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 * OS.js - JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform
 * Copyright (c) Anders Evenrud <andersevenrud@gmail.com>
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 *    list of conditions and the following disclaimer
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution
 * @author  Anders Evenrud <andersevenrud@gmail.com>
 * @license Simplified BSD License
export as namespace osjs__client;
// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v5.3.0

import { EventEmitter } from '@osjs/event-emitter';

declare class ServiceProvider {
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: CoreBase;
   * Provider options
  readonly options: any;
   * Constructor
  constructor(core: CoreBase, options: any);
   * List of provided services
  provides(): string[];
   * Initializes Provider
  init(): Promise<any>;
   * Starts Provider
  start(): Promise<any>;
   * Destroys Provider
  destroy(): void;
declare class CoreBase extends EventEmitter {
   * Logger module
  readonly logger: any;
   * Configuration Tree
  readonly configuration: any;
   * Options
  readonly options: any;
   * Boot has been initiated
  booted: boolean;
   * Fully started
  started: boolean;
   * Fully destroyped
  destroyd: boolean;
   * Service Provider Handler
  providers: any;
   * Constructor
  constructor(name?: string);
   * Destroy core instance
  destroy(): void;
   * Boots up OS.js
  boot(): Promise<boolean>;
   * Starts all core services
  start(): Promise<boolean>;
   * Gets a configuration entry by key
  config(key: string, defaultValue: any): any;
   * Register a service provider
  register(ref: typeof ServiceProvider, options: any): void;
   * Register a instanciator provider
  instance(name: string, callback: Function): void;
   * Register a singleton provider
  singleton(name: string, callback: Function): void;
   * Create an instance of a provided service
  make<T>(name: string, ...args: any[]): T;
   * Check if a service exists
  has(name: string): boolean;
declare class Websocket extends EventEmitter {
   * Create a new Websocket
  constructor(name: string, uri: string, options?: WebsocketOptions);
   * Socket URI
  readonly uri: string;
   * If socket is closed
  closed: boolean;
   * If socket is connected
  connected: boolean;
   * If socket is connecting
  connecting: boolean;
   * If socket is reconnecting
  reconnecting: boolean;
   * If socket failed to connect
  connectfailed: boolean;
   * Options
  readonly options: WebsocketOptions;
   * The Websocket
  connection: WebSocket;
   * Destroys the current connection
  private _destroyConnection;
   * Attaches internal events
  private _attachEvents;
   * Opens the connection
  open(reconnect?: boolean): void;
   * Wrapper for sending data
  send(...args: any[]): void;
   * Wrapper for closing
  close(...args: any[]): void;
 * Websocket options
export type WebsocketOptions = {
   * Enable reconnection
  reconnect?: boolean;
   * Reconnect interval
  interval?: number;
   * Immediately open socket after creation
  open?: boolean;
declare class Splash {
   * Create Splash
  constructor(core: Core);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Splash root element
  readonly $loading: Element;
   * Initializes splash
  init(): void;
   * Shows splash
  show(): void;
   * Destroys splash
  destroy(): void;
declare class Window extends EventEmitter {
   * Get a list of all windows
  static getWindows(): Window[];
   * Gets the lastly focused Window
  static lastWindow(): Window;
   * Create window
  constructor(core: Core, options?: WindowOptions);
   * The Window ID
  readonly id: string;
   * The Window ID
  readonly wid: number;
   * Parent Window reference
  readonly parent: Window;
   * Child windows (via 'parent')
  children: Window[];
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * The window destruction state
  destroyed: boolean;
   * The window rendered state
  rendered: boolean;
   * The window was inited
  inited: boolean;
   * The window attributes
  attributes: WindowAttributes;
   * The window state
  state: WindowState;
   * The window container
  readonly $element: Element;
   * The content container
  $content: Element;
   * The header container
  $header: Element;
   * The icon container
  $icon: Element;
   * The title container
  $title: Element;
   * Internal variable to signal not to use default position
   * given by user (used for restore)
  private _preventDefaultPosition;
   * Internal timeout reference used for triggering the loading
   * overlay.
