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# ContribHub
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Open source lovers, making easier to find cool projects to hack on! Wanna help?


# About
[ContribHub](http://contribhub.com) was born on 2012 at PulsoConf/BogotaConf hackathon after 14 hours of sleep-deprived programming, with the goal of creating a good tool to help other open source lovers to find projects to contribute.

There is still a lot of work to do, but these are the core features:
* Submit your repo as "Help Wanted"
* Search repos by your personal interests and useful filters
* Find projects needing help or people "near you" doing cool stuff
* Contribute, collaborate.

## Vagrant
Just run `vagrant up` to start the VM and `vagrant ssh` to access it, by defaults it forwards port 3000 to your host machine

Tested using Vagrant 1.6.2 and Virtualbox 4.3.10

# Contributing
Report issues/features/requests on [GitHub Issues](http://github.com/orendon/contrib-hub/issues).

* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
* Add specs for it. Travis is looking at you!
* Ensure all test are passing and your branch is updated
* Submit a pull request. Karma points for topic branches.

# Discuss
[Join the Google group](http://groups.google.com/group/contribhub)

# License
ContribHub is released under the [MIT License](https://github.com/orendon/contrib-hub/blob/master/LICENSE.md)

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