const round = Math.round
const PI2 = 2 * Math.PI
* If the phase vocoder is utilized to perform effects that involve the
* inequality of input hop size and synthesis hop
* size, it is advisable to perform some phase adjustments
* It uses tha algorithm described in
* @private
* @param {Array<Object>} frames - and array of frames. Each frame is
* a `{ magnitudes, phases }` object
* @param {Object} parameters
* @param {Array} omega - a pre-calculated center frequency of each bin
export default function recalcPhases (frames, { size, factor, hop }, omega) {
var ha = hop // hop analysis
var hs = hop * factor // hop synthesis
var numFrames = frames.length
var prev = frames[0].phases
for (var f = 1; f < numFrames; f += 1) {
var current = frames[f].phases
for (var i = 0; i < size; i += 1) {
// Calculate the difference between current and previous phase spectra
// and, then, the sample-wise difference with the frequency centres
var centerFreq = omega[i]
// var expectedPhaseAdv = ha * centerFreq
var phaseIncr = current[i] - prev[i] - ha * centerFreq
// Due to the fact that the phase values are given in modulo 2π and, as
// such, phase ‘jumps’ will occur, we need to unwrap the phase in order to
// obtain a continuous phase function
var unwrapped = phaseIncr - PI2 * round(phaseIncr / PI2)
if (f === 547 && i > 200) {
console.log(i, centerFreq, phaseIncr, unwrapped)
console.log(current[i], prev[i], ha)
// Compute the instantaneous frequency ω for each freq. bin k
// var realFreq = centerFreq + unwrapped / ha
// Now, we can use ωk (realFreq) to compute the output phase spectra ∠Yi by
// advancing the previous output ∠Yi−1 according to the synthesis hop
// size Hs
if (isNaN(unwrapped)) {
console.log('NaN', numFrames, f, size, i)
console.log('joder', prev[i], prev)
throw Error('NaN')
current[i] = prev[i] + hs * (centerFreq + unwrapped / ha)
prev = current