  private _loadingDebounce;
   * The window template
  private _template;
   * Custom destructor callback
  private readonly _ondestroy;
   * Last DOM update CSS text
  private _lastCssText;
   * Last DOM update data attributes
  private _lastAttributes;
   * Destroy window
  destroy(): void;
   * Initialize window
  init(): Window;
   * Initializes window template
  private _initTemplate;
   * Initializes window behavior
  private _initBehavior;
   * Checks the modal state of the window upon render
  private _checkModal;
   * Sets the initial class names
  private _setClassNames;
   * Render window
  render(callback?: Function): Window;
   * Close the window
  close(): boolean;
   * Focus the window
  focus(): boolean;
   * Internal for focus
  private _focus;
   * Blur (un-focus) the window
  blur(): boolean;
   * Minimize (hide) the window
  minimize(): boolean;
   * Raise (un-minimize) the window
  raise(): boolean;
   * Maximize the window
  maximize(): boolean;
   * Restore (un-maximize) the window
  restore(): boolean;
   * Internal for Maximize or restore
  private _maximize;
   * Resize to fit to current container
  resizeFit(container?: Element): void;
   * Clamps the position to viewport
  clampToViewport(update?: boolean): void;
   * Set the Window icon
  setIcon(uri: string): void;
   * Set the Window title
  setTitle(title: string): void;
   * Set the Window dimension
  setDimension(dimension: WindowDimension): void;
   * Set the Window position
  setPosition(position: WindowPosition, preventDefault?: boolean): void;
   * Set the Window z index
  setZindex(zIndex: number): void;
   * Sets the Window to next z index
  setNextZindex(force?: boolean): void;
   * Set a state by value
  setState(name: string, value: any, update?: boolean): void;
   * Gravitates window towards a certain area
  gravitate(gravity: string): void;
   * Gets a astate
  getState(n: any): any;
   * Get a snapshot of the Window session
  getSession(): WindowSession;
   * Internal method for setting state
  private _setState;
   * Internal method for toggling state
  private _toggleState;
   * Check if we have to set next zindex
  private _checkNextZindex;
  _updateDOM(): void;
   * Updates the window buttons in DOM
  private _updateButtons;
   * Updates window title in DOM
  private _updateTitle;
   * Updates window icon decoration in DOM
  private _updateIconStyles;
   * Updates window header decoration in DOM
  private _updateHeaderStyles;
   * Updates window data in DOM
  private _updateAttributes;
   * Updates window style in DOM
  private _updateStyles;
 * Window dimension definition
export type WindowDimension = {
   * Width in pixels (or float for percentage in setters)
  width: number;
   * Height in pixels (or float for percentage in setters)
  height: number;
 * Window position definition
export type WindowPosition = {
   * Left in pixels (or float for percentage in setters)
  left: number;
   * Top in pixels (or float for percentage in setters)
  top: number;
 * Window session
export type WindowSession = {
  id: number;
  maximized: boolean;
  minimized: boolean;
  position: WindowPosition;
  dimension: WindowDimension;
 * Window attributes definition
export type WindowAttributes = {
   * A list of class names
  classNames?: string[];
   * If always on top
  ontop?: boolean;
   * Gravity (center/top/left/right/bottom or any combination)
  gravity?: string;
   * If resizable
  resizable?: boolean;
   * If focusable
  focusable?: boolean;
   * If window if maximizable
  maximizable?: boolean;
   * If minimizable
  minimizable?: boolean;
   * If moveable
  moveable?: boolean;
   * If closeable
  closeable?: boolean;
   * Show header
  header?: boolean;
   * Show controls
  controls?: boolean;
   * Global visibility, 'restricted' to hide from window lists etc.
  visibility?: string;
   * Clamp the window position upon creation
  clamp?: boolean;
   * If window should have the default drop action
  droppable?: boolean | {
    dataTransferProperty?: 'files' | 'items';
   * Minimum dimension
  minDimension?: WindowDimension;
   * Maximum dimension
  maxDimension?: WindowDimension;
   * A map of matchMedia to name
  mediaQueries?: {
    name: string;
 * Window state definition
export type WindowState = {
   * Title
  title: string;
   * Icon
  icon: string;
   * If moving
  moving?: boolean;
   * If resizing
  resizing?: boolean;
   * If loading
  loading?: boolean;
   * If focused
  focused?: boolean;
   * If maximized
  maximized?: boolean;
   * If mimimized
  mimimized?: boolean;
   * If modal to the parent
  modal?: boolean;
   * The z-index (auto calculated)
  zIndex?: number;
   * Position
  position?: WindowPosition;
   * Dimension
  dimension?: WindowDimension;
 * Window options definition
export type WindowOptions = {
   * Window Id (not globaly unique)
  id: string;
   * Window Title
  title?: string;
   * Window Icon
  icon?: string;
   * The parent Window reference
  parent?: Window;
   * The Window HTML template (or function with signature (el, win) for programatic construction)
  template?: string | Function;
   * A callback function when window destructs to interrupt the procedure
  ondestroy?: Function;
   * Window position
  position?: WindowPosition | string;
   * Window dimension
  dimension?: WindowDimension;
   * Apply Window attributes
  attributes?: WindowAttributes;
   * Apply Window state
  state?: WindowState;
declare class Application extends EventEmitter {
   * Get a list of all running applications
  static getApplications(): Application[];
   * Kills all running applications
  static destroyAll(): void;
   * Create application
  constructor(core: Core, data: ApplicationData);
   * The Application ID
  readonly pid: number;
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Application arguments
  args: {
    foo: any;
   * Application options
  options: ApplicationOptions;
   * Application metadata
  readonly metadata: any;
   * Window list
  windows: Window[];
   * Worker instances
  workers: Worker[];
   * Options for internal fetch/requests
  requestOptions: object;
   * The application destruction state
  destroyed: boolean;
   * Application settings
  settings: {
    foo: any;
   * Application started time
  readonly started: Date;
   * Application WebSockets
  sockets: Websocket[];
   * Destroy application
  destroy(remove?: boolean): void;
   * Re-launch this application
  relaunch(): void;
   * Gets a URI to a resource for this application
   * If given path is an URI it will just return itself.
