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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package oauth2cors

import (




func Middleware(
    reg interface {
    }) func(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return func(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
        return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            ctx := r.Context()

            opts, enabled := reg.Config().CORS(ctx, config.PublicInterface)
            if !enabled {
                reg.Logger().Debug("not enhancing CORS per client, as CORS is disabled")
                h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

            alwaysAllow := len(opts.AllowedOrigins) == 0
            patterns := make([]glob.Glob, 0, len(opts.AllowedOrigins))
            for _, o := range opts.AllowedOrigins {
                if o == "*" {
                    alwaysAllow = true
                // if the protocol (http or https) is specified, but the url is wildcard, use special ** glob, which ignore the '.' separator.
                // This way g := glob.Compile("http://**") g.Match("http://google.com") returns true.
                if scheme, rest, found := strings.Cut(o, "://"); found && rest == "*" {
                    o = scheme + "://**"
                g, err := glob.Compile(strings.ToLower(o), '.')
                if err != nil {
                    reg.Logger().WithError(err).WithField("pattern", o).Error("Unable to parse CORS origin, ignoring it")

                patterns = append(patterns, g)

            options := cors.Options{
                AllowedOrigins:     opts.AllowedOrigins,
                AllowedMethods:     opts.AllowedMethods,
                AllowedHeaders:     opts.AllowedHeaders,
                ExposedHeaders:     opts.ExposedHeaders,
                MaxAge:             opts.MaxAge,
                AllowCredentials:   opts.AllowCredentials,
                OptionsPassthrough: opts.OptionsPassthrough,
                Debug:              opts.Debug,
                AllowOriginRequestFunc: func(r *http.Request, origin string) bool {
                    ctx := r.Context()
                    if alwaysAllow {
                        return true

                    origin = strings.ToLower(origin)
                    for _, p := range patterns {
                        if p.Match(origin) {
                            return true

                    // pre-flight requests do not contain credentials (cookies, HTTP authorization)
                    // so we return true in all cases here.
                    if r.Method == http.MethodOptions {
                        return true

                    var clientID string

                    // if the client uses client_secret_post auth it will provide its client ID in form data
                    clientID = r.PostFormValue("client_id")

                    // if the client uses client_secret_basic auth the client ID will be the username component
                    if clientID == "" {
                        clientID, _, _ = r.BasicAuth()

                    // otherwise, this may be a bearer auth request, in which case we can introspect the token
                    if clientID == "" {
                        token := fosite.AccessTokenFromRequest(r)
                        if token == "" {
                            return false

                        session := oauth2.NewSessionWithCustomClaims(ctx, reg.Config(), "")
                        _, ar, err := reg.OAuth2Provider().IntrospectToken(ctx, token, fosite.AccessToken, session)
                        if err != nil {
                            return false

                        clientID = ar.GetClient().GetID()

                    cl, err := reg.ClientManager().GetConcreteClient(ctx, clientID)
                    if err != nil {
                        return false

                    for _, o := range cl.AllowedCORSOrigins {
                        if o == "*" {
                            return true

                        // if the protocol (http or https) is specified, but the url is wildcard, use special ** glob, which ignore the '.' separator.
                        // This way g := glob.Compile("http://**") g.Match("http://google.com") returns true.
                        if scheme, rest, found := strings.Cut(o, "://"); found && rest == "*" {
                            o = scheme + "://**"

                        g, err := glob.Compile(strings.ToLower(o), '.')
                        if err != nil {
                            return false
                        if g.Match(origin) {
                            return true

                    return false

            reg.Logger().Debug("enhancing CORS per client")
            cors.New(options).Handler(h).ServeHTTP(w, r)