j * π / 3)

# fmt: off
A = array([
    [1,            1,          1],  # noqa E202
    [1,     alpha**2,      alpha],  # noqa E202
    [1,        alpha,   alpha**2],  # noqa E202

Ainv = (1 / 3) * array([
    [1,            1,          1],  # noqa E202
    [1,        alpha,   alpha**2],  # noqa E202
    [1,     alpha**2,      alpha],  # noqa E202
# fmt: on

def convert_geometric_model(geometric_model) -> ndarray:
    carsons_model = CarsonsEquations(geometric_model)

    z_primitive = carsons_model.build_z_primitive()
    z_abc = perform_kron_reduction(z_primitive)
    return z_abc

def calculate_impedance(model) -> ndarray:
    z_primitive = model.build_z_primitive()
    z_abc = perform_kron_reduction(z_primitive, dimension=model.dimension)

    return z_abc

def perform_kron_reduction(z_primitive: ndarray, dimension=3) -> ndarray:
    """Reduces the primitive impedance matrix to an equivalent impedance

    We break z_primative up into four quadrants as follows:

              Ẑpp = [Ẑaa, Ẑab, Ẑac]   Ẑpn = [Ẑan]
                    [Ẑba, Ẑbb, Ẑbc]         [Ẑbn]
                    [Ẑca, Ẑcb, Ẑcc]         [Ẑcn]

              Ẑnp = [Ẑna, Ẑnb, Ẑnc]   Ẑnn = [Ẑnn]

    Ẑnn is of dimension mxm, where m is the number of neutrals. E.g. with m = 2:
                                          Ẑan = [Ẑan₁,  Ẑan₂]
                                                [Ẑbn₁,  Ẑbn₂]
                                                [Ẑcn₁,  Ẑcn₂]

              Ẑna = [Ẑn₁a, Ẑn₁b, Ẑn₁c]    Ẑnn = [Ẑn₁n₁, Ẑn₁n₂]
                    [Ẑn₂a, Ẑn₂b, Ẑn₂c]          [Ẑn₂n₁, Ẑn₂n₂]

    Ẑ ----- "primative" impedance value, i.e. one that does not factor
            in the mutuals caused by neighboring neutral conductors.
    Z ----- a phase-phase impedance value that factors the mutual impedance
            of neighboring neutral conductors

    Z ----  a corrected impedance matrix in the form:

                     Zabc = [Zaa, Zab, Zac]
                            [Zba, Zbb, Zbc]
                            [Zca, Zcb, Zcc]
    Ẑpp, Ẑpn = (
        z_primitive[0:dimension, 0:dimension],
        z_primitive[0:dimension, dimension:],
    Ẑnp, Ẑnn = (
        z_primitive[dimension:, 0:dimension],
        z_primitive[dimension:, dimension:],
    Z_abc = Ẑpp - Ẑpn @ inv(Ẑnn) @ Ẑnp
    return Z_abc

def calculate_sequence_impedance_matrix(Z):
    return Ainv @ Z @ A

def calculate_sequence_impedances(Z):
    Z012 = calculate_sequence_impedance_matrix(Z)
    return Z012[1, 1], Z012[0, 0]

class CarsonsEquations:

    ρ = 100  # resistivity, ohms/meter^3
    μ = 4 * π * 1e-7  # permeability, Henry / meter

    def __init__(self, model):
        self.phases: Iterable[str] = model.phases
        self.phase_positions: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]] = model.wire_positions
        self.gmr: Dict[str, float] = model.geometric_mean_radius
        self.r: Dict[str, float] = model.resistance

        self.ƒ = getattr(model, "frequency", 60)
        self.ω = 2.0 * π * self.ƒ  # angular frequency radians / second

    def build_z_primitive(self) -> ndarray:
        dimension = len(self.conductors)
        z_primitive = zeros(shape=(dimension, dimension), dtype=complex)

        for index_i, phase_i in enumerate(self.conductors):
            for index_j, phase_j in enumerate(self.conductors):
                if phase_i not in self.phases or phase_j not in self.phases:
                R = self.compute_R(phase_i, phase_j)
                X = self.compute_X(phase_i, phase_j)
                z_primitive[index_i, index_j] = complex(R, X)

        return z_primitive

    def compute_R(self, i, j) -> float:
        rᵢ = self.r[i]
        ΔR = self.μ * self.ω / π * self.compute_P(i, j)

        if i == j:
            return rᵢ + ΔR
            return ΔR

    def compute_X(self, i, j) -> float:
        Qᵢⱼ = self.compute_Q(i, j)
        ΔX = self.μ * self.ω / π * Qᵢⱼ

