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6 days
Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package consent

import (
    stderrs "errors"




const (
    CookieAuthenticationSIDName = "sid"

type DefaultStrategy struct {
    c *config.DefaultProvider
    r InternalRegistry

func NewStrategy(
    r InternalRegistry,
    c *config.DefaultProvider,
) *DefaultStrategy {
    return &DefaultStrategy{
        c: c,
        r: r,

var ErrAbortOAuth2Request = stderrs.New("the OAuth 2.0 Authorization request must be aborted")
var ErrNoPreviousConsentFound = stderrs.New("no previous OAuth 2.0 Consent could be found for this access request")
var ErrNoAuthenticationSessionFound = stderrs.New("no previous login session was found")
var ErrHintDoesNotMatchAuthentication = stderrs.New("subject from hint does not match subject from session")

func (s *DefaultStrategy) matchesValueFromSession(ctx context.Context, c fosite.Client, hintSubject string, sessionSubject string) error {
    obfuscatedUserID, err := s.ObfuscateSubjectIdentifier(ctx, c, sessionSubject, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var forcedObfuscatedUserID string
    if s, err := s.r.ConsentManager().GetForcedObfuscatedLoginSession(ctx, c.GetID(), hintSubject); errors.Is(err, x.ErrNotFound) {
        // do nothing
    } else if err != nil {
        return err
    } else {
        forcedObfuscatedUserID = s.SubjectObfuscated

    if hintSubject != sessionSubject && hintSubject != obfuscatedUserID && hintSubject != forcedObfuscatedUserID {
        return ErrHintDoesNotMatchAuthentication

    return nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) authenticationSession(ctx context.Context, _ http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*flow.LoginSession, error) {
    store, err := s.r.CookieStore(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // We try to open the session cookie. If it does not exist (indicated by the error), we must authenticate the user.
    cookie, err := store.Get(r, s.c.SessionCookieName(ctx))
    if err != nil {
            WithError(err).Debug("User logout skipped because cookie store returned an error.")
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrNoAuthenticationSessionFound)

    sessionID := mapx.GetStringDefault(cookie.Values, CookieAuthenticationSIDName, "")
    if sessionID == "" {
            Debug("User logout skipped because cookie exists but session value is empty.")
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrNoAuthenticationSessionFound)

    session, err := s.r.ConsentManager().GetRememberedLoginSession(r.Context(), nil, sessionID)
    if errors.Is(err, x.ErrNotFound) {
            Debug("User logout skipped because cookie exists and session value exist but are not remembered any more.")
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrNoAuthenticationSessionFound)
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return session, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) requestAuthentication(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ar fosite.AuthorizeRequester) (err error) {
    ctx, span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx).TracerProvider().Tracer("").Start(ctx, "DefaultStrategy.requestAuthentication")
    defer otelx.End(span, &err)

    prompt := stringsx.Splitx(ar.GetRequestForm().Get("prompt"), " ")
    if stringslice.Has(prompt, "login") {
        return s.forwardAuthenticationRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, "", time.Time{}, nil)

    session, err := s.authenticationSession(ctx, w, r)
    if errors.Is(err, ErrNoAuthenticationSessionFound) {
        return s.forwardAuthenticationRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, "", time.Time{}, nil)
    } else if err != nil {
        return err

    maxAge := int64(-1)
    if ma := ar.GetRequestForm().Get("max_age"); len(ma) > 0 {
        var err error
        maxAge, err = strconv.ParseInt(ma, 10, 64)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    if maxAge > -1 && time.Time(session.AuthenticatedAt).UTC().Add(time.Second*time.Duration(maxAge)).Before(time.Now().UTC()) {
        if stringslice.Has(prompt, "none") {
            return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrLoginRequired.WithHint("Request failed because prompt is set to 'none' and authentication time reached 'max_age'."))
        return s.forwardAuthenticationRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, "", time.Time{}, nil)

    idTokenHint := ar.GetRequestForm().Get("id_token_hint")
    if idTokenHint == "" {
        return s.forwardAuthenticationRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, session.Subject, time.Time(session.AuthenticatedAt), session)

    hintSub, err := s.getSubjectFromIDTokenHint(r.Context(), idTokenHint)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err := s.matchesValueFromSession(r.Context(), ar.GetClient(), hintSub, session.Subject); errors.Is(err, ErrHintDoesNotMatchAuthentication) {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrLoginRequired.WithHint("Request failed because subject claim from id_token_hint does not match subject from authentication session."))

    return s.forwardAuthenticationRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, session.Subject, time.Time(session.AuthenticatedAt), session)

func (s *DefaultStrategy) getIDTokenHintClaims(ctx context.Context, idTokenHint string) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
    token, err := s.r.OpenIDJWTStrategy().Decode(ctx, idTokenHint)
    if ve := new(jwt.ValidationError); errors.As(err, &ve) && ve.Errors == jwt.ValidationErrorExpired {
        // Expired is ok
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(err.Error()))
    return token.Claims, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) getSubjectFromIDTokenHint(ctx context.Context, idTokenHint string) (string, error) {
    claims, err := s.getIDTokenHintClaims(ctx, idTokenHint)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    sub, _ := claims["sub"].(string)
    if sub == "" {
        return "", errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint("Failed to validate OpenID Connect request because provided id token from id_token_hint does not have a subject."))

    return sub, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) forwardAuthenticationRequest(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ar fosite.AuthorizeRequester, subject string, authenticatedAt time.Time, session *flow.LoginSession) error {
    if (subject != "" && authenticatedAt.IsZero()) || (subject == "" && !authenticatedAt.IsZero()) {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Consent strategy returned a non-empty subject with an empty auth date, or an empty subject with a non-empty auth date."))

    skip := false
    if subject != "" {
        skip = true

    // Let's validate that prompt is actually not "none" if we can't skip authentication
    prompt := stringsx.Splitx(ar.GetRequestForm().Get("prompt"), " ")
    if stringslice.Has(prompt, "none") && !skip {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrLoginRequired.WithHint(`Prompt 'none' was requested, but no existing login session was found.`))

    // Set up csrf/challenge/verifier values
    verifier := strings.Replace(uuid.New(), "-", "", -1)
    challenge := strings.Replace(uuid.New(), "-", "", -1)
    csrf := strings.Replace(uuid.New(), "-", "", -1)

    // Generate the request URL
    iu := s.c.OAuth2AuthURL(ctx)
    iu.RawQuery = r.URL.RawQuery

    var idTokenHintClaims jwt.MapClaims
    if idTokenHint := ar.GetRequestForm().Get("id_token_hint"); len(idTokenHint) > 0 {
        claims, err := s.getIDTokenHintClaims(r.Context(), idTokenHint)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        idTokenHintClaims = claims

    sessionID := uuid.New()
    if session != nil {
        sessionID = session.ID

    // Set the session
    cl := sanitizeClientFromRequest(ar)
    loginRequest := &flow.LoginRequest{
        ID:                challenge,
        Verifier:          verifier,
        CSRF:              csrf,
        Skip:              skip,
        RequestedScope:    []string(ar.GetRequestedScopes()),
        RequestedAudience: []string(ar.GetRequestedAudience()),
        Subject:           subject,
        Client:            cl,
        RequestURL:        iu.String(),
        AuthenticatedAt:   sqlxx.NullTime(authenticatedAt),
        RequestedAt:       time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC(),
        SessionID:         sqlxx.NullString(sessionID),
        OpenIDConnectContext: &flow.OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext{
            IDTokenHintClaims: idTokenHintClaims,
            ACRValues:         stringsx.Splitx(ar.GetRequestForm().Get("acr_values"), " "),
            UILocales:         stringsx.Splitx(ar.GetRequestForm().Get("ui_locales"), " "),
            Display:           ar.GetRequestForm().Get("display"),
            LoginHint:         ar.GetRequestForm().Get("login_hint"),
    f, err := s.r.ConsentManager().CreateLoginRequest(
    if err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(err)

    store, err := s.r.CookieStore(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    clientSpecificCookieNameLoginCSRF := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", s.r.Config().CookieNameLoginCSRF(ctx), cl.CookieSuffix())
    if err := createCsrfSession(w, r, s.r.Config(), store, clientSpecificCookieNameLoginCSRF, csrf, s.c.ConsentRequestMaxAge(ctx)); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(err)

    encodedFlow, err := f.ToLoginChallenge(ctx, s.r)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var baseURL *url.URL
    if stringslice.Has(prompt, "registration") {
        baseURL = s.c.RegistrationURL(ctx)
    } else {
        baseURL = s.c.LoginURL(ctx)

    http.Redirect(w, r, urlx.SetQuery(baseURL, url.Values{"login_challenge": {encodedFlow}}).String(), http.StatusFound)

    // generate the verifier
    return errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)

func (s *DefaultStrategy) revokeAuthenticationSession(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
    store, err := s.r.CookieStore(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    sid, err := s.revokeAuthenticationCookie(w, r, store)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if sid == "" {
        return nil

    _, err = s.r.ConsentManager().DeleteLoginSession(r.Context(), sid)

    return err

func (s *DefaultStrategy) revokeAuthenticationCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ss sessions.Store) (string, error) {
    ctx := r.Context()
    cookie, _ := ss.Get(r, s.c.SessionCookieName(ctx))
    sid, _ := mapx.GetString(cookie.Values, CookieAuthenticationSIDName)

    cookie.Values[CookieAuthenticationSIDName] = ""
    cookie.Options.HttpOnly = true
    cookie.Options.Path = s.c.SessionCookiePath(ctx)
    cookie.Options.SameSite = s.c.CookieSameSiteMode(ctx)
    cookie.Options.Secure = s.c.CookieSecure(ctx)
    cookie.Options.Domain = s.c.CookieDomain(ctx)
    cookie.Options.MaxAge = -1

    if err := cookie.Save(r, w); err != nil {
        return "", errorsx.WithStack(err)

    return sid, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) verifyAuthentication(
    ctx context.Context,
    w http.ResponseWriter,
    r *http.Request,
    req fosite.AuthorizeRequester,
    verifier string,
) (_ *flow.Flow, err error) {
    ctx, span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx).TracerProvider().Tracer("").Start(ctx, "DefaultStrategy.verifyAuthentication")
    defer otelx.End(span, &err)

