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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package flow

import (




const (
    ConsentRequestDeniedErrorName = "consent request denied"
    LoginRequestDeniedErrorName   = "login request denied"

// OAuth 2.0 Redirect Browser To
// Contains a redirect URL used to complete a login, consent, or logout request.
// swagger:model oAuth2RedirectTo
type OAuth2RedirectTo struct {
    // RedirectURL is the URL which you should redirect the user's browser to once the authentication process is completed.
    // required: true
    // in: body
    RedirectTo string `json:"redirect_to"`

// swagger:ignore
type LoginSession struct {
    ID                        string           `db:"id"`
    NID                       uuid.UUID        `db:"nid"`
    AuthenticatedAt           sqlxx.NullTime   `db:"authenticated_at"`
    Subject                   string           `db:"subject"`
    IdentityProviderSessionID sqlxx.NullString `db:"identity_provider_session_id"`
    Remember                  bool             `db:"remember"`

func (LoginSession) TableName() string {
    return "hydra_oauth2_authentication_session"

// The request payload used to accept a login or consent request.
// swagger:model rejectOAuth2Request
type RequestDeniedError struct {
    // The error should follow the OAuth2 error format (e.g. `invalid_request`, `login_required`).
    // Defaults to `request_denied`.
    Name string `json:"error"`

    // Description of the error in a human readable format.
    Description string `json:"error_description"`

    // Hint to help resolve the error.
    Hint string `json:"error_hint"`

    // Represents the HTTP status code of the error (e.g. 401 or 403)
    // Defaults to 400
    Code int `json:"status_code"`

    // Debug contains information to help resolve the problem as a developer. Usually not exposed
    // to the public but only in the server logs.
    Debug string `json:"error_debug"`

    // swagger:ignore
    Valid bool `json:"valid"`

func (e *RequestDeniedError) IsError() bool {
    return e != nil && e.Valid

func (e *RequestDeniedError) SetDefaults(name string) {
    if e.Name == "" {
        e.Name = name

    if e.Code == 0 {
        e.Code = http.StatusBadRequest

func (e *RequestDeniedError) ToRFCError() *fosite.RFC6749Error {
    if e.Name == "" {
        e.Name = "request_denied"

    if e.Code == 0 {
        e.Code = fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.CodeField

    return &fosite.RFC6749Error{
        ErrorField:       e.Name,
        DescriptionField: e.Description,
        HintField:        e.Hint,
        CodeField:        e.Code,
        DebugField:       e.Debug,

func (e *RequestDeniedError) Scan(value any) error {
    v := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)
    if len(v) == 0 || v == "{}" {
        return nil

    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), e); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(err)

    e.Valid = true
    return nil

func (e *RequestDeniedError) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
    if !e.IsError() {
        return "{}", nil

    value, err := json.Marshal(e)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errorsx.WithStack(err)

    return string(value), nil

// The request payload used to accept a consent request.
// swagger:model acceptOAuth2ConsentRequest
type AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest struct {
    // ID instead of Challenge because of pop
    ID string `json:"-"`

    // GrantScope sets the scope the user authorized the client to use. Should be a subset of `requested_scope`.
    GrantedScope sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"grant_scope"`

    // GrantedAudience sets the audience the user authorized the client to use. Should be a subset of `requested_access_token_audience`.
    GrantedAudience sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"grant_access_token_audience"`

    // Session allows you to set (optional) session data for access and ID tokens.
    Session *AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession `json:"session" faker:"-"`

    // Remember, if set to true, tells ORY Hydra to remember this consent authorization and reuse it if the same
    // client asks the same user for the same, or a subset of, scope.
    Remember bool `json:"remember"`

    // RememberFor sets how long the consent authorization should be remembered for in seconds. If set to `0`, the
    // authorization will be remembered indefinitely.
    RememberFor int `json:"remember_for"`

    // HandledAt contains the timestamp the consent request was handled.
    HandledAt sqlxx.NullTime `json:"handled_at"`

    // If set to true means that the request was already handled. This
    // can happen on form double-submit or other errors. If this is set
    // we recommend redirecting the user to `request_url` to re-initiate
    // the flow.
    WasHandled bool `json:"-"`

    // Context is an optional object which can hold arbitrary data. The data will be made available when fetching the
    // consent request under the "context" field. This is useful in scenarios where login and consent endpoints share
    // data.
    Context sqlxx.JSONRawMessage `json:"context"`