  resource(path?: string, options?: object): string;
   * Performs a request to the OS.js server with the application
   * as the endpoint.
  request(path?: string, options?: any, type?: string): Promise<any>;
   * Creates a new Websocket
  socket(path?: string, options?: any): Websocket;
   * Sends a message over websocket via the core connection.
   * This does not create a new connection, but rather uses the core connection.
   * For subscribing to messages from the server use the 'ws:message' event
  send(...args: any[]): void;
   * Creates a new Worker
  worker(filename: string, options?: object): Worker;
   * Create a new window belonging to this application
  createWindow(options?: any): Window;
   * Removes window(s) based on given filter
  removeWindow(filter: Function): void;
   * Gets a snapshot of the application session
  getSession(): ApplicationSession;
   * Emits an event across all (or filtered) applications
   * @deprecated
  emitAll(filter?: Function): Function;
   * Saves settings
  saveSettings(): Promise<boolean>;
 * Application Options
export type ApplicationOptions = {
   * Initial settings
  settings?: object;
   * Restore data
  restore?: object;
   * Auto-focus first created window
  windowAutoFocus?: boolean;
   * Allow session storage
  sessionable?: boolean;
 * Application Data
export type ApplicationData = {
   * Launch arguments
  args: {
    foo: any;
   * Options
  options?: ApplicationOptions;
   * Package Metadata
  metadata?: any;
 * Application Session
export type ApplicationSession = {
  args: {
    foo: string;
  name: string;
  windows: any[];
declare class Core extends CoreBase {
   * Create core instance
  constructor(config?: any, options?: CoreOptions);
   * Websocket connection
  ws: Websocket;
   * Ping (stay alive) interval
  ping: number;
   * Splash instance
  readonly splash: Splash;
   * Main DOM element
  readonly $root: Element;
   * Windows etc DOM element
  readonly $contents: Element;
   * Resource script container DOM element
  readonly $resourceRoot: Element;
   * Default fetch request options
  requestOptions: any;
   * Url Resolver
  readonly urlResolver: () => string;
   * Current user data
  readonly user: CoreUserData;
   * Attaches some internal events
  private _attachEvents;
   * Creates the main connection to server
  private _createConnection;
   * Creates event listeners*
  private _createListeners;
   * Creates an URL based on configured public path
   * If you give a options.type, the URL will be resolved
   * to the correct resource.
  url(endpoint?: string, options?: {
    prefix: boolean;
    type: string;
  }, metadata?: any): string;
   * Make a HTTP request
   * This is a wrapper for making a 'fetch' request with some helpers
   * and integration with OS.js
  request(url: string, options?: any, type?: string, force?: boolean): any;
   * Create an application from a package
  run(name: string, args?: {
    foo: any;
  }, options?: any): Promise<Application>;
   * Spawns an application based on the file given
  open(file: any, options?: any): boolean | Application;
   * Wrapper method to create an application choice dialog
  private _openApplicationDialog;
   * Sends a 'broadcast' event with given arguments
   * to all applications matching given filter
  broadcast(pkg: string | Function, name: string, ...args: any[]): string[];
   * Sends a signal to the server over websocket.
   * This will be interpreted as an event in the server core.