        # calculate geometry ratio 𝛥G
        if i != j:
            Dᵢⱼ = self.compute_D(i, j)
            dᵢⱼ = self.compute_d(i, j)
            𝛥G = Dᵢⱼ / dᵢⱼ
            hᵢ = self.get_h(i)
            gmrⱼ = self.gmr[j]
            𝛥G = 2.0 * hᵢ / gmrⱼ

        X_o = self.ω * self.μ / (2 * π) * log(𝛥G)

        return X_o + ΔX

    def compute_P(self, i, j, number_of_terms=1) -> float:
        terms = islice(self.compute_P_terms(i, j), number_of_terms)
        return sum(terms)

    def compute_P_terms(self, i, j) -> Iterator[float]:
        yield π / 8.0

        kᵢⱼ = self.compute_k(i, j)
        θᵢⱼ = self.compute_θ(i, j)

        yield -kᵢⱼ / (3 * sqrt(2)) * cos(θᵢⱼ)
        yield kᵢⱼ**2 / 16 * (0.6728 + log(2 / kᵢⱼ)) * cos(2 * θᵢⱼ)
        yield kᵢⱼ**2 / 16 * θᵢⱼ * sin(2 * θᵢⱼ)
        yield kᵢⱼ**3 / (45 * sqrt(2)) * cos(3 * θᵢⱼ)
        yield -π * kᵢⱼ**4 * cos(4 * θᵢⱼ) / 1536

    def compute_Q(self, i, j, number_of_terms=2) -> float:
        terms = islice(self.compute_Q_terms(i, j), number_of_terms)
        return sum(terms)

    def compute_Q_terms(self, i, j) -> Iterator[float]:
        yield -0.0386

        kᵢⱼ = self.compute_k(i, j)
        yield 0.5 * log(2 / kᵢⱼ)

        θᵢⱼ = self.compute_θ(i, j)
        yield kᵢⱼ / (3 * sqrt(2)) * cos(θᵢⱼ)
        yield -π * kᵢⱼ**2 / 64 * cos(2 * θᵢⱼ)
        yield kᵢⱼ**3 / (45 * sqrt(2)) * cos(3 * θᵢⱼ)
        yield -(kᵢⱼ**4) / 384 * θᵢⱼ * sin(4 * θᵢⱼ)
        yield -(kᵢⱼ**4) / 384 * cos(4 * θᵢⱼ) * (log(2 / kᵢⱼ) + 1.0895)

    def compute_k(self, i, j) -> float:
        Dᵢⱼ = self.compute_D(i, j)
        return Dᵢⱼ * sqrt(self.ω * self.μ / self.ρ)

    def compute_θ(self, i, j) -> float:
        xᵢ, _ = self.phase_positions[i]
        xⱼ, _ = self.phase_positions[j]
        xᵢⱼ = abs(xⱼ - xᵢ)
        hᵢ, hⱼ = self.get_h(i), self.get_h(j)

        return arctan(xᵢⱼ / (hᵢ + hⱼ))

    def compute_d(self, i, j) -> float:
        return self.calculate_distance(

    def compute_D(self, i, j) -> float:
        xⱼ, yⱼ = self.phase_positions[j]

        return self.calculate_distance(self.phase_positions[i], (xⱼ, -yⱼ))

    def calculate_distance(positionᵢ, positionⱼ) -> float:
        xᵢ, yᵢ = positionᵢ
        xⱼ, yⱼ = positionⱼ
        return sqrt((xᵢ - xⱼ) ** 2 + (yᵢ - yⱼ) ** 2)

    def get_h(self, i):
        _, yᵢ = self.phase_positions[i]
        return yᵢ

    def dimension(self):
        return 2 if getattr(self, "is_secondary", False) else 3

    def conductors(self):
        neutral_conductors = sorted([ph for ph in self.phases if ph.startswith("N")])

        return ["A", "B", "C"] + neutral_conductors

class ModifiedCarsonsEquations(CarsonsEquations):
    Modified Carson's Equation. Two approximations are made:
    only the first term of P and the first two terms of Q are considered.

    number_of_P_terms = 1

    def compute_P(self, i, j, number_of_terms=1) -> float:
        return super().compute_P(i, j, self.number_of_P_terms)

    def compute_X(self, i, j) -> float:
        Q_first_term = super().compute_Q(i, j, 1)

