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Test Coverage
 * @author Viktar Dubiniuk <dubiniuk@owncloud.com>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019, ownCloud GmbH
 * @license AGPL-3.0
 * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

namespace OCA\Files_Sharing\Controller;

use Exception;
use OC\Files\Filesystem;
use OC\Share20\Exception\ProviderException;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\SharingAllowlist;
use OCP\Constants;
use OC\OCS\Result;
use OCP\AppFramework\OCSController;
use OCP\Files\File;
use OCP\Files\Folder;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\Files\NotFoundException;
use OCP\Files\StorageNotAvailableException;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IGroupManager;
use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\IURLGenerator;
use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\IUserSession;
use OCP\Lock\ILockingProvider;
use OCP\Lock\LockedException;
use OCP\Share;
use OCP\Share\Exceptions\GenericShareException;
use OCP\Share\Exceptions\ShareNotFound;
use OCP\Share\IManager;
use OCP\Share\IShare;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\Service\NotificationPublisher;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\Helper;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\SharingBlacklist;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;
use OC\Helper\UserTypeHelper;

 * Class Share20OcsController
 * @package OCA\Files_Sharing\Controller
class Share20OcsController extends OCSController {
    /** @var IManager */
    private $shareManager;
    /** @var IGroupManager */
    private $groupManager;
    /** @var IUserManager */
    private $userManager;
    /** @var IRootFolder */
    private $rootFolder;
    /** @var IUserSession */
    private $userSession;
    /** @var IURLGenerator */
    private $urlGenerator;
    /** @var IL10N */
    private $l;
    /** @var IConfig */
    private $config;
    /** @var NotificationPublisher */
    private $notificationPublisher;
    /** @var EventDispatcher  */
    private $eventDispatcher;
    /** @var SharingBlacklist */
    private $sharingBlacklist;
    /** @var SharingAllowlist */
    private $sharingAllowlist;
     * @var string
    private $additionalInfoField;

    /** @var UserTypeHelper */
    private $userTypeHelper;

    /** @var Folder[] */
    private $currentUserFolder;

    public function __construct(
        IRequest $request,
        IManager $shareManager,
        IGroupManager $groupManager,
        IUserManager $userManager,
        IRootFolder $rootFolder,
        IURLGenerator $urlGenerator,
        IUserSession $userSession,
        IL10N $l10n,
        IConfig $config,
        NotificationPublisher $notificationPublisher,
        EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher,
        SharingBlacklist $sharingBlacklist,
        SharingAllowlist $sharingAllowlist,
        UserTypeHelper $userTypeHelper
    ) {
        parent::__construct($appName, $request);
        $this->request = $request;
        $this->shareManager = $shareManager;
        $this->groupManager = $groupManager;
        $this->userManager = $userManager;
        $this->rootFolder = $rootFolder;
        $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
        $this->l = $l10n;
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->notificationPublisher = $notificationPublisher;
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
        $this->sharingBlacklist = $sharingBlacklist;
        $this->sharingAllowlist = $sharingAllowlist;
        $this->additionalInfoField = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'user_additional_info_field', '');
        $this->userSession = $userSession;
        $this->userTypeHelper = $userTypeHelper;

     * Returns the additional info to display behind the display name as configured.
     * @param IUser $user user for which to retrieve the additional info
     * @return string|null additional info or null if none to be displayed
    private function getAdditionalUserInfo(IUser $user) {
        if ($this->additionalInfoField === 'email') {
            return $user->getEMailAddress();
        } elseif ($this->additionalInfoField === 'id') {
            return $user->getUID();
        return null;

     * Returns root folder of the current user
     * @return Folder
    private function getCurrentUserFolder() {
        // cache only one key, but be sure to check current user session id in case
        // current user folder changes
        $userSessionId = $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID();
        if (!isset($this->currentUserFolder[$userSessionId])) {
            $this->currentUserFolder = [$userSessionId => $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($userSessionId)];
        return $this->currentUserFolder[$userSessionId];

     * Convert an IShare to an array for OCS output
     * @param IShare $share
     * @param bool $received whether it's formatting received shares
     * @return array
     * @throws NotFoundException In case the node can't be resolved.
     * @throws \OCP\Files\InvalidPathException
     * @throws \OCP\Files\StorageNotAvailableException
    protected function formatShare(IShare $share, $received = false) {
        $sharedBy = $this->userManager->get($share->getSharedBy());
        $shareFileOwner = $this->userManager->get($share->getShareOwner());