  send(name:string, ...params: any[]);
   * Set the internal fetch/request options
  setRequestOptions(options: object): void;
   * Gets the current user
  getUser(): CoreUserData;
   * Add middleware function to a group
  middleware(group: string, callback: Function): void;
export type SplashCallback = (core: Core) => Splash;
 * User Data
export type CoreUserData = {
  username: string;
  id?: number;
  groups?: string[];
 * Core Options
export type CoreOptions = {
   * The root DOM element for elements
  root?: Element;
   * The root DOM element for resources
  resourceRoot?: Element;
   * List of class names to apply to root dom element
  classNames?: string[];
   * Custom callback function for creating splash screen
  splash?: SplashCallback | Splash;
declare class Search {
   * Create Search instance
  constructor(core: Core);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Wired actions
  ui: any;
   * Last focused window
  focusLastWindow: Window;
   * Search root DOM element
  readonly $element: Element;
   * Destroy Search instance
  destroy(): void;
   * Initializes Search Service
  init(): void;
   * Performs a search across all mounts
  search(pattern: string): Promise<any[]>;
   * Focuses UI
  focus(): void;
   * Hides UI
  hide(): void;
   * Shows UI
  show(): void;
declare class DesktopIconView extends EventEmitter {
  constructor(core: Core);
  core: Core;
  $root: HTMLDivElement;
  iconview: any;
  root: string;
  destroy(): void;
  _render(root: any): boolean;
  render(root: any): void;
  createFileContextMenu(ev: any, entry: any): void;
  createDropContextMenu(ev: any, data: any, files: any): void;
  createRootContextMenu(ev: any): void;
  _createWatcher(): void;
  applySettings(): void;
declare class Desktop extends EventEmitter {
   * Create Desktop
  constructor(core: Core, options?: any);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Desktop Options
  readonly options: DeskopOptions;
   * Theme DOM elements
  $theme: Element[];
   * Icon DOM elements
  $icons: Element[];
   * Default context menu entries
  contextmenuEntries: DesktopContextMenuEntry[];
   * Search instance
  readonly search: Search | null;
   * Icon View instance
  readonly iconview: DesktopIconView;
   * Keyboard context dom element
  keyboardContext: Element | null;
   * Desktop subtraction rectangle
  subtract: DesktopViewportRectangle;
   * Destroy Desktop
  destroy(): void;
   * Initializes Desktop
  init(): void;
   * Initializes connection events
  initConnectionEvents(): void;
   * Initializes user interface events
  initUIEvents(): void;
   * Initializes development tray icons
  initDeveloperTray(): void;
   * Initializes drag-and-drop events
  initDragEvents(): void;
   * Initializes keyboard events
  initKeyboardEvents(): void;
   * Initializes global keyboard events
  initGlobalKeyboardEvents(): void;
   * Initializes mouse events
  initMouseEvents(): void;
   * Initializes base events
  initBaseEvents(): void;
   * Initializes locales
  initLocales(): void;
   * Starts desktop services
  start(): void;
   * Update CSS
  private _updateCSS;
   * Adds something to the default contextmenu entries
  addContextMenu(entries: DesktopContextMenuEntry[]): void;
   * Applies settings and updates desktop
  applySettings(settings?: DesktopSettings): DesktopSettings;
   * Removes current style theme from DOM
  private _removeTheme;
   * Removes current icon theme from DOM
  private _removeIcons;
   * Adds or removes the icon view
  applyIconView(settings: DesktopIconViewSettings): void;
   * Sets the current icon theme from settings
  applyIcons(name: string): Promise<undefined>;
   * Sets the current style theme from settings
  applyTheme(name: string): Promise<undefined>;
   * Apply theme wrapper
  private _applyTheme;
   * Apply settings by key
  private _applySettingsByKey;
   * Create drop context menu entries
  createDropContextMenu(data: any): any[];
   * When developer menu is shown
  onDeveloperMenu(ev: Event): void;
   * When drop menu is shown
  onDropContextMenu(ev: Event, data: any): void;
   * When context menu is shown
  onContextMenu(ev: Event): void;
   * Sets the keyboard context.
   * Used for tabbing and other special events
  setKeyboardContext(ctx?: Element): void;
   * Gets the rectangle of available space
   * This is based on any panels etc taking up space
  getRect(): DesktopViewportRectangle;
export type DesktopContextMenuEntry = any;
export type DesktopIconViewSettings = any;
export type DesktopSettings = {
  iconview?: DesktopIconViewSettings;
 * Desktop Options
export type DeskopOptions = {
   * Default Context menu items
  contextmenu?: object[];
 * Desktop Viewport Rectangle
export type DesktopViewportRectangle = {
  left: number;
  top: number;
  right: number;
  bottom: number;
declare class Notification {
   * Create notification
  constructor(core: Core, root: Element, options?: NotificationOptions);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Root node reference
  readonly $root: Element;
   * Notification DOM node
  readonly $element: Element;
   * The notification destruction state
  readonly destroyed: boolean;
   * Options
  readonly options: NotificationOptions;
   * Destroy notification
  destroy(): void;
   * Render notification
  render(): Promise<boolean>;
 * Notification Options
export type NotificationOptions = {
   * Title
  title: string;
   * Message
  message: string;
   * Sound to play
  sound?: string;
   * Icon source
  icon?: string;
   * Timeout value (0=infinite)
  timeout?: number;
   * Adds a DOM class name to notification
  className?: string;
declare class Notifications {
  constructor(core: Core);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
  $element: Element;
   * Destroy notification handler
  destroy(): void;
   * Initialize notification handler
  init(): void;
   * Create a new notification
  create(options: NotificationOptions): Notification;
   * Sets the element styles
  setElementStyles(): void;
   * Creates a new CSS style object
  createElementStyles(): {
