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  <div class="admin-only selector-vote-form">
    <strong>SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBER:</strong>
    You've voted on <strong><%= user_votes_count(current_user, @event) %></strong> of <strong><%= @event.proposals.count %></strong> proposals. —
    <strong><%= @proposal.user_favorites.count %></strong> users have favorited this proposal.

    <%= form_for(@selector_vote, :url => proposal_selector_vote_path(@proposal), :html => {:method => :post}) do |f| %>
      <table cellspacing="0">
          <td><%= f.label :rating %></td>
          <td><%= f.label :comment %></td>
            <%= f.select :rating, [ ["Choose one:", ""],
                                    ["0 - Horrible", 0],
                                    ["1 - Poor" , 1],
                                    ["2 - Fair", 2],
                                    ["3 - Average", 3],
                                    ["4 - Good", 4],
                                    ["5 - Awesome", 5],
                                    ["x - I don't know", -1]] %>
            <% focus(:selector_vote_rating) %>
          <td class="selector-vote-form-comment-cell">
            <%= f.text_area :comment, :rows => 2 %>
            <%= f.submit "Vote and next!" %>
            <br />

            <span class="nowrap">
              <% if previous_proposal_path = previous_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %>
                <%= link_to("&larr; Previous".html_safe, previous_proposal_path) %>
              <% else %>
                First proposal!
              <% end %>
              <% if next_proposal_path = next_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %>
                <%= link_to("Next &rarr;".html_safe, next_proposal_path) %>
              <% else %>
                Last proposal!
              <% end %>
    <% end %>
    <div class="selector-vote-form-protip">
      <strong>Protip:</strong> You can vote quickly by just pressing the number of rating to choose it because it's focused on page load, then <code>Tab</code> to the comment field and fill it, then <code>Tab</code> to the "Vote" button and <code>Enter</code> to submit!