    // We decode the flow from the cookie again because VerifyAndInvalidateLoginRequest does not return the flow
    f, err := flowctx.Decode[flow.Flow](ctx, s.r.FlowCipher(), verifier, flowctx.AsLoginVerifier)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrAccessDenied.WithHint("The login verifier is invalid."))

    session, err := s.r.ConsentManager().VerifyAndInvalidateLoginRequest(ctx, verifier)
    if errors.Is(err, sqlcon.ErrNoRows) {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrAccessDenied.WithHint("The login verifier has already been used, has not been granted, or is invalid."))
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if session.HasError() {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(session.Error.ToRFCError())

    if session.RequestedAt.Add(s.c.ConsentRequestMaxAge(ctx)).Before(time.Now()) {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrRequestUnauthorized.WithHint("The login request has expired. Please try again."))

    store, err := s.r.CookieStore(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    clientSpecificCookieNameLoginCSRF := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", s.r.Config().CookieNameLoginCSRF(ctx), session.LoginRequest.Client.CookieSuffix())
    if err := ValidateCsrfSession(r, s.r.Config(), store, clientSpecificCookieNameLoginCSRF, session.LoginRequest.CSRF, f); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if session.LoginRequest.Skip && !session.Remember {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("The login request was previously remembered and can only be forgotten using the reject feature."))

    if session.LoginRequest.Skip && session.Subject != session.LoginRequest.Subject {
        // Revoke the session because there's clearly a mix up wrt the subject that's being authenticated
        if err := s.revokeAuthenticationSession(ctx, w, r); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("The login request is marked as remember, but the subject from the login confirmation does not match the original subject from the cookie."))

    subjectIdentifier, err := s.ObfuscateSubjectIdentifier(ctx, req.GetClient(), session.Subject, session.ForceSubjectIdentifier)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    sessionID := session.LoginRequest.SessionID.String()

    if err := s.r.OpenIDConnectRequestValidator().ValidatePrompt(ctx, &fosite.AuthorizeRequest{
        ResponseTypes: req.GetResponseTypes(),
        RedirectURI:   req.GetRedirectURI(),
        State:         req.GetState(),
        // HandledResponseTypes, this can be safely ignored because it's not being used by validation
        Request: fosite.Request{
            ID:                req.GetID(),
            RequestedAt:       req.GetRequestedAt(),
            Client:            req.GetClient(),
            RequestedAudience: req.GetRequestedAudience(),
            GrantedAudience:   req.GetGrantedAudience(),
            RequestedScope:    req.GetRequestedScopes(),
            GrantedScope:      req.GetGrantedScopes(),
            Form:              req.GetRequestForm(),
            Session: &openid.DefaultSession{
                Claims: &jwt.IDTokenClaims{
                    Subject:     subjectIdentifier,
                    IssuedAt:    time.Now().UTC(),                // doesn't matter
                    ExpiresAt:   time.Now().Add(time.Hour).UTC(), // doesn't matter
                    AuthTime:    time.Time(session.AuthenticatedAt),
                    RequestedAt: session.RequestedAt,
                Headers: &jwt.Headers{},
                Subject: session.Subject,
    }); errors.Is(err, fosite.ErrLoginRequired) {
        // This indicates that something went wrong with checking the subject id - let's destroy the session to be safe
        if err := s.revokeAuthenticationSession(ctx, w, r); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return nil, err
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if session.ForceSubjectIdentifier != "" {
        if err := s.r.ConsentManager().CreateForcedObfuscatedLoginSession(r.Context(), &ForcedObfuscatedLoginSession{
            Subject:           session.Subject,
            ClientID:          req.GetClient().GetID(),
            SubjectObfuscated: session.ForceSubjectIdentifier,
        }); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    if !session.LoginRequest.Skip {
        if time.Time(session.AuthenticatedAt).IsZero() {
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint(
                "Expected the handled login request to contain a valid authenticated_at value but it was zero. " +
                    "This is a bug which should be reported to https://github.com/ory/hydra."))

        if err := s.r.ConsentManager().ConfirmLoginSession(ctx, &flow.LoginSession{
            ID:                        sessionID,
            AuthenticatedAt:           session.AuthenticatedAt,
            Subject:                   session.Subject,
            IdentityProviderSessionID: sqlxx.NullString(session.IdentityProviderSessionID),
            Remember:                  session.Remember,
        }); err != nil {
            if errors.Is(err, sqlcon.ErrUniqueViolation) {
                return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrAccessDenied.WithHint("The login verifier has already been used."))
            return nil, err

    if !session.Remember && !session.LoginRequest.Skip {
        // If the session should not be remembered (and we're actually not skipping), than the user clearly don't
        // wants us to store a cookie. So let's bust the authentication session (if one exists).
        if err := s.revokeAuthenticationSession(ctx, w, r); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    if !session.Remember || session.LoginRequest.Skip && !session.ExtendSessionLifespan {
        // If the user doesn't want to remember the session, we do not store a cookie.
        // If login was skipped, it means an authentication cookie was present and
        // we don't want to touch it (in order to preserve its original expiry date)
        return f, nil

    // Not a skipped login and the user asked to remember its session, store a cookie
    cookie, _ := store.Get(r, s.c.SessionCookieName(ctx))
    cookie.Values[CookieAuthenticationSIDName] = sessionID
    if session.RememberFor >= 0 {
        cookie.Options.MaxAge = session.RememberFor
    cookie.Options.HttpOnly = true
    cookie.Options.Path = s.c.SessionCookiePath(ctx)
    cookie.Options.SameSite = s.c.CookieSameSiteMode(ctx)
    cookie.Options.Secure = s.c.CookieSecure(ctx)
    if err := cookie.Save(r, w); err != nil {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(err)

            "cookie_name":      s.c.SessionCookieName(ctx),
            "cookie_http_only": true,
            "cookie_same_site": s.c.CookieSameSiteMode(ctx),
            "cookie_secure":    s.c.CookieSecure(ctx),
        }).Debug("Authentication session cookie was set.")

    return f, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) requestConsent(
    ctx context.Context,
    w http.ResponseWriter,
    r *http.Request,
    ar fosite.AuthorizeRequester,
    f *flow.Flow,
) (err error) {
    ctx, span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx).TracerProvider().Tracer("").Start(ctx, "DefaultStrategy.requestConsent")
    defer otelx.End(span, &err)

    prompt := stringsx.Splitx(ar.GetRequestForm().Get("prompt"), " ")
    if stringslice.Has(prompt, "consent") {
        return s.forwardConsentRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, f, nil)

    // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749
    // As stated in Section 10.2 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749], the authorization
    // server SHOULD NOT process authorization requests automatically
    // without user consent or interaction, except when the identity of the
    // client can be assured.  This includes the case where the user has
    // previously approved an authorization request for a given client id --
    // unless the identity of the client can be proven, the request SHOULD
    // be processed as if no previous request had been approved.
    // Measures such as claimed "https" scheme redirects MAY be accepted by
    // authorization servers as identity proof.  Some operating systems may
    // offer alternative platform-specific identity features that MAY be
    // accepted, as appropriate.
    if ar.GetClient().IsPublic() {
        // The OpenID Connect Test Tool fails if this returns `consent_required` when `prompt=none` is used.
        // According to the quote above, it should be ok to allow https to skip consent.
        // This is tracked as issue: https://github.com/ory/hydra/issues/866
        // This is also tracked as upstream issue: https://github.com/openid-certification/oidctest/issues/97
        if !(ar.GetRedirectURI().Scheme == "https" || (fosite.IsLocalhost(ar.GetRedirectURI()) && ar.GetRedirectURI().Scheme == "http")) {
            return s.forwardConsentRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, f, nil)

    // This breaks OIDC Conformity Tests and is probably a bit paranoid.
    // if ar.GetResponseTypes().Has("token") {
    //      // We're probably requesting the implicit or hybrid flow in which case we MUST authenticate and authorize the request
    //      return s.forwardConsentRequest(w, r, ar, authenticationSession, nil)
    // }

    consentSessions, err := s.r.ConsentManager().FindGrantedAndRememberedConsentRequests(ctx, ar.GetClient().GetID(), f.Subject)
    if errors.Is(err, ErrNoPreviousConsentFound) {
        return s.forwardConsentRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, f, nil)
    } else if err != nil {
        return err

    if found := matchScopes(s.r.Config().GetScopeStrategy(ctx), consentSessions, ar.GetRequestedScopes()); found != nil {
        return s.forwardConsentRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, f, found)

    return s.forwardConsentRequest(ctx, w, r, ar, f, nil)

func (s *DefaultStrategy) forwardConsentRequest(
    ctx context.Context,
    w http.ResponseWriter,
    r *http.Request,
    ar fosite.AuthorizeRequester,
    f *flow.Flow,
    previousConsent *flow.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest,
) error {
    as := f.GetHandledLoginRequest()
    skip := false
    if previousConsent != nil {
        skip = true

    prompt := stringsx.Splitx(ar.GetRequestForm().Get("prompt"), " ")
    if stringslice.Has(prompt, "none") && !skip {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrConsentRequired.WithHint(`Prompt 'none' was requested, but no previous consent was found.`))

    // Set up csrf/challenge/verifier values
    verifier := strings.Replace(uuid.New(), "-", "", -1)
    challenge := strings.Replace(uuid.New(), "-", "", -1)
    csrf := strings.Replace(uuid.New(), "-", "", -1)

    cl := sanitizeClientFromRequest(ar)

    consentRequest := &flow.OAuth2ConsentRequest{
        ID:                     challenge,
        ACR:                    as.ACR,
        AMR:                    as.AMR,
        Verifier:               verifier,
        CSRF:                   csrf,
        Skip:                   skip,
        RequestedScope:         []string(ar.GetRequestedScopes()),
        RequestedAudience:      []string(ar.GetRequestedAudience()),
        Subject:                as.Subject,
        Client:                 cl,
        RequestURL:             as.LoginRequest.RequestURL,
        AuthenticatedAt:        as.AuthenticatedAt,
        RequestedAt:            as.RequestedAt,
        ForceSubjectIdentifier: as.ForceSubjectIdentifier,
        OpenIDConnectContext:   as.LoginRequest.OpenIDConnectContext,
        LoginSessionID:         as.LoginRequest.SessionID,
        LoginChallenge:         sqlxx.NullString(as.LoginRequest.ID),
        Context:                as.Context,
    err := s.r.ConsentManager().CreateConsentRequest(ctx, f, consentRequest)
    if err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(err)

    consentChallenge, err := f.ToConsentChallenge(ctx, s.r)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    store, err := s.r.CookieStore(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if f.Client.GetID() != cl.GetID() {
        return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidClient.WithHint("The flow client id does not match the authorize request client id."))

    clientSpecificCookieNameConsentCSRF := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", s.r.Config().CookieNameConsentCSRF(ctx), cl.CookieSuffix())
    if err := createCsrfSession(w, r, s.r.Config(), store, clientSpecificCookieNameConsentCSRF, csrf, s.c.ConsentRequestMaxAge(ctx)); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(err)

        w, r,
        urlx.SetQuery(s.c.ConsentURL(ctx), url.Values{"consent_challenge": {consentChallenge}}).String(),

    // generate the verifier
    return errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)

func (s *DefaultStrategy) verifyConsent(ctx context.Context, _ http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, verifier string) (_ *flow.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest, _ *flow.Flow, err error) {
    ctx, span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx).TracerProvider().Tracer("").Start(ctx, "DefaultStrategy.verifyConsent")
    defer otelx.End(span, &err)

    // We decode the flow here once again because VerifyAndInvalidateConsentRequest does not return the flow
    f, err := flowctx.Decode[flow.Flow](ctx, s.r.FlowCipher(), verifier, flowctx.AsConsentVerifier)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrAccessDenied.WithHint("The consent verifier has already been used, has not been granted, or is invalid."))
    if f.Client.GetID() != r.URL.Query().Get("client_id") {
        return nil, nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidClient.WithHint("The flow client id does not match the authorize request client id."))

    session, err := s.r.ConsentManager().VerifyAndInvalidateConsentRequest(ctx, verifier)
    if errors.Is(err, sqlcon.ErrUniqueViolation) {
        return nil, nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrAccessDenied.WithHint("The consent verifier has already been used."))
    } else if errors.Is(err, sqlcon.ErrNoRows) {
        return nil, nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrAccessDenied.WithHint("The consent verifier has already been used, has not been granted, or is invalid."))
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    if session.RequestedAt.Add(s.c.ConsentRequestMaxAge(ctx)).Before(time.Now()) {
        return nil, nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrRequestUnauthorized.WithHint("The consent request has expired, please try again."))

    if session.HasError() {
        return nil, nil, errorsx.WithStack(session.Error.ToRFCError())

    if time.Time(session.ConsentRequest.AuthenticatedAt).IsZero() {
        return nil, nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("The authenticatedAt value was not set."))

    store, err := s.r.CookieStore(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    clientSpecificCookieNameConsentCSRF := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", s.r.Config().CookieNameConsentCSRF(ctx), session.ConsentRequest.Client.CookieSuffix())
    if err := ValidateCsrfSession(r, s.r.Config(), store, clientSpecificCookieNameConsentCSRF, session.ConsentRequest.CSRF, f); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    if session.Session == nil {
        session.Session = flow.NewConsentRequestSessionData()

    if session.Session.AccessToken == nil {
        session.Session.AccessToken = map[string]interface{}{}

    if session.Session.IDToken == nil {
        session.Session.IDToken = map[string]interface{}{}

    session.AuthenticatedAt = session.ConsentRequest.AuthenticatedAt
    return session, f, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) generateFrontChannelLogoutURLs(ctx context.Context, subject, sid string) ([]string, error) {
    clients, err := s.r.ConsentManager().ListUserAuthenticatedClientsWithFrontChannelLogout(ctx, subject, sid)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var urls []string
    for _, c := range clients {
        u, err := url.Parse(c.FrontChannelLogoutURI)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrServerError.WithHintf("Unable to parse frontchannel_logout_uri because %s.", c.FrontChannelLogoutURI).WithDebug(err.Error()))

        urls = append(urls, urlx.SetQuery(u, url.Values{
            "iss": {s.c.IssuerURL(ctx).String()},
            "sid": {sid},

    return urls, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) executeBackChannelLogout(r *http.Request, subject, sid string) error {
    ctx := r.Context()
    clients, err := s.r.ConsentManager().ListUserAuthenticatedClientsWithBackChannelLogout(ctx, subject, sid)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    openIDKeyID, err := s.r.OpenIDJWTStrategy().GetPublicKeyID(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    type task struct {
        url      string
        token    string
        clientID string

    var tasks []task
    for _, c := range clients {
        // Getting the forced obfuscated login session is tricky because the user id could be obfuscated with a new
        // ID every time the algorithm is used. Thus, we would only get the most recent version. It therefore makes
        // sense to just use the sid.
        // s.r.ConsentManager().GetForcedObfuscatedLoginSession(context.Background(), subject, <missing>)
        // sub := s.obfuscateSubjectIdentifier(c, subject, )

        t, _, err := s.r.OpenIDJWTStrategy().Generate(ctx, jwt.MapClaims{
            "iss":    s.c.IssuerURL(ctx).String(),
            "aud":    []string{c.ID},
            "iat":    time.Now().UTC().Unix(),
            "jti":    uuid.New(),
            "events": map[string]struct{}{"http://schemas.openid.net/event/backchannel-logout": {}},
            "sid":    sid,
        }, &jwt.Headers{
            Extra: map[string]interface{}{"kid": openIDKeyID},
        if err != nil {
            return err

        tasks = append(tasks, task{url: c.BackChannelLogoutURI, clientID: c.GetID(), token: t})

    span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx)
    cl := s.r.HTTPClient(ctx)
    execute := func(t task) {
        log := s.r.Logger().WithRequest(r).
            WithField("client_id", t.clientID).
            WithField("backchannel_logout_url", t.url)

        body := url.Values{"logout_token": {t.token}}.Encode()
        req, err := retryablehttp.NewRequestWithContext(trace.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), span), "POST", t.url, []byte(body))
        if err != nil {
            log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to construct OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout Request")
        req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
        res, err := cl.Do(req)
        if err != nil {
            log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to execute OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout Request")
        defer res.Body.Close()

        if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK && res.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
            log.WithError(errors.Errorf("expected HTTP status code %d or %d but got %d", http.StatusOK, http.StatusNoContent, res.StatusCode)).
                Error("Unable to execute OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout Request")
        } else {
            log.Info("Back-Channel Logout Request")

    for _, t := range tasks {
        go execute(t)

    return nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) issueLogoutVerifier(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*flow.LogoutResult, error) {
    // There are two types of log out flows:
    // - RP initiated logout
    // - OP initiated logout

    // Per default, we're redirecting to the global redirect URL. This is assuming that we're not an RP-initiated
    // logout flow.
    redir := s.c.LogoutRedirectURL(ctx).String()

    if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.
            WithHintf("Logout failed because the '%s' request could not be parsed.", r.Method),

    hint := r.Form.Get("id_token_hint")
    state := r.Form.Get("state")
    requestedRedir := r.Form.Get("post_logout_redirect_uri")

    if len(hint) == 0 {
        // hint is not set, so this is an OP initiated logout

        if len(state) > 0 {
            // state can only be set if it's an RP-initiated logout flow. If not, we should throw an error.
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint("Logout failed because query parameter state is set but id_token_hint is missing."))

        if len(requestedRedir) > 0 {
            // post_logout_redirect_uri can only be set if it's an RP-initiated logout flow. If not, we should throw an error.
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint("Logout failed because query parameter post_logout_redirect_uri is set but id_token_hint is missing."))

        session, err := s.authenticationSession(ctx, w, r)
        if errors.Is(err, ErrNoAuthenticationSessionFound) {
            // OP initiated log out but no session was found. Since we can not identify the user we can not call
            // any RPs.
                Info("User logout skipped because no authentication session exists.")
            http.Redirect(w, r, redir, http.StatusFound)
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)
        } else if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        challenge := uuid.New()
        if err := s.r.ConsentManager().CreateLogoutRequest(r.Context(), &flow.LogoutRequest{
            RequestURL:  r.URL.String(),
            ID:          challenge,
            Subject:     session.Subject,
            SessionID:   session.ID,
            Verifier:    uuid.New(),
            RPInitiated: false,

            // PostLogoutRedirectURI is set to the value from config.Provider().LogoutRedirectURL()
            PostLogoutRedirectURI: redir,
        }); err != nil {
            return nil, err