        $result = [
            'id' => $share->getId(),
            'share_type' => $share->getShareType(),
            'uid_owner' => $share->getSharedBy(),
            'displayname_owner' => $sharedBy !== null ? $sharedBy->getDisplayName() : $share->getSharedBy(),
            'permissions' => $share->getPermissions(),
            'stime' => $share->getShareTime() ? $share->getShareTime()->getTimestamp() : null,
            'parent' => null,
            'expiration' => null,
            'token' => null,
            'uid_file_owner' => $share->getShareOwner(),
            'displayname_file_owner' => $shareFileOwner !== null ? $shareFileOwner->getDisplayName() : $share->getShareOwner()
        if ($sharedBy !== null) {
            $result['additional_info_owner'] = $this->getAdditionalUserInfo($sharedBy);
        if ($shareFileOwner !== null) {
            $result['additional_info_file_owner'] = $this->getAdditionalUserInfo($shareFileOwner);

        if ($received) {
            // also add state
            $result['state'] = $share->getState();

            // can only fetch path info if mounted already or if owner
            if ($share->getState() === Share::STATE_ACCEPTED || $share->getShareOwner() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID()) {
                $userFolder = $this->getCurrentUserFolder();
            } else {
                // need to go through owner user for pending shares
                $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($share->getShareOwner());
        } else {
            $userFolder = $this->getCurrentUserFolder();

        // we need to retrieve a share mountpoint node for the userfolder,
        // we cannot use share->getNode() as it retrieves the original node and
        // not a user folder mount. Share node will be needed to retrieve e.g.
        // shared storage details
        $shareNodes = $userFolder->getById($share->getNodeId(), true);
        $shareNode = $shareNodes[0] ?? null;
        if ($shareNode === null) {
            throw new NotFoundException();

        // An incoming share that has not been accepted yet would show the
        // share owner's internal path. Use the target path instead.
        if ($received && $share->getState() !== Share::STATE_ACCEPTED) {
            $sharePath = $share->getTarget();
        } else {
            $sharePath = $userFolder->getRelativePath($shareNode->getPath());

        $result['path'] = $sharePath;
        $result['mimetype'] = $shareNode->getMimeType();
        $result['storage_id'] = $shareNode->getStorage()->getId();
        $result['storage'] = $shareNode->getStorage()->getCache()->getNumericStorageId();
        $result['item_type'] = $share->getNodeType();
        $result['item_source'] = $shareNode->getId();
        $result['file_source'] = $shareNode->getId();
        $result['file_parent'] = $shareNode->getParent()->getId();
        $result['file_target'] = $share->getTarget();

        $expiration = $share->getExpirationDate();
        if ($expiration !== null) {
            $result['expiration'] = $expiration->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');

        if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
            $sharedWith = $this->userManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
            $result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
            $result['share_with_displayname'] = $sharedWith !== null ? $sharedWith->getDisplayName() : $share->getSharedWith();
            $result['share_with_user_type'] = $this->userTypeHelper->getUserType($share->getSharedWith());
            if ($sharedWith !== null) {
                $result['share_with_additional_info'] = $this->getAdditionalUserInfo($sharedWith);
        } elseif ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
            $group = $this->groupManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
            $result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
            $result['share_with_displayname'] = $group !== null ? $group->getDisplayName() : $share->getSharedWith();
        } elseif ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
            if ($share->getPassword() !== null) {
                // Misleading names ahead!: These fields are miss-used to
                // read/write public link password-hashes
                $result['share_with'] = '***redacted***';
                $result['share_with_displayname'] = '***redacted***';
            $result['name'] = $share->getName();

            $result['token'] = $share->getToken();
            if ($share->getToken() !== null) {
                $result['url'] = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('files_sharing.sharecontroller.showShare', ['token' => $share->getToken()]);
        } elseif ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE || $share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE_GROUP) {
            $result['share_with'] = $share->getSharedWith();
            $result['share_with_displayname'] = $share->getSharedWith();
            $result['token'] = $share->getToken();

        $result['mail_send'] = $share->getMailSend() ? 1 : 0;

        $result['attributes'] = null;
        if ($attributes = $share->getAttributes()) {
            $result['attributes'] = \json_encode($attributes->toArray());

        return $result;