    property: string;
declare class WindowBehavior {
   * Create window behavior
  constructor(core: Core);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Last action
  lastAction: string;
   * LoFi DOM Element
  readonly $lofi: Element;
   * Initializes window behavior
  init(win: Window): void;
   * Handles Mouse Click Event
  click(ev: Event, win: Window): void;
   * Handles Mouse Double Click Event
  dblclick(ev: Event, win: Window): void;
   * Handles Mouse Down Event
  mousedown(ev: Event, win: Window): void;
   * Handles Icon Double Click Event
  iconDblclick(ev: Event, win: Window): void;
   * Handles Icon Click Event
  iconClick(ev: Event, win: Window): void;
declare class Login extends EventEmitter {
   * Create authentication handler
  constructor(core: Core, options?: LoginOptions);
   * Login root DOM element
  $container: Element;
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Login options
  readonly options: any;
   * Initializes the UI
  init(startHidden: any): void;
   * Destroys the UI
  destroy(): void;
   * Renders the UI
  render(startHidden: any): void;
 * Login Options
export type LoginOptions = {
   * Title
  title?: string;
   * Fields
  fields?: object[];
declare class Auth {
  constructor(core: Core, options?: AuthSettings);
   * Authentication UI
  readonly ui: Login;
   * Authentication adapter
  readonly adapter: AuthAdapter;
   * Authentication callback function
  readonly callback: AuthCallback;
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Initializes authentication handler
  init(): any;
   * Destroy authentication handler
  destroy(): void;
   * Run the shutdown procedure
  shutdown(reload?: boolean): void;
   * Shows Login UI
  show(cb: AuthCallback): Promise<boolean>;
   * Performs a login
  login(values: AuthForm): Promise<boolean>;
   * Performs a logout
  logout(reload?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
   * Performs a register call
  register(values: AuthForm): Promise<any>;
export type AuthAdapter = any;
export type AuthAdapterConfig = any;
export type AuthForm = {
  username?: string;
  password?: string;
export type AuthAdapterCallback = (core: Core) => AuthAdapter;
export type LoginAdapterCallback = (core: Core) => Login;
export type AuthCallback = (data: AuthForm) => boolean;
export type AuthSettings = {
   * Adapter to use
  adapter?: AuthAdapterCallback | AuthAdapter;
   * Login Adapter to use
  login?: LoginAdapterCallback | Login;
   * Adapter configuration
  config?: AuthAdapterConfig;
declare class Session {
   * Creates the Session Handler
  constructor(core: Core);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Destroys instance
  destroy(): void;
   * Saves session
  save(): Promise<boolean>;
   * Loads session
  load(fresh?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
declare class Tray {
   * Creates the Tray Handler
  constructor(core: Core);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * All Tray entries
  entries: TrayEntry[];
   * Destroys instance
  destroy(): void;
   * Creates a new Tray entry
  create(options: TrayEntryData, handler?: Function): TrayEntry;
   * Removes a Tray entry
  remove(entry: TrayEntry): void;
  list(): TrayEntry[];

  has(key): boolean;
 * Tray Icon Data
export type TrayEntryData = {
   * Icon source
  icon?: string;
   * The title and tooltip
  title?: string;
   * The callback function for clicks
  onclick?: Function;
   * The callback function for contextmenu
  oncontextmenu?: Function;
 * Tray Icon Entry
export type TrayEntry = {
   * The given entry data
  entry: TrayEntryData;
   * Updates entry with given data
  update: Function;
   * Destroy the entry
  destroy: Function;
declare class Preloader {
  constructor(root: any);
   * A list of cached preloads
  loaded: string[];
  $root: Element;
  destroy(): void;
   * Loads all resources required for a package
  load(list: string[], force?: boolean): Promise<PreloaderResult>;
   * Checks the loaded list
  private _load;
export type PreloaderEntryElement = HTMLScriptElement | HTMLLinkElement;
export type PreloaderResult = {
  errors: string[];
  elements: {
    string: PreloaderEntryElement;
declare class Packages {
   * Create package manage
  constructor(core: Core);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * A list of registered packages
  packages: PackageReference[];
   * The lost of loaded package metadata
  metadata: PackageMetadata[];
   * A list of running application names
   * Mainly used for singleton awareness
  private _running;
   * Preloader
  readonly preloader: Preloader;
   * If inited
  inited: boolean;
   * Destroy package manager
  destroy(): void;
   * Initializes package manager
  init(): Promise<boolean>;
   * Launches a (application) package
  launch(name: string, args?: {
    foo: any;
  }, options?: PackageLaunchOptions): Promise<Application>;
   * Launches an application package
  private _launchApplication;
   * Launches a (theme) package
  private _launchTheme;
   * Wrapper for launching a (application) package
  private _launch;
   * Autostarts tagged packages
  private _autostart;
   * Registers a package
  register(name: string, callback: Function): void;
   * Adds a set of packages
  addPackages(list: PackageMetadata[]): PackageMetadata[];
   * Gets a list of packages (metadata)
  getPackages(filter?: Function): PackageMetadata[];
   * Gets a list of packages compatible with the given mime type
  getCompatiblePackages(mimeType: string): PackageMetadata[];
   * Gets a list of running packages
  running(): string[];
 * A registered package reference
export type PackageReference = {
   * Package metadata
  metadata: PackageMetadata;
   * Callback to instanciate
  callback: Function;
 * A package metadata
export type PackageMetadata = {
   * The package name
  name: string;
   * Package category
  category?: string;
   * Package icon
  icon?: string;
   * If only one instance allowed
  singleton?: boolean;
   * Autostart on boot
  autostart?: boolean;
   * Hide from launch menus etc.
