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# :currency_exchange: PHP client for [currencylayer.com](https://currencylayer.com)

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Simple PHP client for currencylayer.com currency rates.

## Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require orkhanahmadov/currencylayer

## Usage

Instantiate `Orkhanahmadov\Currencylayer\CurrencylayerClient` class and pass your "access key"

use Orkhanahmadov\Currencylayer\CurrencylayerClient;

$client = new CurrencylayerClient('your-access-key-here');

You can find your access key in [Currencylayer Dashboard](https://currencylayer.com/dashboard).

If you are using [paid plan](https://currencylayer.com/product), you can use HTTPS connection to currencylayer.com API.
While instantiating pass `true` as second parameter to use HTTPS connection.

$client = new CurrencylayerClient('your-access-key-here', true);

## Available methods

### `quotes()`

Use this method to fetch live and historical currency rates.

Pass source currency to `source()` method and rate currency `currency()` method.
Following example will fetch live rates from USD to EUR.


You can also pass multiple rate currencies to `currency()` method:

$client->source('USD')->currency('EUR', 'AUD')->quotes();
// you can also pass currencies as an array
$client->source('USD')->currency(['EUR', 'AUD'])->quotes();

If you want fetch rates for specific date, you can pass the date to `date()` method.
`date()` method accepts dates as string or instance of `DateTimeInterface`.


`quotes()` method returns instance of `Orkhanahmadov\Currencylayer\Data\Quotes`.
This class has following methods that you can use:

* `source()` - Returns source currency (for example, `USD`)
* `timestamp()` - Returns timestamp value from currencylayer API (for example, `1432400348`)
* `quotes()` - Returns array of quotes from currencylayer API
* `date()` - Returns `DateTimeInterface` date. If you fetched live rates this method will return `null`

You can also get rates for each fetched currency using currency name as property:

$quotes = $client->source('USD')->currency(['EUR', 'AUD'])->date('2019-05-20')->quotes();

$qoutes->EUR; // returns USD to EUR rate for 2019-05-20
$qoutes->AUD; // returns USD to AUD rate for 2019-05-20

### `convert()`

Use this method to convert amount in one currency to another currency.

Pass source currency to `source()` method, rate currency `currency()` method and amount to `convert()` method.
Following example will convert 10 USD to GBP using live rates.


If you want conversion based on different date's rates, you can pass the date to `date()` method.
`date()` method accepts dates as string or instance of `DateTimeInterface`.


`convert()` method returns instance of `Orkhanahmadov\Currencylayer\Data\Conversion`.
This class has following methods that you can use:

* `fromCurrency()` - Returns source currency (for example, `USD`)
* `toCurrency()` - Returns target currency (for example, `GBP`)
* `timestamp()` - Returns timestamp value from currencylayer API (for example, `1432400348`)
* `amount()` - Returns amount that passed to `convert()` method (for example, `10`)
* `quote()` - Returns quote between source and target currencies (for example, `0.658443`)
* `result()` - Returns conversion result (for example `6.58443`)
* `date()` - Returns `DateTimeInterface` date. If you fetched live rates this method will return `null`

### `timeframe()`

Use this method to show rates between given dates.

Pass source currency to `source()` method, rate currencies to `currency()` method and 
start date as first argument and end date as second argument to `timeframe()` method.
Start and end dates can be string of dates or instances of `DateTimeInterface`.

Following example will return timeframe rates from USD to GBP and EUR between `2010-03-01` and `2010-04-01`.

$client->source('USD')->currency('GBP', 'EUR')->timeframe('2010-03-01', '2010-04-01');

`timeframe()` method returns instance of `Orkhanahmadov\Currencylayer\Data\Timeframe`.
This class has following methods that you can use:

* `source()` - Returns source currency (for example, `USD`)
* `startDate()` - Returns `DateTimeInterface` start date
* `endDate()` - Returns `DateTimeInterface` start date
* `allQuotes()` - Returns array quotes grouped by each day between start and end date
* `quotes()` - Accepts string date or instance of `DateTimeInterface` and returns rates for that day

You can also use currency code as function call and pass date to get rates:

$timeframe = $client->source('USD')->currency('GBP', 'EUR')->timeframe('2010-03-01', '2010-04-01');

$timeframe->GBP('2010-03-15'); // returns USD to GBP rate for 2010-03-15
$timeframe->EUR('2010-03-20'); // returns USD to EUR rate for 2010-03-20

### `change()`

Use this method to show currency rate change between given dates.

Pass source currency to `source()` method, rate currencies to `currency()` method and 
start date as first argument and end date as second argument to `change()` method.
Start and end dates can be string of dates or instances of `DateTimeInterface`.

Following example will return rate change from USD to GBP and EUR between `2010-03-01` and `2010-04-01`.

$client->source('USD')->currency('GBP', 'EUR')->change('2010-03-01', '2010-04-01');

`change()` method returns instance of `Orkhanahmadov\Currencylayer\Data\Change`.
This class has following methods that you can use:

* `source()` - Returns source currency (for example, `USD`)
* `startDate()` - Returns `DateTimeInterface` start date
* `endDate()` - Returns `DateTimeInterface` start date
* `quotes()` - Returns array of currency change rates between start and end date
* `rate()` - Accepts currency code as an argument and returns currency rate for given start date
* `endRate()` - Accepts currency code as an argument and returns currency rate for given end date
* `amount()` - Accepts currency code as an argument and currency rate's change in amount
* `percentage()` - Accepts currency code as an argument and currency rate's change in percentage

### `list()`

Use this method to get list of all available currencies.


Method will return array of currencies in `currencyCode => currencyName` structure.

### Testing

``` bash
composer test

### Changelog

Please see [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for more information what has changed recently.

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.

### Security

If you discover any security related issues, please email ahmadov90@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.

## Credits

- [Orkhan Ahmadov](https://github.com/orkhanahmadov)
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.