    ConsentRequest  *OAuth2ConsentRequest `json:"-"`
    Error           *RequestDeniedError   `json:"-"`
    RequestedAt     time.Time             `json:"-"`
    AuthenticatedAt sqlxx.NullTime        `json:"-"`

    SessionIDToken     sqlxx.MapStringInterface `json:"-" faker:"-"`
    SessionAccessToken sqlxx.MapStringInterface `json:"-" faker:"-"`

func (r *AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type Alias AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest
    alias := Alias(*r)

    if alias.Context == nil {
        alias.Context = []byte("{}")

    if alias.GrantedScope == nil {
        alias.GrantedScope = []string{}

    if alias.GrantedAudience == nil {
        alias.GrantedAudience = []string{}

    return json.Marshal(alias)

func (r *AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest) HasError() bool {
    return r.Error.IsError()

// List of OAuth 2.0 Consent Sessions
// swagger:model oAuth2ConsentSessions
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type oAuth2ConsentSessions []OAuth2ConsentSession

// OAuth 2.0 Consent Session
// A completed OAuth 2.0 Consent Session.
// swagger:model oAuth2ConsentSession
type OAuth2ConsentSession struct {
    ID string `json:"-" db:"challenge"`

    // Scope Granted
    // GrantScope sets the scope the user authorized the client to use. Should be a subset of `requested_scope`.
    GrantedScope sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"grant_scope" db:"granted_scope"`

    // Audience Granted
    // GrantedAudience sets the audience the user authorized the client to use. Should be a subset of `requested_access_token_audience`.
    GrantedAudience sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"grant_access_token_audience" db:"granted_at_audience"`

    // Session Details
    // Session allows you to set (optional) session data for access and ID tokens.
    Session *AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession `json:"session" db:"-"`

    // Remember Consent
    // Remember, if set to true, tells ORY Hydra to remember this consent authorization and reuse it if the same
    // client asks the same user for the same, or a subset of, scope.
    Remember bool `json:"remember" db:"remember"`

    // Remember Consent For
    // RememberFor sets how long the consent authorization should be remembered for in seconds. If set to `0`, the
    // authorization will be remembered indefinitely.
    RememberFor int `json:"remember_for" db:"remember_for"`

    // Consent Handled At
    // HandledAt contains the timestamp the consent request was handled.
    HandledAt sqlxx.NullTime `json:"handled_at" db:"handled_at"`

    // If set to true means that the request was already handled. This
    // can happen on form double-submit or other errors. If this is set
    // we recommend redirecting the user to `request_url` to re-initiate
    // the flow.
    WasHandled bool `json:"-" db:"was_used"`

    // Context is an optional object which can hold arbitrary data. The data will be made available when fetching the
    // consent request under the "context" field. This is useful in scenarios where login and consent endpoints share
    // data.
    Context sqlxx.JSONRawMessage `json:"context"`

    // Consent Request
    // The consent request that lead to this consent session.
    ConsentRequest *OAuth2ConsentRequest `json:"consent_request" db:"-"`

    Error           *RequestDeniedError `json:"-" db:"error"`
    RequestedAt     time.Time           `json:"-" db:"requested_at"`
    AuthenticatedAt sqlxx.NullTime      `json:"-" db:"authenticated_at"`

    SessionIDToken     sqlxx.MapStringInterface `db:"session_id_token" json:"-"`
    SessionAccessToken sqlxx.MapStringInterface `db:"session_access_token" json:"-"`

func (r *OAuth2ConsentSession) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type Alias OAuth2ConsentSession
    alias := Alias(*r)

    if alias.Context == nil {
        alias.Context = []byte("{}")

    if alias.GrantedScope == nil {
        alias.GrantedScope = []string{}

    if alias.GrantedAudience == nil {
        alias.GrantedAudience = []string{}

    return json.Marshal(alias)

// HandledLoginRequest is the request payload used to accept a login request.
// swagger:model acceptOAuth2LoginRequest
type HandledLoginRequest struct {
    // ID instead of challenge for pop
    ID string `json:"-"`

    // Remember, if set to true, tells ORY Hydra to remember this user by telling the user agent (browser) to store
    // a cookie with authentication data. If the same user performs another OAuth 2.0 Authorization Request, he/she
    // will not be asked to log in again.
    Remember bool `json:"remember"`

