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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package cli

import (







const (
    Limit                  = "limit"
    BatchSize              = "batch-size"
    KeepIfYounger          = "keep-if-younger"
    AccessLifespan         = "access-lifespan"
    RefreshLifespan        = "refresh-lifespan"
    ConsentRequestLifespan = "consent-request-lifespan"
    OnlyTokens             = "tokens"
    OnlyRequests           = "requests"
    OnlyGrants             = "grants"
    ReadFromEnv            = "read-from-env"
    Config                 = "config"

type JanitorHandler struct {
    slOpts []servicelocatorx.Option
    dOpts  []driver.OptionsModifier
    cOpts  []configx.OptionModifier

func NewJanitorHandler(slOpts []servicelocatorx.Option, dOpts []driver.OptionsModifier, cOpts []configx.OptionModifier) *JanitorHandler {
    return &JanitorHandler{
        slOpts: slOpts,
        dOpts:  dOpts,
        cOpts:  cOpts,

func (*JanitorHandler) Args(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    if len(args) == 0 &&
        !flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, ReadFromEnv) &&
        len(flagx.MustGetStringSlice(cmd, Config)) == 0 {

        fmt.Printf("%s\n", cmd.UsageString())
        //lint:ignore ST1005 formatted error string used in CLI output
        return fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s\n%s\n",
            "A DSN is required as a positional argument when not passing any of the following flags:",
            "- Using the environment variable with flag -e, --read-from-env",
            "- Using the config file with flag -c, --config")

    if !flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, OnlyTokens) && !flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, OnlyRequests) && !flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, OnlyGrants) {
        //lint:ignore ST1005 formatted error string used in CLI output
        return fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s\n", cmd.UsageString(),
            "Janitor requires at least one of --tokens, --requests or --grants to be set")

    limit := flagx.MustGetInt(cmd, Limit)
    batchSize := flagx.MustGetInt(cmd, BatchSize)
    if limit <= 0 || batchSize <= 0 {
        //lint:ignore ST1005 formatted error string used in CLI output
        return fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s\n", cmd.UsageString(),
            "Values for --limit and --batch-size should both be greater than 0")
    if batchSize > limit {
        //lint:ignore ST1005 formatted error string used in CLI output
        return fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s\n", cmd.UsageString(),
            "Value for --batch-size must not be greater than value for --limit")

    return nil

func (j *JanitorHandler) RunE(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    return purge(cmd, args, servicelocatorx.NewOptions(j.slOpts...), j.dOpts)

func purge(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, sl *servicelocatorx.Options, dOpts []driver.OptionsModifier) error {
    ctx := cmd.Context()
    var d driver.Registry

    co := []configx.OptionModifier{

    keys := map[string]string{
        AccessLifespan:         config.KeyAccessTokenLifespan,
        RefreshLifespan:        config.KeyRefreshTokenLifespan,
        ConsentRequestLifespan: config.KeyConsentRequestMaxAge,

    for k, v := range keys {
        if x := flagx.MustGetDuration(cmd, k); x > 0 {
            co = append(co, configx.WithValue(v, x))

    notAfter := time.Now()

    if keepYounger := flagx.MustGetDuration(cmd, KeepIfYounger); keepYounger > 0 {
        notAfter = notAfter.Add(-keepYounger)

    if !flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, ReadFromEnv) && len(flagx.MustGetStringSlice(cmd, Config)) == 0 {
        co = append(co, configx.WithValue(config.KeyDSN, args[0]))

    do := append(dOpts,

    d, err := driver.New(ctx, sl, do)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Could not create driver")

    if len(d.Config().DSN()) == 0 {
        //lint:ignore ST1005 formatted error string used in CLI output
        return fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", cmd.UsageString(),
            "When using flag -e, environment variable DSN must be set.",
            "When using flag -c, the dsn property should be set.")

    p := d.Persister()

    limit := flagx.MustGetInt(cmd, Limit)
    batchSize := flagx.MustGetInt(cmd, BatchSize)

    var routineFlags []string

    if flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, OnlyTokens) {
        routineFlags = append(routineFlags, OnlyTokens)

    if flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, OnlyRequests) {
        routineFlags = append(routineFlags, OnlyRequests)

    if flagx.MustGetBool(cmd, OnlyGrants) {
        routineFlags = append(routineFlags, OnlyGrants)

    return cleanupRun(cmd.Context(), notAfter, limit, batchSize, addRoutine(cmd.OutOrStdout(), p, routineFlags...)...)

func addRoutine(out io.Writer, p persistence.Persister, names ...string) []cleanupRoutine {
    var routines []cleanupRoutine
    for _, n := range names {
        switch n {
        case OnlyTokens:
            routines = append(routines, cleanup(out, p.FlushInactiveAccessTokens, "access tokens"))
            routines = append(routines, cleanup(out, p.FlushInactiveRefreshTokens, "refresh tokens"))
        case OnlyRequests:
            routines = append(routines, cleanup(out, p.FlushInactiveLoginConsentRequests, "login-consent requests"))
        case OnlyGrants:
            routines = append(routines, cleanup(out, p.FlushInactiveGrants, "grants"))
    return routines

type cleanupRoutine func(ctx context.Context, notAfter time.Time, limit int, batchSize int) error

func cleanup(out io.Writer, cr cleanupRoutine, routineName string) cleanupRoutine {
    return func(ctx context.Context, notAfter time.Time, limit int, batchSize int) error {
        if err := cr(ctx, notAfter, limit, batchSize); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(errorsx.WithStack(err), fmt.Sprintf("Could not cleanup inactive %s", routineName))
        fmt.Fprintf(out, "Successfully completed Janitor run on %s\n", routineName)
        return nil

func cleanupRun(ctx context.Context, notAfter time.Time, limit int, batchSize int, routines ...cleanupRoutine) error {
    if len(routines) == 0 {
        return errors.New("clean up run received 0 routines")

    for _, r := range routines {
        if err := r(ctx, notAfter, limit, batchSize); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil