* > Generate signals
* This is a collection of functions to generate signals using one sample a time.
* This is a quite slow implementation and not ready for realtime generation.
* The main focus is on easy to read, aka learn-dsp.
* This implementation is largely based on the excellent [](
* library that has much more performance than this one.
* @module signal
export {
abs, add, div, mod, mul, pow, sub,
sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan,
floor, ceil, round
} from './lib/math'
export { and, or } from './lib/logic'
export { eq, lt, lte, ltp, gt, gte, gtp } from './lib/comparasion'
export { accum, clamp } from './lib/integrator'
export { bang, ifelse } from './lib/control'
export { loop } from './lib/buffer'