    // RememberFor sets how long the authentication should be remembered for in seconds. If set to `0`, the
    // authorization will be remembered for the duration of the browser session (using a session cookie).
    RememberFor int `json:"remember_for"`

    // Extend OAuth2 authentication session lifespan
    // If set to `true`, the OAuth2 authentication cookie lifespan is extended. This is for example useful if you want the user to be able to use `prompt=none` continuously.
    // This value can only be set to `true` if the user has an authentication, which is the case if the `skip` value is `true`.
    // required: false
    ExtendSessionLifespan bool `json:"extend_session_lifespan"`

    // ACR sets the Authentication AuthorizationContext Class Reference value for this authentication session. You can use it
    // to express that, for example, a user authenticated using two factor authentication.
    ACR string `json:"acr"`

    // AMR sets the Authentication Methods References value for this
    // authentication session. You can use it to specify the method a user used to
    // authenticate. For example, if the acr indicates a user used two factor
    // authentication, the amr can express they used a software-secured key.
    AMR sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"amr"`

    // Subject is the user ID of the end-user that authenticated.
    // required: true
    Subject string `json:"subject"`

    // IdentityProviderSessionID is the session ID of the end-user that authenticated.
    // If specified, we will use this value to propagate the logout.
    // required: false
    IdentityProviderSessionID string `json:"identity_provider_session_id,omitempty"`

    // ForceSubjectIdentifier forces the "pairwise" user ID of the end-user that authenticated. The "pairwise" user ID refers to the
    // (Pairwise Identifier Algorithm)[http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#PairwiseAlg] of the OpenID
    // Connect specification. It allows you to set an obfuscated subject ("user") identifier that is unique to the client.
    // Please note that this changes the user ID on endpoint /userinfo and sub claim of the ID Token. It does not change the
    // sub claim in the OAuth 2.0 Introspection.
    // Per default, ORY Hydra handles this value with its own algorithm. In case you want to set this yourself
    // you can use this field. Please note that setting this field has no effect if `pairwise` is not configured in
    // ORY Hydra or the OAuth 2.0 Client does not expect a pairwise identifier (set via `subject_type` key in the client's
    // configuration).
    // Please also be aware that ORY Hydra is unable to properly compute this value during authentication. This implies
    // that you have to compute this value on every authentication process (probably depending on the client ID or some
    // other unique value).
    // If you fail to compute the proper value, then authentication processes which have id_token_hint set might fail.
    ForceSubjectIdentifier string `json:"force_subject_identifier"`

    // Context is an optional object which can hold arbitrary data. The data will be made available when fetching the
    // consent request under the "context" field. This is useful in scenarios where login and consent endpoints share
    // data.
    Context sqlxx.JSONRawMessage `json:"context"`

    // If set to true means that the request was already handled. This
    // can happen on form double-submit or other errors. If this is set
    // we recommend redirecting the user to `request_url` to re-initiate
    // the flow.
    WasHandled bool `json:"-"`

    LoginRequest    *LoginRequest       `json:"-" faker:"-"`
    Error           *RequestDeniedError `json:"-"`
    RequestedAt     time.Time           `json:"-"`
    AuthenticatedAt sqlxx.NullTime      `json:"-"`

func (r *HandledLoginRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type Alias HandledLoginRequest
    alias := Alias(*r)
    if alias.Context == nil {
        alias.Context = []byte("{}")

    if alias.AMR == nil {
        alias.AMR = []string{}

    return json.Marshal(alias)

func (r *HandledLoginRequest) HasError() bool {
    return r.Error.IsError()

// Contains optional information about the OpenID Connect request.
// swagger:model oAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext
type OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext struct {
    // ACRValues is the Authentication AuthorizationContext Class Reference requested in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization request.
    // It is a parameter defined by OpenID Connect and expresses which level of authentication (e.g. 2FA) is required.
    // OpenID Connect defines it as follows:
    // > Requested Authentication AuthorizationContext Class Reference values. Space-separated string that specifies the acr values
    // that the Authorization Server is being requested to use for processing this Authentication Request, with the
    // values appearing in order of preference. The Authentication AuthorizationContext Class satisfied by the authentication
    // performed is returned as the acr Claim Value, as specified in Section 2. The acr Claim is requested as a
    // Voluntary Claim by this parameter.
    ACRValues []string `json:"acr_values,omitempty"`

