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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2023 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//go:build !flagka

package consent

import (




// WARNING - changes in this file need to be mirrored elsewhere.

func createCsrfSession(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, conf x.CookieConfigProvider, store sessions.Store, name string, csrfValue string, maxAge time.Duration) error {
    // Errors can be ignored here, because we always get a session back. Error typically means that the
    // session doesn't exist yet.
    session, _ := store.Get(r, name)

    sameSite := conf.CookieSameSiteMode(r.Context())
    if isLegacyCsrfSessionName(name) {
        sameSite = 0

    session.Values["csrf"] = csrfValue
    session.Options.HttpOnly = true
    session.Options.Secure = conf.CookieSecure(r.Context())
    session.Options.SameSite = sameSite
    session.Options.Domain = conf.CookieDomain(r.Context())
    session.Options.MaxAge = int(maxAge.Seconds())
    if err := session.Save(r, w); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(err)

    if sameSite == http.SameSiteNoneMode && conf.CookieSameSiteLegacyWorkaround(r.Context()) {
        return createCsrfSession(w, r, conf, store, legacyCsrfSessionName(name), csrfValue, maxAge)

    return nil

func ValidateCsrfSession(r *http.Request, conf x.CookieConfigProvider, store sessions.Store, name, expectedCSRF string, f *flow.Flow) error {
    if cookie, err := getCsrfSession(r, store, conf, name); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrRequestForbidden.WithHint("CSRF session cookie could not be decoded."))
    } else if csrf, err := mapx.GetString(cookie.Values, "csrf"); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrRequestForbidden.WithHint("No CSRF value available in the session cookie."))
    } else if csrf != expectedCSRF {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrRequestForbidden.WithHint("The CSRF value from the token does not match the CSRF value from the data store."))

    return nil

func getCsrfSession(r *http.Request, store sessions.Store, conf x.CookieConfigProvider, name string) (*sessions.Session, error) {
    cookie, err := store.Get(r, name)
    if !isLegacyCsrfSessionName(name) && conf.CookieSameSiteMode(r.Context()) == http.SameSiteNoneMode && conf.CookieSameSiteLegacyWorkaround(r.Context()) && (err != nil || len(cookie.Values) == 0) {
        return store.Get(r, legacyCsrfSessionName(name))
    return cookie, err

func legacyCsrfSessionName(name string) string {
    return name + "_legacy"

func isLegacyCsrfSessionName(name string) bool {
    return strings.HasSuffix(name, "_legacy")