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# Orbital
Orbital is a dead-simple, cutting-edge CLI framework. Taking cues from [Angular](https://www.angular.io) and [Clime](https://github.com/vilic/clime), Orbital was designed with simplicity and scalability in mind.

## Motivations
The Orbital Core team members were originally contributors to the [Nest CLI](https://github.com/nestjs/nest-cli) for the increasingly popular [Nest](https://github.com/nestjs/nest) framework. We found it difficult to contribute since the codebase was complex, and so CLI development stagnated. We decided to rewrite the CLI with a new framework we'd create ourselves, that would be fast, scalable, and easy to understand. Thus, Orbital was born.

## What we're moving towards
/// example.cli.ts
import { CLI, Executable } from '@orbital/core';

import { ExampleCommand } from './commands/example/example.command';
import { InfoCommand } from './commands/info.command';

   name: 'example',
   version: '1.0.0',
   commands: [
export class ExampleCLI implements Executable {
   execute() { }
/// commands/example/example.command.ts
import { Parameter, Command, Executable, Option, UseOptions, VariadicParameter } from '@orbital/core';

import { ServiceCommand } from './service/service.command';

    name: 'example',
    aliases: ['e'],
    brief: 'This is a one line description',
    description: `
      This is a long decription,
      It is split across multiple lines
    subCommands: [
export class ExampleCommand implements Executable {

        flag: 'b',
        brief: '',
        description: '',
        validators: []
    bar: string;

        @UseOptions(GenerateOptions) private options: GenerateOptions
    ) { }

            brief: '',
            description: '',
            validators: []
        }) url: URL,

            brief: '',
            description: '',
            required: false,
            validators: []
        }) optional: string,

            validators: []
        }) foo: string[]
    ) {
        // implementation