# 💱 Wrapper for popular Currency Exchange Rate APIs
_A PHP API Wrapper to offer a unified programming interface for popular Currency Rate APIs._
[![PHP version](](
[![Travis CI](](
Dont worry about your favorite currency conversion service suddenly shutting down or switching plans on you. Switch away easily, without changing your code.
## Inspiration 💅
I needed a currency conversion API for my travel website but could not find a good PHP package. The idea of the
[`Rackbeat/php-currency-api`]( package came closest but unfortunately it
was just a stub and not implemented.
## Features 🌈
* Support for [multiple different APIs](#supported-apis-) through the use of drivers
* A [fluent interface](#fluent-interface) to make retrieving exchange rates convenient and fast
* Consistent return interface that is independent of the driver being used
* [Calculations](#conversion-result) can be made based on the returned data
## Supported APIs 🌐
| Service | Identifier |
| [FixerIO]( | `fixerio` |
| [CurrencyLayer]( | `currencylayer` |
| [Open Exchange Rates]( | `openexchangerates` |
| [Exchange Rates API]( | `exchangeratesapi` |
_If you want to see more services added, feel free to [open an issue](!_
## Prerequisites 📚
* `PHP 8.x` or `PHP 7.3+` or higher (tested on both `7.3` and `7.4`)
* The [`composer`]( dependency manager for PHP
* An account with one or more of the [API providers](#supported-apis-) listed above
## Installation 🚀
Simply require the package using `composer` and you're good to go!
$ composer require otherguy/php-currency-api
## Usage 🛠
### Currency Symbol Helper
The [`Otherguy\Currency\Symbol`](src/Symbol.php) class provides constants for each supported currency.
> !**Note:** You are not required to use `Otherguy\Currency\Symbol` to specify symbols. It's simply a convenience helper
> and does not need to be used. You can simply pass strings like `'USD', 'EUR', ...` to all methods.
// 'USD'
$symbol = Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::USD;
Use the `all()` method to retrieve an array of all currency symbols:
// [ 'AED', 'AFN', ... 'ZWL' ]
$symbols = Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::all();
The `names()` method returns an associative array with currency names instead:
// [ 'AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', ... ]
$symbols = Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::names();
To get the name of a single currency, use the `name()` method:
// 'United States Dollar'
$symbols = Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::name(Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::USD);
### Initialize API Instance
$currency = Otherguy\Currency\DriverFactory::make('fixerio'); // driver identifier from supported drivers.
To get a list of supported drivers, use the `getDrivers()` method:
// [ 'mock', 'fixerio', 'currencylayer', ... ]
$drivers = Otherguy\Currency\DriverFactory::getDrivers()
### Set Access Key
Most API providers require you to sign up and use your issued access key to authenticate against their API. You can
specify your access key like so:
### Set Configuration Options
To set further configuration options, you can use the `config()` method. An example is
[CurrencyLayer's JSON formatting option](
$currency->config('format', '1');
### Set Base Currency
You can use either `from()` or `source()` to set the base currency. The methods are identical.
> !**Note:** Each driver sets its own default base currency. [FixerIO]( uses `EUR` as base currency
> while [CurrencyLayer]( uses `USD`.
Most services only allow you to change the base currency in their paid plans. The driver will throw a
`Otherguy\Currency\Exceptions\ApiException` if your current plan does not allow changing the base currency.
### Set Return Currencies
You can use either `to()` or `symbols()` to set the return currencies. The methods are identical. Pass a single currency
or an array of currency symbols to either of these methods.
> !**Note:** Pass an empty array to return all currency symbols supported by this driver. This is the default if you
> don't call the method at all.
$currency->symbols([Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::BTC, Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::EUR, Otherguy\Currency\Symbol::USD]);
### Latest Rates
This retrieves the most recent exchange rates and returns a [`ConversionResult`](#conversion-result) object.
$currency->get(); // Get latest rates for selected symbols, using set base currency
$currency->get('DKK'); // Get latest rates for selected symbols, using DKK as base currency
### Historical Rates
To retrieve historical exchange rates, use the `historical()` method. Note that you need to specify a date either as a
method parameter or by using the `date()` methods. See [Fluent Interface](#fluent-interface) for more information.
### Convert Amount
Use the `convert()` method to convert amounts between currencies.
> !**Note:** Most API providers don't allow access to this method using your free account. You can still use the
> [Latest Rates](#latest-rates) or [Historical Rates](#historical-rates) endpoints and perform calculations or conversions
> on the [`ConversionResult`](#conversion-result) object.
$currency->convert(10.00, 'USD', 'THB'); // Convert 10 USD to THB
$currency->convert(122.50, 'NPR', 'EUR', '2019-01-01'); // Convert 122.50 NPR to EUR using the rates from January 1st, 2019
### Fluent Interface
Most methods can be used with a _fluent interface_, allowing you to chain method calls for more readable code:
// Namespaces are omitted for readability!
### Conversion Result
The [`get()`](#latest-rates) and [`historical()`](#historical-rates) endpoints return a
[`ConversionResult`](src/Results/ConversionResult.php) object. This object allows you to perform calculations and
conversions easily.
> !**Note:** Even though free accounts of most providers do not allow you to change the base currency, you can still
> use the `ConversionResult` object to change the base currency later. This might not be as accurate as changing the
> base currency directly, though.
> !**Note:** To convert between two currencies, you need to request both of them in your initial [`get()`](#latest-rates)
> or [`historical()`](#historical-rates) request. You can not convert between currencies that have not been fetched!
See the following code for some examples of what you can do with the `ConversionResult` object.
$result = DriverFactory::make('driver')->from(Symbol::USD)->to([Symbol::EUR, Symbol::GBP])->get();
// [ 'USD' => 1.00, 'EUR' => 0.89, 'GBP' => 0.79 ]
// 'USD'
// '2019-06-11'
// 0.89
// CurrencyException("No conversion result for BTC!");
// 5.618
$result->convert(5.0, Symbol::EUR, Symbol::USD);
// [ 'USD' => 1.13, 'EUR' => 1.00, 'GBP' => 0.89 ]
// 1.12
## Contributing 🚧
[Pull Requests]( are more than welcome! I'm striving for 100% test
coverage for this repository so please make sure to add tests for your code.