/* eslint-disable one-var */
// import reverseBinPermute from './reverse-permute'
// Ordering of output:
// trans[0] = re[0] (==zero frequency, purely real)
// trans[1] = re[1]
// ...
// trans[n/2-1] = re[n/2-1]
// trans[n/2] = re[n/2] (==nyquist frequency, purely real)
// trans[n/2+1] = im[n/2-1]
// trans[n/2+2] = im[n/2-2]
// ...
// trans[n-1] = im[1]
const { sin, cos, PI, SQRT1_2 } = Math
* Perform FFT using a real split radix FFT algorithm
* Code adapted from [dsp.js]( by @corbanbrook
* @private
export default function forward (bufferSize, buffer, trans, spectrum, table) {
var n = bufferSize,
x = trans,
n2, n4, n8, nn,
t1, t2, t3, t4,
i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8,
st1, cc1, ss1, cc3, ss3, e, a
// reverseBinPermute(bufferSize, x, buffer)
for (var k = 0, len = table.length; k < len; k++) {
x[k] = buffer[table[k]]
for (var ix = 0, id = 4; ix < n; id *= 4) {
for (var i0 = ix; i0 < n; i0 += id) {
// sumdiff(x[i0], x[i0+1]); // {a, b} <--| {a+b, a-b}
st1 = x[i0] - x[i0 + 1]
x[i0] += x[i0 + 1]
x[i0 + 1] = st1
ix = 2 * (id - 1)
n2 = 2
nn = n >>> 1
while ((nn = nn >>> 1)) {
ix = 0
n2 = n2 << 1
id = n2 << 1
n4 = n2 >>> 2
n8 = n2 >>> 3
do {
if (n4 !== 1) {
for (i0 = ix; i0 < n; i0 += id) {
i1 = i0
i2 = i1 + n4
i3 = i2 + n4
i4 = i3 + n4
// diffsum3_r(x[i3], x[i4], t1); // {a, b, s} <--| {a, b-a, a+b}
t1 = x[i3] + x[i4]
x[i4] -= x[i3]
// sumdiff3(x[i1], t1, x[i3]); // {a, b, d} <--| {a+b, b, a-b}
x[i3] = x[i1] - t1
x[i1] += t1
i1 += n8
i2 += n8
i3 += n8
i4 += n8
// sumdiff(x[i3], x[i4], t1, t2); // {s, d} <--| {a+b, a-b}
t1 = x[i3] + x[i4]
t2 = x[i3] - x[i4]
t1 = -t1 * SQRT1_2
t2 *= SQRT1_2
// sumdiff(t1, x[i2], x[i4], x[i3]); // {s, d} <--| {a+b, a-b}
st1 = x[i2]
x[i4] = t1 + st1
x[i3] = t1 - st1
// sumdiff3(x[i1], t2, x[i2]); // {a, b, d} <--| {a+b, b, a-b}
x[i2] = x[i1] - t2
x[i1] += t2
} else {
for (i0 = ix; i0 < n; i0 += id) {
i1 = i0
i2 = i1 + n4
i3 = i2 + n4
i4 = i3 + n4
// diffsum3_r(x[i3], x[i4], t1); // {a, b, s} <--| {a, b-a, a+b}
t1 = x[i3] + x[i4]
x[i4] -= x[i3]
// sumdiff3(x[i1], t1, x[i3]); // {a, b, d} <--| {a+b, b, a-b}
x[i3] = x[i1] - t1
x[i1] += t1
ix = (id << 1) - n2
id = id << 2
} while (ix < n)
e = 2 * PI / n2
for (var j = 1; j < n8; j++) {
a = j * e
ss1 = sin(a)
cc1 = cos(a)
// ss3 = sin(3*a); cc3 = cos(3*a)
cc3 = 4 * cc1 * (cc1 * cc1 - 0.75)
ss3 = 4 * ss1 * (0.75 - ss1 * ss1)
ix = 0; id = n2 << 1
do {
for (i0 = ix; i0 < n; i0 += id) {
i1 = i0 + j
i2 = i1 + n4
i3 = i2 + n4
i4 = i3 + n4
i5 = i0 + n4 - j
i6 = i5 + n4
i7 = i6 + n4
i8 = i7 + n4
// cmult(c, s, x, y, &u, &v)
// cmult(cc1, ss1, x[i7], x[i3], t2, t1); // {u,v} <--| {x*c-y*s, x*s+y*c}
t2 = x[i7] * cc1 - x[i3] * ss1
t1 = x[i7] * ss1 + x[i3] * cc1
// cmult(cc3, ss3, x[i8], x[i4], t4, t3)
t4 = x[i8] * cc3 - x[i4] * ss3
t3 = x[i8] * ss3 + x[i4] * cc3
// sumdiff(t2, t4); // {a, b} <--| {a+b, a-b}
st1 = t2 - t4
t2 += t4
t4 = st1
// sumdiff(t2, x[i6], x[i8], x[i3]); // {s, d} <--| {a+b, a-b}
// st1 = x[i6]; x[i8] = t2 + st1; x[i3] = t2 - st1
x[i8] = t2 + x[i6]
x[i3] = t2 - x[i6]
// sumdiff_r(t1, t3); // {a, b} <--| {a+b, b-a}
st1 = t3 - t1
t1 += t3
t3 = st1
// sumdiff(t3, x[i2], x[i4], x[i7]); // {s, d} <--| {a+b, a-b}
// st1 = x[i2]; x[i4] = t3 + st1; x[i7] = t3 - st1
x[i4] = t3 + x[i2]
x[i7] = t3 - x[i2]
// sumdiff3(x[i1], t1, x[i6]); // {a, b, d} <--| {a+b, b, a-b}
x[i6] = x[i1] - t1
x[i1] += t1
// diffsum3_r(t4, x[i5], x[i2]); // {a, b, s} <--| {a, b-a, a+b}
x[i2] = t4 + x[i5]
x[i5] -= t4
ix = (id << 1) - n2
id = id << 2
} while (ix < n)
return spectrum
// lookup tables don't really gain us any speed, but they do increase
// cache footprint, so don't use them in here
// the rest was translated from C, see
// is the real split radix FFT