FROM alpine:3.20
# Because this image is built for SQLite, we create /home/ory and /home/ory/sqlite which is owned by the ory user
# and declare /home/ory/sqlite a volume.
# To get SQLite and Docker Volumes working with this image, mount the volume where SQLite should be written to at:
# /home/ory/sqlite/some-file.
RUN addgroup -S ory; \
adduser -S ory -G ory -D -h /home/ory -s /bin/nologin; \
chown -R ory:ory /home/ory && \
apk upgrade --no-cache && \
apk add --no-cache --upgrade --latest ca-certificates sqlite
WORKDIR /home/ory
COPY hydra /usr/bin/hydra
# By creating the sqlite folder as the ory user, the mounted volume will be owned by ory:ory, which
# is required for read/write of SQLite.
RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/sqlite && \
chown ory:ory /var/lib/sqlite
VOLUME /var/lib/sqlite
# Exposing the ory home directory
VOLUME /home/ory
# Declare the standard ports used by Hydra (4444 for public service endpoint, 4445 for admin service endpoint)
EXPOSE 4444 4445
USER ory
ENTRYPOINT ["hydra"]
CMD ["serve"]