  hidden?: boolean;
   * Server script filename
  server?: string;
   * Only available for users in this group
  groups?: string[];
   * Files to preload
  files?: Array<object | string>;
   * A map of locales and titles
  title: {
    key: string;
   * A map of locales and titles
  description: {
    key: string;
 * Package Launch Options
export type PackageLaunchOptions = {
   * Force preload reloading
  forcePreload?: boolean;
declare class Clipboard {
  clipboard: ClipboardData;
   * Destroy clipboard
  destroy(): void;
   * Clear clipboard
  clear(): void;
   * Set clipboard data
  set(data: any, type?: string): void;
   * Checks if current clipboard data has this type
  has(type: string | RegExp): boolean;
   * Gets clipboard data
  get(clear?: boolean): Promise<any>;
 * Clipboard Data
export type ClipboardData = {
   * Optional data type
  type?: string;
  data: any;
declare class Middleware {
  middleware: MiddlewareData;
   * Destroy middleware
  destroy(): void;
   * Clear middleware
  clear(): void;
   * Add middleware function to a group
  add(group: string, callback: Function): void;
   * Remove middleware function from a group
  remove(group: string, callback: Function): void;
   * Gets middleware functions for a group
  get(group: string): Function[];
 * Middleware Data
export type MiddlewareData = {
  [group: string]: Function[]
declare class CoreServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
  constructor(core: Core, options?: CoreProviderOptions);
  readonly session: Session;
  readonly tray: Tray;
  readonly pm: Packages;
  readonly clipboard: Clipboard;
  readonly middleware: Middleware;
   * Registers contracts
  registerContracts(): void;
   * Expose some internals to global
  createGlobalApi(): Readonly<{
    make: (name: any, ...args: any[]) => any;
    register: (name: any, callback: any) => void;
    url: (endpoint: any, options: any, metadata: any) => any;
    run: (name: any, args?: {}, options?: {}) => any;
    open: (file: any, options?: {}) => any;
    request: (url: any, options: any, type: any) => any;
   * Event when dist changes from a build or deployment
  private _onDistChanged;
   * Event when package dist changes from a build or deployment
  private _onPackageChanged;
   * Provides localization contract
  createLocaleContract(): CoreProviderLocaleContract;
   * Provides window contract
  createWindowContract(): CoreProviderWindowContract;
   * Provides DnD contract
  createDnDContract(): CoreProviderDnDContract;
   * Provides DOM contract
  createDOMContract(): CoreProviderDOMContract;
   * Provides Theme contract
  createThemeContract(): CoreProviderThemeContract;
   * Provides Sounds contract
  createSoundsContract(): CoreProviderSoundContract;
   * Provides Session contract
  createSessionContract(): CoreProviderSessionContract;
   * Provides Packages contract
  createPackagesContract(): CoreProviderPackagesContract;
   * Provides Clipboard contract
  createClipboardContract(): CoreProviderClipboardContract;
   * Provides Middleware contract
  createMiddlewareContract(): CoreProviderMiddlewareContract;
   * Provides Tray contract
  createTrayContract(): CoreProviderTrayContract;
 * Core Provider Locale Contract
export type CoreProviderLocaleContract = {
  format: Function;
  translate: Function;
  translatable: Function;
  translatableFlat: Function;
  getLocale: Function;
  setLocale: Function;
 * Core Provider Window Contract
export type CoreProviderWindowContract = {
  create: Function;
  list: Function;
  last: Function;
 * Core Provider DnD Contract
export type CoreProviderDnDContract = {
  draggable: Function;
  droppable: Function;
 * Core Provider Theme Contract
export type CoreProviderDOMContract = {
  script: Function;
  style: Function;
 * Core Provider Theme Contract
export type CoreProviderThemeContract = {
  resource: Function;
  icon: Function;
 * Core Provider Sound Contract
export type CoreProviderSoundContract = {
  resource: Function;
  play: Function;
 * Core Provider Session Contract
export type CoreProviderSessionContract = {
  save: Function;
  load: Function;
 * Core Provider Packages Contract
export type CoreProviderPackagesContract = {
  launch?: Function;
  register?: Function;
  addPackages?: Function;
  getPackages?: Function;
  getCompatiblePackages?: Function;
  running?: Function;
  getMetadataFromName?: Function;
 * Core Provider Clipboard Contract
export type CoreProviderClipboardContract = {
  clear?: Function;
  set?: Function;
  has?: Function;
  get?: Function;
 * Core Provider Middleware Contract
export type CoreProviderMiddlewareContract = {
  add: Function;
  get: Function;
 * Core Provider Tray Contract
export type CoreProviderTrayContract = {
  create?: Function;
  remove?: Function;
  list?: TrayEntry[],
  has?: boolean;

 * Core Provider Options
export type CoreProviderOptions = {
   * Custom Window Behavior
  windowBehavior?: Function;
   * Override locales
  locales?: any;
declare class DesktopServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
  constructor(core: Core, options?: {});
  readonly desktop: Desktop;
