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// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package cmd

import (



func NewJanitorCmd(slOpts []servicelocatorx.Option, dOpts []driver.OptionsModifier, cOpts []configx.OptionModifier) *cobra.Command {
    cmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use:     "janitor [<database-url>]",
        Short:   "This command cleans up stale database rows.",
        Example: `hydra janitor --keep-if-younger 23h --access-lifespan 1h --refresh-lifespan 40h --consent-request-lifespan 10m <database-url>`,
        Long: `This command cleans up stale database rows. This will select records to delete with a limit
and delete records in batch to ensure that no table locking issues arise in big production

### Warning ###

This command is irreversible. Proceed with caution!

This is a destructive command and will purge data directly from the database. Please use
this command with caution.


Janitor can be used in several ways.

1. By passing the database connection string (DSN) as an argument
   Pass the database url (dsn) as an argument to janitor. E.g. janitor {database-url}
2. By passing the DSN as an environment variable

        export DSN=...
        janitor -e

3. By passing a configuration file containing the DSN
   janitor -c /path/to/conf.yml
4. Extra *optional* parameters can also be added such as

        hydra janitor --keep-if-younger 23h --access-lifespan 1h --refresh-lifespan 40h --consent-request-lifespan 10m {database-url}

5. Running only a certain cleanup

        hydra janitor --tokens {database-url}


        hydra janitor --requests {database-url}


        hydra janitor --grants {database-url}

   or any combination of them

        hydra janitor --tokens --requests --grants {database-url}
        RunE: cli.NewHandler(slOpts, dOpts, cOpts).Janitor.RunE,
        Args: cli.NewHandler(slOpts, dOpts, cOpts).Janitor.Args,
    cmd.Flags().Int(cli.Limit, 10000, "Limit the number of records retrieved from database for deletion.")
    cmd.Flags().Int(cli.BatchSize, 100, "Define how many records are deleted with each iteration.")
    cmd.Flags().Duration(cli.KeepIfYounger, 0, "Keep database records that are younger than a specified duration e.g. 1s, 1m, 1h.")
    cmd.Flags().Duration(cli.AccessLifespan, 0, "Set the access token lifespan e.g. 1s, 1m, 1h.")
    cmd.Flags().Duration(cli.RefreshLifespan, 0, "Set the refresh token lifespan e.g. 1s, 1m, 1h.")
    cmd.Flags().Duration(cli.ConsentRequestLifespan, 0, "Set the login/consent request lifespan e.g. 1s, 1m, 1h")
    cmd.Flags().Bool(cli.OnlyRequests, false, "This will only run the cleanup on requests and will skip token and trust relationships cleanup.")
    cmd.Flags().Bool(cli.OnlyTokens, false, "This will only run the cleanup on tokens and will skip requests and trust relationships cleanup.")
    cmd.Flags().Bool(cli.OnlyGrants, false, "This will only run the cleanup on trust relationships and will skip requests and token cleanup.")
    cmd.Flags().BoolP(cli.ReadFromEnv, "e", false, "If set, reads the database connection string from the environment variable DSN or config file key dsn.")
    return cmd
