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// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package cmd

import (



// allCmd represents the all command
func NewServeAllCmd(slOpts []servicelocatorx.Option, dOpts []driver.OptionsModifier, cOpts []configx.OptionModifier) *cobra.Command {
    return &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "all",
        Short: "Serves both public and administrative HTTP/2 APIs",
        Long: `Starts a process which listens on two ports for public and administrative HTTP/2 API requests.

If you want more granular control (e.g. different TLS settings) over each API group (administrative, public) you
can run "serve admin" and "serve public" separately.

This command exposes a variety of controls via environment variables. You can
set environments using "export KEY=VALUE" (Linux/macOS) or "set KEY=VALUE" (Windows). On Linux,
you can also set environments by prepending key value pairs: "KEY=VALUE KEY2=VALUE2 hydra"

All possible controls are listed below. This command exposes exposes command line flags, which are listed below
the controls section.

` + serveControls,
        RunE: server.RunServeAll(slOpts, dOpts, cOpts),