    // UILocales is the End-User'id preferred languages and scripts for the user interface, represented as a
    // space-separated list of BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag values, ordered by preference. For instance, the value
    // "fr-CA fr en" represents a preference for French as spoken in Canada, then French (without a region designation),
    // followed by English (without a region designation). An error SHOULD NOT result if some or all of the requested
    // locales are not supported by the OpenID Provider.
    UILocales []string `json:"ui_locales,omitempty"`

    // Display is a string value that specifies how the Authorization Server displays the authentication and consent user interface pages to the End-User.
    // The defined values are:
    // - page: The Authorization Server SHOULD display the authentication and consent UI consistent with a full User Agent page view. If the display parameter is not specified, this is the default display mode.
    // - popup: The Authorization Server SHOULD display the authentication and consent UI consistent with a popup User Agent window. The popup User Agent window should be of an appropriate size for a login-focused dialog and should not obscure the entire window that it is popping up over.
    // - touch: The Authorization Server SHOULD display the authentication and consent UI consistent with a device that leverages a touch interface.
    // - wap: The Authorization Server SHOULD display the authentication and consent UI consistent with a "feature phone" type display.
    // The Authorization Server MAY also attempt to detect the capabilities of the User Agent and present an appropriate display.
    Display string `json:"display,omitempty"`

    // IDTokenHintClaims are the claims of the ID Token previously issued by the Authorization Server being passed as a hint about the
    // End-User's current or past authenticated session with the Client.
    IDTokenHintClaims map[string]interface{} `json:"id_token_hint_claims,omitempty" faker:"-"`

    // LoginHint hints about the login identifier the End-User might use to log in (if necessary).
    // This hint can be used by an RP if it first asks the End-User for their e-mail address (or other identifier)
    // and then wants to pass that value as a hint to the discovered authorization service. This value MAY also be a
    // phone number in the format specified for the phone_number Claim. The use of this parameter is optional.
    LoginHint string `json:"login_hint,omitempty"`

func (n *OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type Alias OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext
    alias := Alias(*n)
    if alias.IDTokenHintClaims == nil {
        alias.IDTokenHintClaims = map[string]interface{}{}

    if alias.ACRValues == nil {
        alias.ACRValues = []string{}

    if alias.UILocales == nil {
        alias.UILocales = []string{}

    return json.Marshal(alias)

func (n *OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext) Scan(value interface{}) error {
    v := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)
    if len(v) == 0 {
        return nil
    return errorsx.WithStack(json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), n))

func (n *OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
    value, err := json.Marshal(n)
    return value, errorsx.WithStack(err)

// Contains information about an ongoing logout request.
// swagger:model oAuth2LogoutRequest
type LogoutRequest struct {
    // Challenge is the identifier ("logout challenge") of the logout authentication request. It is used to
    // identify the session.
    ID  string    `json:"challenge" db:"challenge"`
    NID uuid.UUID `json:"-" db:"nid"`

    // Subject is the user for whom the logout was request.
    Subject string `json:"subject" db:"subject"`

    // SessionID is the login session ID that was requested to log out.
    SessionID string `json:"sid,omitempty" db:"sid"`

    // RequestURL is the original Logout URL requested.
    RequestURL string `json:"request_url" db:"request_url"`

    // RPInitiated is set to true if the request was initiated by a Relying Party (RP), also known as an OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RPInitiated bool `json:"rp_initiated" db:"rp_initiated"`

    // If set to true means that the request was already handled. This
    // can happen on form double-submit or other errors. If this is set
    // we recommend redirecting the user to `request_url` to re-initiate
    // the flow.
    WasHandled bool `json:"-" db:"was_used"`

    Verifier              string         `json:"-" db:"verifier"`
    PostLogoutRedirectURI string         `json:"-" db:"redir_url"`
    Accepted              bool           `json:"-" db:"accepted"`
    Rejected              bool           `db:"rejected" json:"-"`
    ClientID              sql.NullString `json:"-" db:"client_id"`
    ExpiresAt             sqlxx.NullTime `json:"expires_at" db:"expires_at"`
    RequestedAt           sqlxx.NullTime `json:"requested_at" db:"requested_at"`
    Client                *client.Client `json:"client" db:"-"`

func (LogoutRequest) TableName() string {
    return "hydra_oauth2_logout_request"

func (r *LogoutRequest) BeforeSave(_ *pop.Connection) error {
    if r.Client != nil {
        r.ClientID = sql.NullString{
            Valid:  true,
            String: r.Client.GetID(),
    return nil

func (r *LogoutRequest) AfterFind(c *pop.Connection) error {
    if r.ClientID.Valid {
        r.Client = &client.Client{}
        return sqlcon.HandleError(c.Where("id = ?", r.ClientID.String).First(r.Client))
    return nil

