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Test Coverage
- content_for_title("Plot ##{@plot.plot_id}")
- content_for(:subnav) do
    = link_to('« Plots', plots_path, class: 'button primary', title: 'List of all plots', method: 'get')
    = link_to(content_tag(:i, '', :class => "icon-qr-code"), { controller: 'plots' , action: 'download_qr', id: @plot }, 'data-turbolinks': false, class: 'btn-icon', title: "Download QR Code for #{@plot}")
  - if current_user&.admin?
      = link_to(content_tag(:i, '', :class => "icon-edit"), edit_plot_path(@plot), class: 'btn-icon', title: "Edit #{@plot}")
      = link_to(content_tag(:i, '', :class => "icon-trash"), @plot, method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Delete Plot ##{@plot.plot_id}?" }, class: 'btn-icon', title: "Delete #{@plot}")
    - if @plot.photo.length == 0
        = image_tag(photo(@plot), alt: "Photo of #{@plot.photo}")
    - elsif @plot.photo.length == 1
      .img-square{ :style => "background-image: url(#{rails_blob_url(photo(@plot))})", :alt => "Photo of #{@plot.photo}" }
    - else
      #plotCarousel.carousel{"data-interval" => "false"}
          %a.carousel-control-prev.btn-icon#chevron{"data-slide" => "prev", :href => "#plotCarousel", :role => "button"}
            = content_tag(:i, '', :class => "icon-chevron-left")
            - @plot.photo.each_with_index do |image, index|
              %div{ :class => "img-square item #{index == 0 ? 'active' : ''}", :style => "background-image: url(#{rails_blob_url(photo(@plot, index))})", :alt => "Photo of #{image}" }
          %a.carousel-control-next.btn-icon#chevron{"data-slide" => "next", :href => "#plotCarousel", :role => "button"}
            = content_tag(:i, '', :class => "icon-chevron-right")
    %p.center.space.italic= @plot.formatted_location_description
    %h2.heading#table-heading Information
        %th.citation.italic{colspan: '2'}= last_updated(@plot)
          %th{scope: 'row'} Featured Plant
          %td= link_to_featured_plant(@plot)
          %th{scope: 'row'} Latitude
          %td= @plot.latitude || 'unmeasured'
          %th{scope: 'row'} Longitude
          %td= @plot.longitude || 'unmeasured'
          %th{scope: 'row'} Elevation
          %td= @plot.elevation ? "#{@plot.elevation} ft." : 'unmeasured'
          %th{scope: 'row'} Area
          %td= @plot.area ? "#{@plot.area} sq. ft." : 'unmeasured'
          %th{scope: 'row'} Aspect
          %td= @plot.aspect
          %th{scope: 'row'} Origin
          %td= @plot.origin
          %th{scope: 'row'} Inoculated?
          %td= @plot.inoculated ? 'Yes' : 'No'
          %th{scope: 'row'} Initial Planting Date
          %td= @plot.initial_planting_date
          %th{scope: 'row'} Initial Succession
          %td= @plot.initial_succession
- if @plot.featured_plant 
  %h2.center= @plot.featured_plant.common_name.titleize
    - if @plot.featured_plant.photo.length == 0
        = image_tag(photo(@plot.featured_plant), alt: "Photo of #{@plot.featured_plant.photo}")
    - elsif @plot.featured_plant.photo.length == 1
      .img-square{ :style => "background-image: url(#{rails_blob_url(photo(@plot.featured_plant))})", :alt => "Photo of #{@plot.featured_plant.photo}" }
    - else
      #plantCarousel.carousel{"data-interval" => "false"}
          %a.carousel-control-prev.btn-icon#chevron{"data-slide" => "prev", :href => "#plantCarousel", :role => "button"}
            = content_tag(:i, '', :class => "icon-chevron-left")
            - @plot.featured_plant.photo.each_with_index do |image, index|
              %div{ :class => "img-square item #{index == 0 ? 'active' : ''}", :style => "background-image: url(#{rails_blob_url(photo(@plot.featured_plant, index))})", :alt => "Photo of #{image}" }
          %a.carousel-control-next.btn-icon#chevron{"data-slide" => "next", :href => "#plantCarousel", :role => "button"}
            = content_tag(:i, '', :class => "icon-chevron-right")
        = @plot.featured_plant.scientific_name.capitalize
        - if @plot.featured_plant.invasive
      %p.no-margin= @plot.featured_plant.description
      %p.citation.italic= @plot.featured_plant.citation
          %th{scope: 'col'} Habitat Type
          %th{scope: 'col'} Tolerance
          %th{scope: 'col'} Invasive?
          %td= @plot.featured_plant.habitat_type
          %td= @plot.featured_plant.tolerance
          %td{class: ('danger' if @plot.featured_plant.invasive)}= @plot.featured_plant.invasive? ? 'Yes' : 'No'
- if @plot.biodiversity_reports  
  %h2.center Biodiversity Report Data       
            %th{scope: 'col'} Measured On
            %th{scope: 'col'} Temperature
            %th{scope: 'col'} Species Richness
            %th{scope: 'col'} Diversity Index
          - @plot.biodiversity_reports.order('measured_on DESC').each do |report|
            %tr{:onclick => "location.href='#{url_for(report)}'"}
              %td= report.measured_on.to_formatted_s(:long)
              %td= report.temperature
              %td= report.species_richness
              %td= report.diversity_index