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Test Coverage
  <a class="spec-link" href="{{this.route}}?ref={{currentBranchName}}">
    <section class="file-container group">
      {{> edit_button url=this.editUrl}}
      {{#if this.empty}}
        <section class="file-details">
          <p class="file-name">{{> empty_file_notice name=this.name}}</p>
      {{else if this.error}}
        <section class="file-details">
          <p class="file-name">{{> parse_error_notice name=this.name}}</p>
      {{#if this.data}}
        <section class="feature-summary">
          <p class="feature-name" title="{{this.filePath}}">{{this.data.name}}</p>
          {{#if this.data.description }}
            <p class="feature-description" title="{{this.data.description}}">{{this.data.description}}</p>
          {{/if }}
          {{#if this.data.scenarioDefinitions}}
            <ul class="feature-scenarios">
              {{#each this.data.scenarioDefinitions}}
                   -- Because the whole spec-link component is a link we can't embed more links within it.
                   -- To allow special behaviour when clicking on a specific scenario name rather than
                   -- the whole feature, client-side JavaScript prevents the navigation, modifies the
                   -- target URL using the data specified on the element then causes a navigation to that URL.
                <li><span class="scenario-summary" data-scenario-encoded-name="{{#uri_encode this.name}}{{this}}{{/uri_encode}}" >{{this.name}}</span></li>