            Info("User logout requires user confirmation, redirecting to Logout UI.")
        http.Redirect(w, r, urlx.SetQuery(s.c.LogoutURL(ctx), url.Values{"logout_challenge": {challenge}}).String(), http.StatusFound)
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)

    claims, err := s.getIDTokenHintClaims(r.Context(), hint)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    mksi := mapx.KeyStringToInterface(claims)
    if !claims.VerifyIssuer(s.c.IssuerURL(ctx).String(), true) {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.
                `Logout failed because issuer claim value '%s' from query parameter id_token_hint does not match with issuer value from configuration '%s'.`,
                mapx.GetStringDefault(mksi, "iss", ""),

    now := time.Now().UTC().Unix()
    if !claims.VerifyIssuedAt(now, true) {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.
                `Logout failed because iat claim value '%.0f' from query parameter id_token_hint is before now ('%d').`,
                mapx.GetFloat64Default(mksi, "iat", float64(0)),

    hintSid := mapx.GetStringDefault(mksi, "sid", "")
    if len(hintSid) == 0 {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint("Logout failed because query parameter id_token_hint is missing sid claim."))

    // It doesn't really make sense to use the subject value from the ID Token because it might be obfuscated.
    if hintSub := mapx.GetStringDefault(mksi, "sub", ""); len(hintSub) == 0 {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint("Logout failed because query parameter id_token_hint is missing sub claim."))

    // Let's find the client by cycling through the audiences. Typically, we only have one audience
    var cl *client.Client
    for _, aud := range mapx.GetStringSliceDefault(
            mapx.GetStringDefault(mksi, "aud", ""),
    ) {
        c, err := s.r.ClientManager().GetConcreteClient(r.Context(), aud)
        if errors.Is(err, x.ErrNotFound) {
        } else if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        cl = c

    if cl == nil {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.
            WithHint("Logout failed because none of the listed audiences is a registered OAuth 2.0 Client."))

    if len(requestedRedir) > 0 {
        var f *url.URL
        for _, w := range cl.PostLogoutRedirectURIs {
            if w == requestedRedir {
                u, err := url.Parse(w)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrServerError.WithHintf("Unable to parse post_logout_redirect_uri '%s'.", w).WithDebug(err.Error()))

                f = u

        if f == nil {
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.
                WithHint("Logout failed because query parameter post_logout_redirect_uri is not a whitelisted as a post_logout_redirect_uri for the client."),

        params := url.Values{}
        if state != "" {
            params.Add("state", state)

        redir = urlx.SetQuery(f, params).String()

    // We do not really want to verify if the user (from id token hint) has a session here because it doesn't really matter.
    // Instead, we'll check this when we're actually revoking the cookie!
    session, err := s.r.ConsentManager().GetRememberedLoginSession(r.Context(), nil, hintSid)
    if errors.Is(err, x.ErrNotFound) {
        // Such a session does not exist - maybe it has already been revoked? In any case, we can't do much except
        // leaning back and redirecting back.
        http.Redirect(w, r, redir, http.StatusFound)
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    challenge := uuid.New()
    if err := s.r.ConsentManager().CreateLogoutRequest(r.Context(), &flow.LogoutRequest{
        RequestURL:  r.URL.String(),
        ID:          challenge,
        SessionID:   hintSid,
        Subject:     session.Subject,
        Verifier:    uuid.New(),
        Client:      cl,
        RPInitiated: true,

        // PostLogoutRedirectURI is set to the value from config.Provider().LogoutRedirectURL()
        PostLogoutRedirectURI: redir,
    }); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    http.Redirect(w, r, urlx.SetQuery(s.c.LogoutURL(ctx), url.Values{"logout_challenge": {challenge}}).String(), http.StatusFound)
    return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)

func (s *DefaultStrategy) performBackChannelLogoutAndDeleteSession(r *http.Request, subject string, sid string) error {
    ctx := r.Context()
    if err := s.executeBackChannelLogout(r, subject, sid); err != nil {
        return err

    // We delete the session after back channel log out has worked as the session is otherwise removed
    // from the store which will break the query for finding all the channels.
    // executeBackChannelLogout only fails on system errors so not on URL errors, so this should be fine
    // even if an upstream URL fails!
    if session, err := s.r.ConsentManager().DeleteLoginSession(ctx, sid); errors.Is(err, sqlcon.ErrNoRows) {
        // This is ok (session probably already revoked), do nothing!
    } else if err != nil {
        return err
    } else {
        innerErr := s.r.Kratos().DisableSession(ctx, session.IdentityProviderSessionID.String())
        if innerErr != nil {
            s.r.Logger().WithError(innerErr).WithField("sid", sid).Error("Unable to revoke session in ORY Kratos.")
        // We don't return the error here because we don't want to break the logout flow if Kratos is down.

    return nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) completeLogout(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*flow.LogoutResult, error) {
    verifier := r.URL.Query().Get("logout_verifier")

    lr, err := s.r.ConsentManager().VerifyAndInvalidateLogoutRequest(r.Context(), verifier)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !lr.RPInitiated {
        // If this is true it means that no id_token_hint was given, so the session id and subject id
        // came from an original cookie.

        session, err := s.authenticationSession(ctx, w, r)
        if errors.Is(err, ErrNoAuthenticationSessionFound) {
            // If we end up here it means that the cookie was revoked between the initial logout request
            // and ending up here - possibly due to a duplicate submit. In that case, we really have nothing to
            // do because the logout was already completed, apparently!