  createDesktopContract(): DeskopProviderContract;
 * Desktop Service Contract
export type DeskopProviderContract = {
  setKeyboardContext: Function;
  openContextMenu: Function;
  addContextMenuEntries: Function;
  applySettings: Function;
  createDropContextMenu: Function;
  getRect: Function;
declare class NotificationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
  constructor(core: Core);
  readonly notifications: Notifications;
declare class Filesystem extends EventEmitter {
   * Create filesystem manager
  constructor(core: Core, options?: FilesystemOptions);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Adapter registry
  readonly adapters: {
    name: FilesystemAdapterWrapper;
   * Mountpoints
  mounts: FilesystemMountpoint[];
   * Options
  options: FilesystemOptions;
   * A wrapper for VFS method requests
  readonly proxy: {
    key: Function;
   * Mounts all configured mountpoints
  mountAll(stopOnError?: boolean): Promise<boolean[]>;
   * Adds a new mountpoint
  addMountpoint(props: FilesystemMountpoint, automount?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
   * Mount given filesystem
  mount(m: string|FilesystemMountpoint): Promise<boolean>;
   * Unmount given filesystem
  unmount(name: string): Promise<boolean>;
   * Internal wrapper for mounting/unmounting
  private _mountpointAction;
   * Internal wrapper for mounting/unmounting by name
  private _mountAction;
   * Gets the proxy for VFS methods
  request(): FilesystemAdapterMethods;
   * Perform a VFS method request
  private _request;
   * Request action wrapper
  private _requestAction;
   * Creates a new mountpoint based on given properties
  createMountpoint(props: FilesystemMountpoint): FilesystemMountpoint;
   * Gets mountpoint from given path
  getMountpointFromPath(file: string | any): FilesystemMountpoint | null;
   * Gets all mountpoints
  getMounts(all?: boolean): FilesystemMountpoint[];
   * Gets configured mountpoints
  private _getConfiguredMountpoints;
 * VFS Mountpoint attributes
export type FilesystemMountpointAttributes = {
   * Visibility in UI
  visibility?: string;
   * Local filesystem ?
  local?: boolean;
   * If can be searched
  searchable?: boolean;
   * Readonly
  readOnly?: boolean;
 * VFS Mountpoint
export type FilesystemMountpoint = {
   * Name
  name: string;
   * Label
  label: string;
   * Adater name
  adapter: string;
   * System adapter root
  root?: string;
   * Enabled state
  enabled?: boolean;
   * Attributes
  attributes?: FilesystemMountpointAttributes;
 * Filesystem Adapter Methods
export type FilesystemAdapterMethods = {
  readdir: Function;
  readfile: Function;
  writefile: Function;
  copy: Function;
  move: Function;
  rename: Function;
  mkdir: Function;
  unlink: Function;
  exists: Function;
  stat: Function;
  url: Function;
  download: Function;
  search: Function;
  touch: Function;
export type FilesystemAdapterWrapper = () => FilesystemAdapterMethods;
 * Filesystem Options
export type FilesystemOptions = {
   * Adapter registry
  adapters?: {
    name: FilesystemAdapterWrapper;
   * Mountpoints
  mounts?: FilesystemMountpoint[];
declare class VFSServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
  constructor(core: Core, options?: VFSServiceOptions);
  readonly fs: Filesystem;
  createVFSContract(): VFSServiceContract;
  createFilesystemContract(): VFSServiceFilesystemContract;
 * Filesytem Service Contract
export type VFSServiceFilesystemContract = {
  basename: Function;
  pathname: Function;
  pathJoin: Function;
  icon: Function;
  mountpoints: Function;
  mount: Function;
  unmount: Function;
 * VFS Service Contract
export type VFSServiceContract = {
  readdir: Function;
  readfile: Function;
  writefile: Function;
  copy: Function;
  move: Function;
  rename: Function;
  mkdir: Function;
  unlink: Function;
  exists: Function;
  stat: Function;
  url: Function;
  download: Function;
  search: Function;
  touch: Function;
 * VFS Service Options
export type VFSServiceOptions = {
  adapters?: {
    name: any;
  mountpoints?: any[];
declare class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
  constructor(core: Core, options?: AuthServiceOptions);
  readonly auth: Auth;
  createAuthContract(): AuthProviderContract;
 * Auth Service Contract
export type AuthProviderContract = {
  show: Function;
  login: Function;
  logout: Function;
  user: Function;
 * Auth Service Options
export type AuthServiceOptions = any;
declare class Settings {
   * Create application
  constructor(core: Core, options: SettingsOptions);
   * The settings adapter
  readonly adapter: SettingsAdapter;
   * Internal timeout reference used for debouncing
  debounce: object;
   * The settings tree
  settings: {
    name: any;
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Initializes settings adapter
  init(): any;
   * Saves settings
  save(): Promise<boolean>;
   * Loads settings
  load(): Promise<boolean>;
   * Gets a settings entry by key (cached)
  get(ns?: string, key?: string, defaultValue?: any): any;
   * Sets a settings entry by root key (but does not save).
