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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package sql

import (





//go:embed migrations/*.sql
var Migrations embed.FS

func (p *Persister) MigrationStatus(ctx context.Context) (popx.MigrationStatuses, error) {
    if p.mbs != nil {
        return p.mbs, nil

    status, err := p.mb.Status(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !status.HasPending() {
        p.mbs = status

    return status, nil

func (p *Persister) MigrateDown(ctx context.Context, steps int) error {
    return errorsx.WithStack(p.mb.Down(ctx, steps))

func (p *Persister) MigrateUp(ctx context.Context) error {
    if err := p.migrateOldMigrationTables(); err != nil {
        return err
    return errorsx.WithStack(p.mb.Up(ctx))

func (p *Persister) MigrateUpTo(ctx context.Context, steps int) (int, error) {
    if err := p.migrateOldMigrationTables(); err != nil {
        return 0, err
    n, err := p.mb.UpTo(ctx, steps)
    return n, errorsx.WithStack(err)

func (p *Persister) PrepareMigration(_ context.Context) error {
    return p.migrateOldMigrationTables()

type oldTableName string

const (
    clientMigrationTableName  oldTableName = "hydra_client_migration"
    jwkMigrationTableName     oldTableName = "hydra_jwk_migration"
    consentMigrationTableName oldTableName = "hydra_oauth2_authentication_consent_migration"
    oauth2MigrationTableName  oldTableName = "hydra_oauth2_migration"

// this type is copied from sql-migrate to remove the dependency
type OldMigrationRecord struct {
    ID        string    `db:"id"`
    AppliedAt time.Time `db:"applied_at"`

// this function is idempotent
func (p *Persister) migrateOldMigrationTables() error {
    if err := p.conn.RawQuery(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", clientMigrationTableName)).Exec(); err != nil {
        // assume there are no old migration tables => done
        return nil

    if err := pop.CreateSchemaMigrations(p.conn); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(err)

    // in this order the migrations only depend on already done ones
    for i, table := range []oldTableName{clientMigrationTableName, jwkMigrationTableName, consentMigrationTableName, oauth2MigrationTableName} {
        // If table does not exist, we will skip it. Previously, we created a stub table here which
        // caused the cached statements to fail, see:
        // https://github.com/flynn/flynn/pull/2306/files
        // https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/110
        // https://github.com/flynn/flynn/issues/2235
        // get old migrations
        var migrations []OldMigrationRecord

        /* #nosec G201 table is static */
        if err := p.conn.RawQuery(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", table)).All(&migrations); err != nil {
            if strings.Contains(err.Error(), string(table)) {
            return err

        // translate migrations
        for _, m := range migrations {
            // mark the migration as run for fizz
            // fizz standard version pattern: YYYYMMDDhhmmss
            migrationNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(m.ID, 10, 0)
            if err != nil {
                return errorsx.WithStack(err)

            /* #nosec G201 - i is static (0..3) and migrationNumber is from the database */
            if err := p.conn.RawQuery(
                fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO schema_migration (version) VALUES ('2019%02d%08d')", i+1, migrationNumber)).
                Exec(); err != nil {
                return errorsx.WithStack(err)

        // delete old migration table
        if err := p.conn.RawQuery(fmt.Sprintf("DROP TABLE %s", table)).Exec(); err != nil {
            return sqlcon.HandleError(err)

    return nil