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Test Coverage

          = image_tag @author.image, class: 'mbm ra', width: 160, height: 160

            = @author.name
            - unless @author.active
              %span.db.tss (Inactive)

          - if current_user == @author
              = simple_form_for @author.object, url: author_path( @author ), method: :patch do | f |

                  - if @author == current_user
                    = f.text_area :shtick, required: false, placeholder: 'What do you do?',
                     class: 'form-input form-input--textarea'
                  - else
                    = f.text_area :shtick, required: false, placeholder: 'What do they do?',
                     class: 'form-input form-input--textarea'

                = f.submit 'Update', class: 'button button--b'
          - else
            %p.mbxs= @author.shtick

          %p= @author.email
          - if @author == current_user
            = @author.toggle_email_privacy

            %h2.mbs Contributions
            %p.mbxs.tss Created #{ pluralize( @author.articles.count, 'article' ) }
            %p.mbf.tss Edited #{ pluralize( @author.edits.count, 'article' ) }

          = link_to 'Toggle Status', author_toggle_status_path( @author ), method: :put


        %h2.mbs Created Articles
        - if @author.articles.count > 0
          - # TODO: Apply signal classes unique to Article decorator
            - @author.articles.each do | article |
              %li.card.list-item.article{ class: ( 'has-article-footer' if article.tags.any? ) }
                = link_to article.title, article, class: 'article-title'
        - else
          - if current_user == @author
              Hey, everyone has to start somewhere.
              = link_to 'Create an article', new_article_url, class: 'dib'
          - else
            %p #{ @author.first_name } hasn't created any articles yet.

        %h2.mbs Edited Articles
        - if @author.edits.count > 0
            - @author.edits.each do | article |
              %li.card.list-item.article{ class: ( 'has-article-footer' if article.tags.any? ) }
                = link_to article.title, article, class: 'article-title'
        - else
          %p #{ @author.first_name } hasn't edited any articles yet.

        %h2.mbs Article Subscriptions
        - if @author.subscribed_articles.count > 0
            - @author.subscribed_articles.each do | article |
              %li.card.list-item.article{ class: ( 'has-article-footer' if article.tags.any? ) }
                = link_to article.title, article, class: 'article-title'
        - else
          %p #{ @author.first_name } isn't subscribed to any articles yet.