        # Simplify equations and don't compute Dᵢⱼ explicitly
        kᵢⱼ_Dᵢⱼ_ratio = sqrt(self.ω * self.μ / self.ρ)
        ΔX = Q_first_term * 2 + log(2)

        if i == j:
            X_o = -log(self.gmr[i]) - log(kᵢⱼ_Dᵢⱼ_ratio)
            X_o = -log(self.compute_d(i, j)) - log(kᵢⱼ_Dᵢⱼ_ratio)

        return (X_o + ΔX) * self.ω * self.μ / (2 * π)

class ConcentricNeutralCarsonsEquations(ModifiedCarsonsEquations):
    def __init__(self, model, *args, **kwargs):
        self.neutral_strand_gmr: Dict[str, float] = model.neutral_strand_gmr
        self.neutral_strand_count: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict(
            lambda: None, model.neutral_strand_count
        self.neutral_strand_resistance: Dict[
            str, float
        ] = model.neutral_strand_resistance
        # fmt: off
        self.radius: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict(
            lambda: None,
                phase: (diameter_over_neutral - model.neutral_strand_diameter[phase]) / 2
                for phase, diameter_over_neutral in model.diameter_over_neutral.items()
            f"N{phase}": self.phase_positions[phase]
            for phase in self.phase_positions.keys()
            phase: self.GMR_cn(phase)
            for phase in model.diameter_over_neutral.keys()
            phase: resistance / model.neutral_strand_count[phase]
            for phase, resistance in model.neutral_strand_resistance.items()
        # fmt: on

    def compute_d(self, i, j) -> float:
        I, J = set(i), set(j)
        r = self.radius[i] or self.radius[j]

        one_neutral_same_phase = I ^ J == set("N")
        different_phase = not I & J
        one_neutral = "N" in I ^ J

        if one_neutral_same_phase:
            # Distance between a neutral/phase conductor of same phase
            return r

        distance_ij = self.calculate_distance(
            self.phase_positions[i], self.phase_positions[j]
        if different_phase and one_neutral:
            # Distance between a neutral/phase conductor of different phase
            # approximate by modelling the concentric neutral cables as one
            # equivalent conductor directly above the phase conductor
            return (distance_ij**2 + r**2) ** 0.5
            # Distance between two neutral/phase conductors
            return distance_ij

    def GMR_cn(self, phase) -> float:
        GMR_s = self.neutral_strand_gmr[phase]
        k = self.neutral_strand_count[phase]
        R = self.radius[phase]
        return (GMR_s * k * R ** (k - 1)) ** (1 / k)

class TapeShieldedCableCarsonsEquations(ModifiedCarsonsEquations):

    ρ_tape_shield = 1.7721e-8  # copper resistivity at 20 degrees, ohm-meter

    def __init__(self, model, *args, **kwargs):
        self.ds = model.tape_shield_outer_diameter
        self.thickness = model.tape_shield_thickness

        self.phases.extend(f"{ph}t" for ph in model.tape_shield_outer_diameter.keys())
        # fmt: off
            f"{ph}t": self.compute_shield_r(self.ds[ph], self.thickness[ph])
            for ph in model.tape_shield_outer_diameter.keys()
            f"{ph}t": self.compute_shield_gmr(self.ds[ph], self.thickness[ph])
            for ph in model.tape_shield_outer_diameter.keys()
        # fmt: on

        # set shield position to be the same as its phase conductor position
        tape_shield_positions = {
            f"{ph}t": self.phase_positions[ph]
            for ph in model.tape_shield_outer_diameter.keys()

    def compute_shield_gmr(ds, thickness) -> float:
        return (ds - thickness) / 2

    def compute_shield_r(cls, ds, thickness) -> float:
        area = (π * (ds / 2) ** 2) - (π * (ds / 2 - thickness) ** 2)
        return cls.ρ_tape_shield / area

    def compute_d(self, i, j) -> float:
        I, J = set(i), set(j)

        one_tape_shield_same_phase = I ^ J == set("t")

        if one_tape_shield_same_phase:
            return self.gmr[i] if "t" in i else self.gmr[j]
            return super().compute_d(i, j)

    def conductors(self):
        neutral_conductors = sorted([ph for ph in self.phases if ph.startswith("N")])
        shield_conductors = sorted([ph for ph in self.phases if ph.endswith("t")])

        return ["A", "B", "C"] + shield_conductors + neutral_conductors

class MultiConductorCarsonsEquations(ModifiedCarsonsEquations):
    def __init__(self, model):
        self.outside_radius: Dict[str, float] = model.outside_radius

    def compute_d(self, i, j) -> float:
        # Assumptions:
        # 1. All conductors in the cable are touching each other and
        #    therefore equidistant.
        # 2. In case of quadruplex cables, the space between conductors
        #    which are diagonally positioned is neglected.
        return self.outside_radius[i] + self.outside_radius[j]

    def conductors(self):
        neutral_conductors = sorted([ph for ph in self.phases if ph.startswith("N")])
        if self.is_secondary:
            conductors = ["S1", "S2"] + neutral_conductors
            conductors = ["A", "B", "C"] + neutral_conductors

        return conductors

    def is_secondary(self):
        phase_conductors = [ph for ph in self.phases if not ph.startswith("N")]
        if phase_conductors == ["S1", "S2"]:
            return True
            return False