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What is the Objective Function?

The objective of a linear programming problem will be to maximize or to minimize
some numerical value. This value may be the expected net present value of a project
or a forest property; or it may be the cost of a project; it could also be the amount
of wood produced, the expected number of visitor-days at a park, the number of
endangered species that will be saved, or the amount of a particular type of habitat
to be maintained. Linear programming is an extremely general technique, and its
applications are limited mainly by our imaginations and our ingenuity.

The objective function indicates how much each variable contributes to the value to
be optimized in the problem. The objective function takes the following general form:

.. math::

    maximize & or & minimize  & Z = \sum_{i=1}^{n}c_i X_i


* :math:`c_i` = the objective function coefficient corresponding to the ith variable
* :math:`X_i` = the :math:`i`-th decision variable.
* The summation notation used here was discussed in the section above on linear
  functions. The summation notation for the objective function can be expanded out as
  follows: :math:`Z = \sum_{i=1}^{n} c_i X_i = c_1 X_1 + c_2 X_2 + \cdots + c_n X_n`

The coefficients of the objective function indicate the contribution to the value of
the objective function of one unit of the corresponding variable. For example, if the
objective function is to maximize the present value of a project, and :math:`X_i` is
the :math:`i`-th possible activity in the project, then :math:`c_i` (the objective
function coefficient corresponding to :math:`X_i` ) gives the net present value generated
by one unit of activity :math:`i`. As another example, if the problem is to minimize
the cost of achieving some goal, :math:`X_i` might be the amount of resource :math:`i`
used in achieving the goal. In this case, :math:`c_i` would be the cost of using one
unit of resource :math:`i`.

Note that the way the general objective function above has been written implies that
each variable has a coefficient in the objective function. Of course, some variables
may not contribute to the objective function. In this case, you can either think of
the variable as having a coefficient of zero, or you can think of the variable as
not being in the objective function at all.

Visualizing the Objective function

The loss functions we’ll look at in this class are usually defined over very
high-dimensional spaces (e.g. in CIFAR-10 a linear classifier weight matrix is of
size :math:`[10 x 3073]` for a total of 30,730 parameters), making them difficult
to visualize. However, we can still gain some intuitions about one by slicing
through the high-dimensional space along rays (1 dimension), or along planes (2
dimensions). For example, we can generate a random weight matrix :math:`W` (which
corresponds to a single point in the space), then march along a ray and record
the loss function value along the way. That is, we can generate a random
direction :math:`W_1` and compute the loss along this direction by
evaluating :math:`L(W+aW_1)` for different values of :math:`a`. This process
generates a simple plot with the value of :math:`a` as the :math:`x`-axis and
the value of the loss function as the :math:`y`-axis. We can also carry out the
same procedure with two dimensions by evaluating the loss :math:`L(W+aW_1+bW_2)`
as we vary :math:`a,b`. In a plot, :math:`a,b` could then correspond to the :math:`x`-axis
and the :math:`y`-axis, and the value of the loss function can be visualized with a color:

.. image:: pics/init_1.png
    :width: 30%
.. image:: pics/init_2.jpg
    :width: 30%
.. image:: pics/init_3.jpg
    :width: 30%

Loss function landscape for the Multiclass SVM (without regularization) for
one single example (left,middle) and for a hundred examples (right) in CIFAR-10.
**Left**: one-dimensional loss by only varying a. **Middle**, **Right**: two-dimensional
loss slice, Blue = low loss, Red = high loss. Notice the piecewise-linear structure of
the loss function. The losses for multiple examples are combined with average, so
the bowl shape on the right is the average of many piece-wise linear bowls (such as
the one in the middle).

We can explain the piecewise-linear structure of the loss function by examining the math.
For a single example we have:

.. math::

    L_i=\sum_{j \neq y_i}[max(0,w_j^T x_i−w_{y_i}^T x_i+1)]

It is clear from the equation that the data loss for each example is a sum of (zero-thresholded
due to the :math:`max(0,−)` function) linear functions of :math:`W`. Moreover, each row
of :math:`W` (i.e. :math:`w_j`) sometimes has a positive sign in front of it (when it
corresponds to a wrong class for an example), and sometimes a negative sign (when it
corresponds to the correct class for that example). To make this more explicit,
consider a simple dataset that contains three 1-dimensional points and three classes.
The full SVM loss (without regularization) becomes:

.. math::

    & L_0=max(0,w_1^T x_0 − w_0^T x_0 + 1)+max(0,w_2^T x_0−w_0^T x^0+1) \\
    & L_1 = max(0,w_0^T x_1−w_1^T x_1+1)+max(0,w_2^T x_1−w_1^T x_1+1) \\
    & L_2 = max(0,w_0^T x_2−w_2^T x_2+1)+max(0,w_1^T x_2−w_2^T x_2+1) \\
    & L = (L_0+L_1+L_2)/3

Since these examples are 1-dimensional, the data :math:`x_i` and weights :math:`w_j` are
numbers. Looking at, for instance, :math:`w_0`, some terms above are linear functions
of :math:`w_0` and each is clamped at zero. We can visualize this as follows:

.. figure:: pics/init_4.png

    1-dimensional illustration of the data loss. The :math:`x`-axis is a single weight and
    the :math:`y`-axis is the loss. The data loss is a sum of multiple terms, each of which
    is either independent of a particular weight, or a linear function of it that is
    thresholded at zero. The full SVM data loss is a 30,730-dimensional version of this shape.

As an aside, you may have guessed from its bowl-shaped appearance that the SVM cost function
is an example of a convex function [1]_. There is a large amount of literature devoted to
efficiently minimizing these types of functions, and you can also take a Stanford class on
the topic (convex optimization [2]_). Once we extend our score functions ff to Neural Networks
our objective functions will become non-convex, and the visualizations above will not feature
bowls but complex, bumpy terrains.

Non-differentiable loss functions. As a technical note, you can also see that the kinks in
the loss function (due to the max operation) technically make the loss function non-differentiable
because at these kinks the gradient is not defined. However, the subgradient still exists and
is commonly used instead. In this class will use the terms subgradient [3]_ and gradient interchangeably.

.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convex_function
.. [2] http://stanford.edu/~boyd/cvxbook/
.. [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subderivative