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# This class represents a Marathon Group.
# See for full list of API's methods.
class Marathon::Group < Marathon::Base

  ACCESSORS = %w[ id dependencies version ]

      :dependencies => []

  attr_reader :apps, :groups

  # Create a new group object.
  # ++hash++: Hash including all attributes.
  #           See for full details.
  # ++marathon_instance++: MarathonInstance holding a connection to marathon
  def initialize(hash, marathon_instance = Marathon.singleton)
    super(Marathon::Util.merge_keywordized_hash(DEFAULTS, hash), ACCESSORS)
    @marathon_instance = marathon_instance
    raise ArgumentError, 'Group must have an id' unless id

  # Reload attributes from marathon API.
  def refresh
    new_app = @marathon_instance.groups.get(id)
    @info =

  # Create and start a the application group. Application groups can contain other application groups.
  # An application group can either hold other groups or applications, but can not be mixed in one.
  # Since the deployment of the group can take a considerable amount of time,
  # this endpoint returns immediatly with a version. The failure or success of the action is signalled via event.
  # There is a group_change_success and group_change_failed event with the given version.
  def start!

  # Change parameters of a deployed application group.
  # Changes to application parameters will result in a restart of this application.
  # A new application added to the group is started.
  # An existing application removed from the group gets stopped.
  # If there are no changes to the application definition, no restart is triggered.
  # During restart marathon keeps track, that the configured amount of minimal running instances are always available.
  # A deployment can run forever. This is the case, when the new application has a problem and does not become healthy.
  # In this case, human interaction is needed with 2 possible choices:
  # Rollback to an existing older version (send an existing version in the body)
  # Update with a newer version of the group which does not have the problems of the old one.
  # If there is an upgrade process already in progress, a new update will be rejected unless the force flag is set.
  # With the force flag given, a running upgrade is terminated and a new one is started.
  # Since the deployment of the group can take a considerable amount of time,
  # this endpoint returns immediatly with a version. The failure or success of the action is signalled via event.
  # There is a group_change_success and group_change_failed event with the given version.
  # ++hash++: Hash of attributes to change.
  # ++force++: If the group is affected by a running deployment, then the update operation will fail.
  #            The current deployment can be overridden by setting the `force` query parameter.
  # ++dry_run++: Get a preview of the deployment steps Marathon would run for a given group update.
  def change!(hash, force = false, dry_run = false)
    if hash[:version] and hash.size > 1
      # remove :version if it's not the only key
      new_hash = Marathon::Util.remove_keys(hash, [:version])
      new_hash = hash
    @marathon_instance.groups.change(id, new_hash, force, dry_run)

  # Create a new version with parameters of an old version.
  # Currently running tasks are restarted, while maintaining the minimumHealthCapacity.
  # ++version++: Version name of the old version.
  # ++force++: If the group is affected by a running deployment, then the update operation will fail.
  #            The current deployment can be overridden by setting the `force` query parameter.
  def roll_back!(version, force = false)
    change!({'version' => version}, force)

  def to_s
    "Marathon::Group { :id => #{id} }"

  # Returns a string for listing the group.
  def to_pretty_s
Group ID:   #{id}
Version:    #{version}
    ].gsub(/\n\n+/, "\n").strip


  def pretty_array(array) { |e| e.to_pretty_s.split("\n").map { |e| "    #{e}" } }.join("\n")

  # Rebuild attribute classes
  def refresh_attributes
    @apps = (info[:apps] || []).map { |e|, @marathon_instance) }
    @groups = (info[:groups] || []).map { |e|, @marathon_instance) }

  class << self
    # List the group with the specified ID.
    # ++id++: Group's id.
    def get(id)

    # List all groups.
    def list

    # Delete the application group with id.
    # ++id++: Group's id.
    # ++force++: If the group is affected by a running deployment, then the update operation will fail.
    #            The current deployment can be overridden by setting the `force` query parameter.
    def delete(id, force = false)
      Marathon.singleton.groups.delete(id, force)

    alias :remove :delete

    # Create and start a new application group. Application groups can contain other application groups.
    # An application group can either hold other groups or applications, but can not be mixed in one.
    # Since the deployment of the group can take a considerable amount of time,
    # this endpoint returns immediatly with a version. The failure or success of the action is signalled via event.
    # There is a group_change_success and group_change_failed event with the given version.
    # ++hash++: Hash including all attributes
    #           see for full details
    def start(hash)