// Returned when the log out request was used.
// swagger:ignore
type LogoutResult struct {
    RedirectTo             string
    FrontChannelLogoutURLs []string

// Contains information on an ongoing login request.
// swagger:model oAuth2LoginRequest
type LoginRequest struct {
    // ID is the identifier ("login challenge") of the login request. It is used to
    // identify the session.
    // required: true
    ID string `json:"challenge"`

    // RequestedScope contains the OAuth 2.0 Scope requested by the OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RequestedScope sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"requested_scope"`

    // RequestedAudience contains the access token audience as requested by the OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RequestedAudience sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"requested_access_token_audience"`

    // Skip, if true, implies that the client has requested the same scopes from the same user previously.
    // If true, you can skip asking the user to grant the requested scopes, and simply forward the user to the redirect URL.
    // This feature allows you to update / set session information.
    // required: true
    Skip bool `json:"skip"`

    // Subject is the user ID of the end-user that authenticated. Now, that end user needs to grant or deny the scope
    // requested by the OAuth 2.0 client. If this value is set and `skip` is true, you MUST include this subject type
    // when accepting the login request, or the request will fail.
    // required: true
    Subject string `json:"subject"`

    // OpenIDConnectContext provides context for the (potential) OpenID Connect context. Implementation of these
    // values in your app are optional but can be useful if you want to be fully compliant with the OpenID Connect spec.
    OpenIDConnectContext *OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext `json:"oidc_context"`

    // Client is the OAuth 2.0 Client that initiated the request.
    // required: true
    Client *client.Client `json:"client"`

    ClientID string `json:"-"`

    // RequestURL is the original OAuth 2.0 Authorization URL requested by the OAuth 2.0 client. It is the URL which
    // initiates the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code or OAuth 2.0 Implicit flow. This URL is typically not needed, but
    // might come in handy if you want to deal with additional request parameters.
    // required: true
    RequestURL string `json:"request_url"`

    // SessionID is the login session ID. If the user-agent reuses a login session (via cookie / remember flag)
    // this ID will remain the same. If the user-agent did not have an existing authentication session (e.g. remember is false)
    // this will be a new random value. This value is used as the "sid" parameter in the ID Token and in OIDC Front-/Back-
    // channel logout. It's value can generally be used to associate consecutive login requests by a certain user.
    SessionID sqlxx.NullString `json:"session_id"`

    // If set to true means that the request was already handled. This
    // can happen on form double-submit or other errors. If this is set
    // we recommend redirecting the user to `request_url` to re-initiate
    // the flow.
    WasHandled bool `json:"-"`

    ForceSubjectIdentifier string `json:"-"` // this is here but has no meaning apart from sql_helper working properly.
    Verifier               string `json:"-"`
    CSRF                   string `json:"-"`

    AuthenticatedAt sqlxx.NullTime `json:"-"`
    RequestedAt     time.Time      `json:"-"`

func (r *LoginRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type Alias LoginRequest
    alias := Alias(*r)
    if alias.RequestedScope == nil {
        alias.RequestedScope = []string{}

    if alias.RequestedAudience == nil {
        alias.RequestedAudience = []string{}

    return json.Marshal(alias)

// Contains information on an ongoing consent request.
// swagger:model oAuth2ConsentRequest
type OAuth2ConsentRequest struct {
    // ID is the identifier ("authorization challenge") of the consent authorization request. It is used to
    // identify the session.
    // required: true
    ID string `json:"challenge"`

    // RequestedScope contains the OAuth 2.0 Scope requested by the OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RequestedScope sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"requested_scope"`

    // RequestedAudience contains the access token audience as requested by the OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RequestedAudience sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"requested_access_token_audience"`

    // Skip, if true, implies that the client has requested the same scopes from the same user previously.
    // If true, you must not ask the user to grant the requested scopes. You must however either allow or deny the
    // consent request using the usual API call.
    Skip bool `json:"skip"`

