<a name="module_fft-radix2"></a>
## fft-radix2
> Fast fourier transform using radix-2 Cooley-Tukey algorithm
[![npm install dsp-fft-radix2](](
This module have functions to compute a Fast Fourier transform either
in forward and inverse versions. The code is adapted from the unmaintained
[dsp.js]( library.
This is part of [dsp-kit](
var fftRadix2 = require('dsp-fft-radix2')
var ft = fftRadix2(1024)
<a name="module_fft-radix2.fftRadix2"></a>
### fft-radix2.fftRadix2(size) ⇒ <code>Object.<forward, inverse></code>
Create a Fast Fourier Transform functions
It returns an object with two funtions: forward and inverse.
Both accepts a signal and (optionally) an output buffer to store the
results (to reduce memory allocation).
**Kind**: static method of <code>[fft-radix2](#module_fft-radix2)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Object.<forward, inverse></code> - fourier transform functions
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| size | <code>Integer</code> | the FFT size |
var fftRadix2 = require('dsp-fft-radix2')
var ft = fftRadix2(1024)
// Given a signal (a Float32Array) ...
output = { real: new Float32Array(1024), imag: new Float32Array(1024) }
ft.forward(signal, output)
// it's invertible
ft.inverse(output).real === signal