    alias :create :start

    # Change parameters of a deployed application group.
    # Changes to application parameters will result in a restart of this application.
    # A new application added to the group is started.
    # An existing application removed from the group gets stopped.
    # If there are no changes to the application definition, no restart is triggered.
    # During restart marathon keeps track, that the configured amount of minimal running instances are always available.
    # A deployment can run forever. This is the case,
    # when the new application has a problem and does not become healthy.
    # In this case, human interaction is needed with 2 possible choices:
    # Rollback to an existing older version (send an existing version in the body)
    # Update with a newer version of the group which does not have the problems of the old one.
    # If there is an upgrade process already in progress, a new update will be rejected unless the force flag is set.
    # With the force flag given, a running upgrade is terminated and a new one is started.
    # Since the deployment of the group can take a considerable amount of time,
    # this endpoint returns immediatly with a version. The failure or success of the action is signalled via event.
    # There is a group_change_success and group_change_failed event with the given version.
    # ++id++: Group's id.
    # ++hash++: Hash of attributes to change.
    # ++force++: If the group is affected by a running deployment, then the update operation will fail.
    #            The current deployment can be overridden by setting the `force` query parameter.
    # ++dry_run++: Get a preview of the deployment steps Marathon would run for a given group update.
    def change(id, hash, force = false, dry_run = false)
      Marathon.singleton.groups.change(id, hash, force, dry_run)

# This class represents a set of Groups
class Marathon::Groups < Marathon::Base

  def initialize(marathon_instance)
    @marathon_instance = marathon_instance

  # List the group with the specified ID.
  # ++id++: Group's id.
  def get(id)
    json = @marathon_instance.connection.get("/v2/groups/#{id}"), @marathon_instance)

  # List all groups.
  def list
    json = @marathon_instance.connection.get('/v2/groups'), @marathon_instance)

  # Delete the application group with id.
  # ++id++: Group's id.
  # ++force++: If the group is affected by a running deployment, then the update operation will fail.
  #            The current deployment can be overridden by setting the `force` query parameter.
  def delete(id, force = false)
    query = {}
    query[:force] = true if force
    json = @marathon_instance.connection.delete("/v2/groups/#{id}", query), @marathon_instance)

  alias :remove :delete

  # Create and start a new application group. Application groups can contain other application groups.
  # An application group can either hold other groups or applications, but can not be mixed in one.
  # Since the deployment of the group can take a considerable amount of time,
  # this endpoint returns immediatly with a version. The failure or success of the action is signalled via event.
  # There is a group_change_success and group_change_failed event with the given version.
  # ++hash++: Hash including all attributes
  #           see for full details
  def start(hash)
    json ='/v2/groups', nil, :body => hash), @marathon_instance)

  alias :create :start

  # Change parameters of a deployed application group.
  # Changes to application parameters will result in a restart of this application.
  # A new application added to the group is started.
  # An existing application removed from the group gets stopped.
  # If there are no changes to the application definition, no restart is triggered.
  # During restart marathon keeps track, that the configured amount of minimal running instances are always available.
  # A deployment can run forever. This is the case,
  # when the new application has a problem and does not become healthy.
  # In this case, human interaction is needed with 2 possible choices:
  # Rollback to an existing older version (send an existing version in the body)
  # Update with a newer version of the group which does not have the problems of the old one.
  # If there is an upgrade process already in progress, a new update will be rejected unless the force flag is set.
  # With the force flag given, a running upgrade is terminated and a new one is started.
  # Since the deployment of the group can take a considerable amount of time,
  # this endpoint returns immediatly with a version. The failure or success of the action is signalled via event.
  # There is a group_change_success and group_change_failed event with the given version.
  # ++id++: Group's id.
  # ++hash++: Hash of attributes to change.
  # ++force++: If the group is affected by a running deployment, then the update operation will fail.
  #            The current deployment can be overridden by setting the `force` query parameter.
  # ++dry_run++: Get a preview of the deployment steps Marathon would run for a given group update.
  def change(id, hash, force = false, dry_run = false)
    query = {}
    query[:force] = true if force
    query[:dryRun] = true if dry_run
    json = @marathon_instance.connection.put("/v2/groups/#{id}", query, :body => hash)
    if dry_run
      json['steps'].map { |e| }
    else, @marathon_instance)