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# too

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The opposite of `tee` command, combining stdout/stderr from multiple commands and kill them with one signal (Ctrl+C).

-> command 1 stream ─┐
-> command 2 stream ─┤
                     └─ stdout/stderr/SIGINT to kill both

It means, you can write 2 parallel jobs in 1 npm script!!

// package.json
    "scripts": {
        "start": "too -cmd 'rails s' -cmd 'webpack'"
        // Start server and client HMR in parallel,
        // and you can kill both by one Ctrl+C!!

This is JavaScript implementation of [`too`](https://github.com/otiai10/too).

# Why?

Sometimes we do that,

% nohup rails server &
% nohup npm start-webpack &

# after you did some work

% pkill rails
% pkill webpack

I don't wanna do this any more, just wanna run multiple processes and kill them with one `Ctrl+C`!

# Usage

% too --cmd 'rails server' --cmd 'npm start-webpack'

Then you will get

[0] rails   # Rails log here
[1] npm     # NPM log here

# And you can kill both by one `Ctrl+C` (SIGINT)

# Install

% npm install too

# Issues

- https://github.com/otiai10/too.js/issues