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3 hrs
Test Coverage
package main

import (

    fc "github.com/otiai10/openaigo/functioncall"

type Scenario struct {
    Name string
    Run  func() (any, error)

const (
    SKIP = "\033[0;33m====> SKIP\033[0m\n\n"

func GetWeather(location string, date float64) (string, error) {
    return "sunny", nil

func GetDate() int {
    now := time.Now()
    return now.Year()*10000 + int(now.Month())*100 + now.Day()

var (
    OPENAI_API_KEY string

    scenarios = []Scenario{
            Name: "completion",
            Run: func() (any, error) {
                client := openaigo.NewClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
                request := openaigo.ChatCompletionRequestBody{
                    Model: openaigo.GPT4o,
                    Messages: []openaigo.Message{
                        {Role: "user", Content: "What is the capital of Japan?"},
                return client.ChatCompletion(nil, request)
            Name: "image_edit",
            Run: func() (any, error) {
                client := openaigo.NewClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
                f, err := os.Open("./testdata/baby-sea-otter.png")
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                defer f.Close()
                request := openaigo.ImageEditRequestBody{
                    Image:  f,
                    Prompt: "A cute baby sea otter with big cheese",
                    Size:   openaigo.Size256,
                return client.EditImage(nil, request)
            Name: "image_variation",
            Run: func() (any, error) {
                client := openaigo.NewClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
                f, err := os.Open("./testdata/baby-sea-otter.png")
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                defer f.Close()
                request := openaigo.ImageVariationRequestBody{
                    Image: f,
                    Size:  openaigo.Size256,
                return client.CreateImageVariation(nil, request)

            Name: "chat_completion",
            Run: func() (any, error) {
                client := openaigo.NewClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
                request := openaigo.ChatRequest{
                    Model: openaigo.GPT4o,
                    Messages: []openaigo.Message{
                        {Role: "user", Content: "Hello!"},
                return client.Chat(nil, request)
            // https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-4
            Name: "[SKIP] chat_completion_GPT4",
            Run: func() (any, error) {
                client := openaigo.NewClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
                request := openaigo.ChatRequest{
                    Model: openaigo.GPT4o,
                    Messages: []openaigo.Message{
                        {Role: "user", Content: "Who are you?"},
                return client.Chat(nil, request)
            Name: "chat_completion_stream",
            Run: func() (any, error) {
                client := openaigo.NewClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
                data := make(chan openaigo.ChatCompletionResponse)
                done := make(chan error)
                defer close(data)
                defer close(done)
                calback := func(r openaigo.ChatCompletionResponse, d bool, e error) {
                    if d {
                        done <- e
                    } else {
                        data <- r
                request := openaigo.ChatCompletionRequestBody{
                    Model:          openaigo.GPT4o,
                    StreamCallback: calback,
                    Messages: []openaigo.Message{
                            Role:    "user",
                            Content: fmt.Sprintf("What are the historical events happend on %s", time.Now().Format("01/02"))},
                res, err := client.ChatCompletion(context.Background(), request)
                if err != nil {
                    return res, err
                for {
                    select {
                    case payload := <-data:
                    case err = <-done:
                        return res, err

        // Test case using "function_call"
            Name: "function_call",
            Run: func() (any, error) {
                conversation := []openaigo.Message{
                    {Role: "user", Content: "Should I bring an umbrella tomorrow? I'm living around Tokyo."},
                funcs := fc.Funcs{
                    "GetDate": fc.Func{GetDate, "A function to get date today", fc.Params{}},
                    "GetWeather": fc.Func{GetWeather, "A function to get weather information", fc.Params{
                        {"location", "string", "location of the wather", true, nil},
                        {"date", "integer", "date MMDD as number", true, nil},
                client := openaigo.NewClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
                request := openaigo.ChatRequest{
                    Model:     openaigo.GPT4o_20240513,
                    Messages:  conversation,
                    Functions: funcs,
                res_1, err := client.Chat(nil, request)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                conversation = append(conversation, res_1.Choices[0].Message)
                if res_1.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall != nil {
                    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", res_1.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall)
                    conversation = append(conversation, openaigo.Message{
                        Role:    "function",
                        Name:    res_1.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall.Name(),
                        Content: funcs.Call(res_1.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall),
                request.Messages = conversation
                res_2, err := client.Chat(nil, request)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                conversation = append(conversation, res_2.Choices[0].Message)
                if res_2.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall != nil {
                    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", res_2.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall)
                    conversation = append(conversation, openaigo.Message{
                        Role:    "function",
                        Name:    res_2.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall.Name(),
                        Content: funcs.Call(res_2.Choices[0].Message.FunctionCall),
                request.Messages = conversation
                res_3, err := client.Chat(nil, request)
                return res_3, err

    list bool

func init() {
    flag.BoolVar(&list, "list", false, "List up all names of scenario")

func main() {

    if list {
        for i, scenario := range scenarios {
            fmt.Printf("% 2d %s\n", i, scenario.Name)
    match := flag.Arg(0)
    total := 0
    var dur time.Duration = 0
    errors := []error{}
    for i, scenario := range scenarios {
        fmt.Printf("\033[1;34m[%03d] %s\033[0m\n", i+1, scenario.Name)
        if strings.HasPrefix(scenario.Name, "[SKIP]") {
        if match != "" {
            if !strings.Contains(scenario.Name, match) && !strings.Contains(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), match) {
        begin := time.Now()
        res, err := scenario.Run()
        elapsed := time.Since(begin)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("\033[31mError:\033[0m %+v\n", err)
            if e, ok := err.(openaigo.APIError); ok {
                // fmt.Println("StatusCode:", e.StatusCode)
                fmt.Println("Status:    ", e.Status)
                fmt.Println("Type:      ", e.Type)
                fmt.Println("Message:   ", e.Message)
                fmt.Println("Code:      ", e.Code)
                fmt.Println("Param:     ", e.Param)
            errors = append(errors, err)
            fmt.Print("Time: ")
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("%+v\n\033[32mTime:\033[0m ", res)
        fmt.Printf("%v\n\n", elapsed)
        dur += elapsed
    fmt.Printf("Total %d scenario executed in %v.\n", total, dur)
    if len(errors) > 0 {