    // Subject is the user ID of the end-user that authenticated. Now, that end user needs to grant or deny the scope
    // requested by the OAuth 2.0 client.
    Subject string `json:"subject"`

    // OpenIDConnectContext provides context for the (potential) OpenID Connect context. Implementation of these
    // values in your app are optional but can be useful if you want to be fully compliant with the OpenID Connect spec.
    OpenIDConnectContext *OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIDConnectContext `json:"oidc_context"`

    // Client is the OAuth 2.0 Client that initiated the request.
    Client   *client.Client `json:"client"`
    ClientID string         `json:"-"`

    // RequestURL is the original OAuth 2.0 Authorization URL requested by the OAuth 2.0 client. It is the URL which
    // initiates the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code or OAuth 2.0 Implicit flow. This URL is typically not needed, but
    // might come in handy if you want to deal with additional request parameters.
    RequestURL string `json:"request_url"`

    // LoginChallenge is the login challenge this consent challenge belongs to. It can be used to associate
    // a login and consent request in the login & consent app.
    LoginChallenge sqlxx.NullString `json:"login_challenge"`

    // LoginSessionID is the login session ID. If the user-agent reuses a login session (via cookie / remember flag)
    // this ID will remain the same. If the user-agent did not have an existing authentication session (e.g. remember is false)
    // this will be a new random value. This value is used as the "sid" parameter in the ID Token and in OIDC Front-/Back-
    // channel logout. It's value can generally be used to associate consecutive login requests by a certain user.
    LoginSessionID sqlxx.NullString `json:"login_session_id"`

    // ACR represents the Authentication AuthorizationContext Class Reference value for this authentication session. You can use it
    // to express that, for example, a user authenticated using two factor authentication.
    ACR string `json:"acr"`

    // AMR is the Authentication Methods References value for this
    // authentication session. You can use it to specify the method a user used to
    // authenticate. For example, if the acr indicates a user used two factor
    // authentication, the amr can express they used a software-secured key.
    AMR sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"amr"`

    // Context contains arbitrary information set by the login endpoint or is empty if not set.
    Context sqlxx.JSONRawMessage `json:"context,omitempty"`

    // If set to true means that the request was already handled. This
    // can happen on form double-submit or other errors. If this is set
    // we recommend redirecting the user to `request_url` to re-initiate
    // the flow.
    WasHandled bool `json:"-"`

    // ForceSubjectIdentifier is the value from authentication (if set).
    ForceSubjectIdentifier string         `json:"-"`
    Verifier               string         `json:"-"`
    CSRF                   string         `json:"-"`
    AuthenticatedAt        sqlxx.NullTime `json:"-"`
    RequestedAt            time.Time      `json:"-"`

func (r *OAuth2ConsentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type Alias OAuth2ConsentRequest
    alias := Alias(*r)
    if alias.RequestedScope == nil {
        alias.RequestedScope = []string{}

    if alias.RequestedAudience == nil {
        alias.RequestedAudience = []string{}

    if alias.AMR == nil {
        alias.AMR = []string{}

    return json.Marshal(alias)

// Pass session data to a consent request.
// swagger:model acceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession
type AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession struct {
    // AccessToken sets session data for the access and refresh token, as well as any future tokens issued by the
    // refresh grant. Keep in mind that this data will be available to anyone performing OAuth 2.0 Challenge Introspection.
    // If only your services can perform OAuth 2.0 Challenge Introspection, this is usually fine. But if third parties
    // can access that endpoint as well, sensitive data from the session might be exposed to them. Use with care!
    AccessToken map[string]interface{} `json:"access_token"`

    // IDToken sets session data for the OpenID Connect ID token. Keep in mind that the session'id payloads are readable
    // by anyone that has access to the ID Challenge. Use with care!
    IDToken map[string]interface{} `json:"id_token"`

// NewConsentRequestSessionData creates a new AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession.
func NewConsentRequestSessionData() *AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession {
    return &AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession{
        AccessToken: map[string]interface{}{},
        IDToken:     map[string]interface{}{},

func (r *AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type Alias AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequestSession
    alias := Alias(*r)
    if alias.AccessToken == nil {
        alias.AccessToken = map[string]interface{}{}

    if alias.IDToken == nil {
        alias.IDToken = map[string]interface{}{}
    return json.Marshal(alias)