  set(ns: string, key?: string, value?: any): Settings;
   * Clears a namespace by root key
  clear(ns: string): Promise<boolean>;
export type SettingsAdapterConfiguration = any;
export type SettingsAdapter = any;
export type SettingsAdapterCallback = (core: Core) => SettingsAdapterCallback;
 * Settings Options
export type SettingsOptions = {
   * Adapter to use
  adapter?: SettingsAdapterCallback | SettingsAdapter;
   * Adapter configuration
  config?: SettingsAdapterConfiguration;
declare class SettingsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
  constructor(core: Core, options?: SettingsServiceOptions);
  readonly settings: Settings;
  createSettingsContract(): SettingsProviderContract;
 * Settings Service Contract
export type SettingsProviderContract = {
  save: Function;
  load: Function;
  clear: Function;
  set: Function;
  get: Function;
export type SettingsServiceOptions = {
  config?: any;
declare namespace instance {
  export function addMiddleware(m: any): void;
  export function clearMiddleware(): void;
 * Basic Application Options
 * @property {string[]} [mimeTypes] What MIME types to support (all/fallback)
 * @property {string[]} [loadMimeTypes] What MIME types to support on load
 * @property {string[]} [saveMimeTypes] What MIME types to support on save
 * @property {string} [defaultFilename] Default filename of a new file
 * Basic Application Helper
 * A class for helping creating basic applications with open/load/create functionality.
 * Also sets the internal proc args for sessions.
export class BasicApplication extends EventEmitter {
   * Basic Application Constructor
  constructor(core: Core, proc: Application, win: Window, options?: BasicApplicationOptions);
   * Core instance reference
  readonly core: Core;
   * Application instance reference
  readonly proc: Application;
   * Window instance reference
  readonly win: Window;
   * Basic Application Options
  readonly options: BasicApplicationOptions;
   * Destroys all Basic Application internals
  destroy(): void;
   * Initializes the application
  init(): Promise<boolean>;
   * Gets options for a dialog
  getDialogOptions(type: string, options?: {}): object;
   * Updates the window title to match open file
  updateWindowTitle(): void;
   * Creates a new dialog of a type
  createDialog(type: string, cb: Function, options?: object): void;
   * Opens given file
   * Does not do any actual VFS operation
  open(item: any): void;
   * Saves given file
   * Does not do any actual VFS operation
  save(item: any): void;
   * Create new file
   * Does not do any actual VFS operation
  create(): void;
   * Create new file
  createNew(): void;
   * Creates a new save dialog
  createSaveDialog(options?: object): void;
   * Creates a new load dialog
  createOpenDialog(options?: object): void;
   * Sets file from open/save action
  private _setFile;
   * Creates the window title
  private _createTitle;
 * Basic Application Options
export type BasicApplicationOptions = {
   * What MIME types to support (all/fallback)
  mimeTypes?: string[];
   * What MIME types to support on load
  loadMimeTypes?: string[];
   * What MIME types to support on save
  saveMimeTypes?: string[];
   * Default filename of a new file
  defaultFilename?: string;

export {
  Application as Application,
  Auth as Auth,
  AuthServiceProvider as AuthServiceProvider,
  Clipboard as Clipboard,
  Middleware as Middleware,
  Core as Core,
  CoreServiceProvider as CoreServiceProvider,
  Desktop as Desktop,
  DesktopServiceProvider as DesktopServiceProvider,
  Filesystem as Filesystem,
  Login as Login,
  Notification as Notification,
  NotificationServiceProvider as NotificationServiceProvider,
  Notifications as Notifications,
  Packages as Packages,
  Search as Search,
  Settings as Settings,
  SettingsServiceProvider as SettingsServiceProvider,
  Splash as Splash,
  Tray as Tray,
  VFSServiceProvider as VFSServiceProvider,
  Websocket as Websocket,
  Window as Window,
  WindowBehavior as WindowBehavior,
  instance as logger,