            // We also won't call any front- or back-channel logouts because that would mean we had called them twice!

            // OP initiated log out but no session was found. So let's just redirect back...
            http.Redirect(w, r, lr.PostLogoutRedirectURI, http.StatusFound)
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)
        } else if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if session.Subject != lr.Subject {
            // If we end up here it means that the authentication cookie changed between the initial logout request
            // and landing here. That could happen because the user signed in in another browser window. In that
            // case there isn't really a lot to do because we don't want to sign out a different ID, so let's just
            // go to the post redirect uri without actually doing anything!
            http.Redirect(w, r, lr.PostLogoutRedirectURI, http.StatusFound)
            return nil, errorsx.WithStack(ErrAbortOAuth2Request)

    store, err := s.r.CookieStore(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, _ = s.revokeAuthenticationCookie(w, r, store) // Cookie removal is optional

    urls, err := s.generateFrontChannelLogoutURLs(r.Context(), lr.Subject, lr.SessionID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err := s.performBackChannelLogoutAndDeleteSession(r, lr.Subject, lr.SessionID); err != nil {
        return nil, err

        WithField("subject", lr.Subject).
        Info("User logout completed!")

    return &flow.LogoutResult{
        RedirectTo:             lr.PostLogoutRedirectURI,
        FrontChannelLogoutURLs: urls,
    }, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) HandleOpenIDConnectLogout(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*flow.LogoutResult, error) {
    verifier := r.URL.Query().Get("logout_verifier")
    if verifier == "" {
        return s.issueLogoutVerifier(ctx, w, r)

    return s.completeLogout(ctx, w, r)

func (s *DefaultStrategy) HandleHeadlessLogout(ctx context.Context, _ http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, sid string) error {
    loginSession, lsErr := s.r.ConsentManager().GetRememberedLoginSession(ctx, nil, sid)

    if errors.Is(lsErr, x.ErrNotFound) {
        // This is ok (session probably already revoked), do nothing!
        // Not triggering the back-channel logout because subject is not available
        // See https://github.com/ory/hydra/pull/3450#discussion_r1127798485
        return nil
    } else if lsErr != nil {
        return lsErr

    if err := s.performBackChannelLogoutAndDeleteSession(r, loginSession.Subject, sid); err != nil {
        return err

        WithField("subject", loginSession.Subject).
        WithField("sid", sid).
        Info("User logout completed via headless flow!")

    return nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) HandleOAuth2AuthorizationRequest(
    ctx context.Context,
    w http.ResponseWriter,
    r *http.Request,
    req fosite.AuthorizeRequester,
) (_ *flow.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest, _ *flow.Flow, err error) {
    ctx, span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx).TracerProvider().Tracer("").Start(ctx, "DefaultStrategy.HandleOAuth2AuthorizationRequest")
    defer otelx.End(span, &err)

    loginVerifier := strings.TrimSpace(req.GetRequestForm().Get("login_verifier"))
    consentVerifier := strings.TrimSpace(req.GetRequestForm().Get("consent_verifier"))
    if loginVerifier == "" && consentVerifier == "" {
        // ok, we need to process this request and redirect to auth endpoint
        return nil, nil, s.requestAuthentication(ctx, w, r, req)
    } else if loginVerifier != "" {
        f, err := s.verifyAuthentication(ctx, w, r, req, loginVerifier)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        // ok, we need to process this request and redirect to auth endpoint
        return nil, f, s.requestConsent(ctx, w, r, req, f)

    consentSession, f, err := s.verifyConsent(ctx, w, r, consentVerifier)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return consentSession, f, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) ObfuscateSubjectIdentifier(ctx context.Context, cl fosite.Client, subject, forcedIdentifier string) (string, error) {
    if c, ok := cl.(*client.Client); ok && c.SubjectType == "pairwise" {
        algorithm, ok := s.r.SubjectIdentifierAlgorithm(ctx)[c.SubjectType]
        if !ok {
            return "", errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHintf(`Subject Identifier Algorithm '%s' was requested by OAuth 2.0 Client '%s' but is not configured.`, c.SubjectType, c.GetID()))

        if len(forcedIdentifier) > 0 {
            return forcedIdentifier, nil

        return algorithm.Obfuscate(subject, c)
    } else if !ok {
        return "", errors.New("Unable to type assert OAuth 2.0 Client to *client.Client")
    return subject, nil

func (s *DefaultStrategy) loginSessionFromCookie(r *http.Request) *flow.LoginSession {
    clientID := r.URL.Query().Get("client_id")
    if clientID == "" {
        return nil
    ls, _ := flowctx.FromCookie[flow.LoginSession](r.Context(), r, s.r.FlowCipher(), flowctx.LoginSessionCookie(flowctx.SuffixFromStatic(clientID)))

    return ls