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2 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2016
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
 * or later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

(function(OC, OCA) {

     * @class OCA.Comments.CommentCollection
     * @classdesc
     * Collection of comments assigned to a file
    var CommentCollection = OC.Backbone.Collection.extend(
        /** @lends OCA.Comments.CommentCollection.prototype */ {

        sync: OC.Backbone.davSync,

        model: OCA.Comments.CommentModel,

         * Object type
         * @type string
        _objectType: 'files',

         * Object id
         * @type string
        _objectId: null,

         * True if there are no more page results left to fetch
         * @type bool
        _endReached: false,

         * Number of comments to fetch per page
         * @type int
        _limit : 20,

         * Initializes the collection
         * @param {string} [options.objectType] object type
         * @param {string} [options.objectId] object id
        initialize: function(models, options) {
            options = options || {};
            if (options.objectType) {
                this._objectType = options.objectType;
            if (options.objectId) {
                this._objectId = options.objectId;

        url: function() {
            return OC.linkToRemote('dav') + '/comments/' +
                encodeURIComponent(this._objectType) + '/' +
                encodeURIComponent(this._objectId) + '/';

        setObjectId: function(objectId) {
            this._objectId = objectId;

        hasMoreResults: function() {
            return !this._endReached;

        reset: function() {
            this._endReached = false;
            this._summaryModel = null;
            return OC.Backbone.Collection.prototype.reset.apply(this, arguments);

         * Fetch the next set of results
        fetchNext: function(options) {
            var self = this;
            if (!this.hasMoreResults()) {
                return null;

            var body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' +
                '<oc:filter-comments xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:oc="http://owncloud.org/ns">\n' +
                // load one more so we know there is more
                '    <oc:limit>' + (this._limit + 1) + '</oc:limit>\n' +
                '    <oc:offset>' + this.length + '</oc:offset>\n' +

            options = options || {};
            var success = options.success;
            options = _.extend({
                remove: false,
                parse: true,
                data: body,
                davProperties: CommentCollection.prototype.model.prototype.davProperties,
                success: function(resp) {
                    if (resp.length <= self._limit) {
                        // no new entries, end reached
                        self._endReached = true;
                    } else {
                        // remove last entry, for next page load
                        resp = _.initial(resp);
                    if (!self.set(resp, options)) {
                        return false;
                    if (success) {
                        success.apply(null, arguments);
                    self.trigger('sync', 'REPORT', self, options);
            }, options);

            return this.sync('REPORT', this, options);

         * Returns the matching summary model
         * @return {OCA.Comments.CommentSummaryModel} summary model
        getSummaryModel: function() {
            if (!this._summaryModel) {
                this._summaryModel = new OCA.Comments.CommentSummaryModel({
                    id: this._objectId,
                    objectType: this._objectType
            return this._summaryModel;

         * Updates the read marker for this comment thread
         * @param {Date} [date] optional date, defaults to now
         * @param {Object} [options] backbone options
        updateReadMarker: function(date, options) {
            options = options || {};

            return this.getSummaryModel().save({
                readMarker: (date || new Date()).toUTCString()
            }, options);

    OCA.Comments.CommentCollection = CommentCollection;
})(OC, OCA);