// # DFT model
const FFT = require("fft.js");
const { fftshift } = require("fftshift");
const winFn = require("scijs-window-functions/hamming");
const { sqrt, atan2 } = Math;
const fill = require("filled-array");
const unwrap = require("unwrap-phases");
const { sin, cos } = Math;
* Create a DFT model. A DFT model allows to perform dft analysis of a signal
* using a fast fourier function.
* @param {number} size - the size of the signal
* @param {window} [window] - the window to use (or a hamming window if not specified)
* @return {Object} an object with two functions: analisys and synthesis
* @example
* import DFT from 'spectral-models'
* const dft = DFT(512)
* dft.analisys(signal)
function DFT(size, window) {
if (!window) window = fill(winFn, size);
if (window.length !== size)
throw Error(
"Window size must be " + size + " length but is " + window.length
const fft = new FFT(size);
const signal = new Array(size);
const output = fft.createComplexArray();
const inversed = fft.createComplexArray();
const spectrumSize = size / 2 + 1;
const magnitudes = new Array(spectrumSize);
const phases = new Array(spectrumSize);
* A DFT instance
return {
* Given a real signal, create a { magnitudes, phases } object.
* The size of the input must be the same as specified in the constructor.
* @memberof DFT
* @param {Array} input - the input signal
* @return {Object} a `{ magnitudes, phases }` object
analisys(input) {
// apply the window to the signal
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
signal[i] = input[i] * window[i];
// rotate the array to phase-zero
// FFT forward
fft.realTransform(output, signal);
for (let i = 0, p = 0; i < spectrumSize; i++, (p += 2)) {
const real = output[p];
const imag = output[p + 1];
magnitudes[i] = sqrt(real * real + imag * imag);
phases[i] = atan2(imag, real);
return { magnitudes, phases };
* Given a { magnitudes, phases } object, return the initial signal.
* Notice that the signal will have a window applied.
* @memberof DFT
* @param {Object} analisys - the analysis object
* @return {Array} the signal
synthesis ({ magnitudes, phases } = {}) {
for (let i = 0, p = 0; i < spectrumSize; i++, (p += 2)) {
// real
output[p] = magnitudes[i] * cos(phases[i]);
// imaginary
output[p + 1] = magnitudes[i] * sin(phases[i]);
fft.inverseTransform(inversed, output);
fft.fromComplexArray(inversed, signal)
return signal
module.exports = DFT;