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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package cmd

import (


    hydra "github.com/ory/hydra-client-go/v2"

func NewImportClientCmd() *cobra.Command {
    cmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use:     "oauth2-client <file-1.json> [<file-2.json> ...]",
        Aliases: []string{"client", "clients", "oauth2-clients"},
        Short:   "Import one or more OAuth 2.0 Clients from files or STDIN",
        Example: `Import an example OAuth2 Client:
    cat > ./file.json <<EOF
        "grant_types": ["implicit"],
        "scope": "openid"
        "grant_types": ["authorize_code"],
        "scope": "openid"

    {{ .CommandPath }} file.json


    cat file.json | {{ .CommandPath }}

To encrypt an auto-generated OAuth2 Client Secret, use flags ` + "`--pgp-key`" + `, ` + "`--pgp-key-url`" + ` or ` + "`--keybase`" + ` flag, for example:

  {{ .CommandPath }} -n "my app" -g client_credentials -r token -a core,foobar --keybase keybase_username
        Long: `This command reads in each listed JSON file and imports their contents as a list of OAuth 2.0 Clients.

The format for the JSON file is:

    "client_secret": "...",
    // ... all other fields of the OAuth 2.0 Client model are allowed here

Please be aware that this command does not update existing clients. If the client exists already, this command will fail.`,
        RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
            m, _, err := cliclient.NewClient(cmd)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            ek, encryptSecret, err := cli.NewEncryptionKey(cmd, nil)
            if err != nil {
                _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(cmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Failed to load encryption key: %s", err)
                return cmdx.FailSilently(cmd)

            streams := map[string]io.Reader{"STDIN": cmd.InOrStdin()}
            for _, path := range args {
                contents, err := os.ReadFile(path)
                if err != nil {
                    _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(cmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Could not open file %s: %s", path, err)
                    return cmdx.FailSilently(cmd)
                streams[path] = bytes.NewReader(contents)

            clients := map[string][]hydra.OAuth2Client{}
            for src, stream := range streams {
                var current []hydra.OAuth2Client
                if err := json.NewDecoder(stream).Decode(&current); err != nil {
                    if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
                    _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(cmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Could not decode JSON: %s", err)
                    return cmdx.FailSilently(cmd)
                clients[src] = append(clients[src], current...)

            imported := make([]hydra.OAuth2Client, 0, len(clients))
            failed := make(map[string]error)

            for src, cc := range clients {
                for _, c := range cc {
                    result, _, err := m.OAuth2Api.CreateOAuth2Client(cmd.Context()).OAuth2Client(c).Execute() //nolint:bodyclose
                    if err != nil {
                        failed[src] = cmdx.PrintOpenAPIError(cmd, err)

                    if result.ClientSecret == nil {
                        result.ClientSecret = c.ClientSecret

                    if encryptSecret && result.ClientSecret != nil {
                        enc, err := ek.Encrypt([]byte(*result.ClientSecret))
                        if err != nil {
                            _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(cmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Failed to encrypt client secret: %s", err)
                            return cmdx.FailSilently(cmd)

                        result.ClientSecret = pointerx.String(enc.Base64Encode())

                    imported = append(imported, *result)

            if len(imported) == 1 {
                cmdx.PrintRow(cmd, (*outputOAuth2Client)(&imported[0]))
            } else {
                cmdx.PrintTable(cmd, &outputOAuth2ClientCollection{clients: imported})

            if len(failed) != 0 {
                cmdx.PrintErrors(cmd, failed)
                return cmdx.FailSilently(cmd)

            return nil

    return cmd