<a name="module_window"></a>
## window
> Windowing functions for digital signal processing
[![npm install dsp-window](](
All window functions have some extra properties:
- rov: recommended overlap
This is part of [dsp-kit](
### References
const dsp = require('dsp-kit')
dsp.fill(1024, dsp.window.hanning())
* [window](#module_window)
* [.rectangular](#module_window.rectangular)
* [.hanning](#module_window.hanning)
* [.blackmanHarris](#module_window.blackmanHarris)
<a name="module_window.rectangular"></a>
### window.rectangular
The rectangular window, also sometimes called ‘uniform window’, is given by
w = 1, equivalent to using no window at all.
Although there are some special applications where the rectangular
window is advantageous, it is probably not useful for any of our applications
- Abrupt transition from 1 to 0 at the window endpoints
- Roll-off is asymptotically -6dB per octave
- First side lobe is -13dB relative to main-lobe peak
**Kind**: static constant of <code>[window](#module_window)</code>
<a name="module_window.hanning"></a>
### window.hanning
The Hanning window (one of a family of ‘raised cosine’ windows) is also known
as ‘Hann window’. Do not confuse it with the ‘Hamming’ window.
- Smooth transition to zero at window endpoints
- Roll-off is asymptotically -18 dB per octave
- First side lobe is -31dB relative to main-lobe peak
**Kind**: static constant of <code>[window](#module_window)</code>
<a name="module_window.blackmanHarris"></a>
### window.blackmanHarris
The Blackman-Harris window is one of a family of window functions given by a
sum of cosine terms. By varying the number and coefficients of the terms
different characteristics can be optimized.
**Kind**: static constant of <code>[window](#module_window)</code>