     * Get a specific share by id
     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @NoCSRFRequired
     * @param string $id
     * @return Result
    public function getShare($id) {
        if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiEnabled()) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Share API is disabled'));

        try {
            $share = $this->getShareById($id);
        } catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));

        if ($this->canAccessShare($share)) {
            try {
                $share = $this->formatShare($share);
                return new Result([$share]);
            } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
                //Fall through
            } catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
                // could happen if the share node points to a storage which isn't available
                // TODO: This should go through an injected logger instance
                \OCP\Util::logException('core', $e, \OCP\Util::ERROR);
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Share points to a node not available'));

        return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));

     * Delete a share
     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param string $id
     * @return Result
     * @throws LockedException
     * @throws NotFoundException
     * @throws ShareNotFound
    public function deleteShare($id) {
        if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiEnabled()) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Share API is disabled'));

        try {
            $share = $this->getShareById($id);
        } catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));

        try {
        } catch (LockedException $e) {
            return new Result(null, 404, 'could not delete share');

        if (!$this->canChangeShare($share)) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Could not delete share'));



        return new Result();

     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @return Result
     * @throws LockedException
     * @throws NotFoundException
     * @throws \OCP\Files\InvalidPathException
    public function createShare() {
        $share = $this->shareManager->newShare();

        if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiEnabled()) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Share API is disabled'));

        $name = $this->request->getParam('name', null);

        // Verify path
        $path = $this->request->getParam('path', null);
        if ($path === null) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Please specify a file or folder path'));

        $userFolder = $this->getCurrentUserFolder();

        try {
            $path = $userFolder->get($path);
        } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong path, file/folder doesn\'t exist'));


        try {
        } catch (LockedException $e) {
            return new Result(null, 404, 'Could not create share');

        $shareType = (int)$this->request->getParam('shareType', '-1');
        $noPermissionFromRequest = false;

        // Parse permissions (if available)
        $permissions = $this->getPermissionsFromRequest();
        if ($permissions === null) {
            $noPermissionFromRequest = true;
            if ($shareType !== Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
                $permissions = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_default_permissions', Constants::PERMISSION_ALL);
            } else {
                $permissions = Constants::PERMISSION_ALL;
        } else {
            $permissions = (int)$permissions;

         * Hack for https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/22587
         * We check the permissions via webdav. But the permissions of the mount point
         * do not equal the share permissions. Here we fix that for federated mounts.
        if ($path->getStorage()->instanceOfStorage('OCA\Files_Sharing\External\Storage')) {
            $permissions &= ~($permissions & ~$path->getPermissions());

        //Expire date
        $expireDate = $this->request->getParam('expireDate', '');
        if ($expireDate !== '') {
            try {
                $expireDate = $this->parseDate($expireDate);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD'));

        $shareWith = $this->request->getParam('shareWith', null);

        $globalAutoAccept = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_auto_accept_share', 'yes') === 'yes';

        if ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
            $userAutoAccept = false;
            if ($globalAutoAccept) {
                $userAutoAccept = $this->config->getUserValue($shareWith, 'files_sharing', 'auto_accept_share', 'yes') === 'yes';

            // Valid user is required to share. Fetch the user to retrieve
            // the username later for setSharedWith().
            $user = $this->userManager->get($shareWith);
            if (!$user) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Please specify a valid user'));

            // Fetch the UID to match exactly with the user (case-sensitive).
            if ($userAutoAccept) {
            } else {
        } elseif ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
            if (!$this->shareManager->allowGroupSharing()) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Group sharing is disabled by the administrator'));

            // Valid group is required to share
            if (!\is_string($shareWith) || !$this->groupManager->groupExists($shareWith)) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Please specify a valid group'));
            if ($this->sharingBlacklist->isGroupBlacklisted($this->groupManager->get($shareWith))) {
                return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('The group is blacklisted for sharing'));
            if ($globalAutoAccept) {
            } else {
        } elseif ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
            if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiAllowLinks()) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator'));

            if ($this->sharingAllowlist->isPublicShareSharersGroupsAllowlistEnabled() &&
            ) {
                return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('Public link creation is only possible for certain groups'));

            $publicUploadAllowed = $this->shareManager->shareApiLinkAllowPublicUpload();

            // legacy way, expecting that this won't be used together with "create-only" shares
            $publicUpload = $this->request->getParam('publicUpload', null);
            // a few permission checks
            if ($publicUpload === 'true' || $permissions === Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE) {
                // Check if public upload is allowed
                if (!$publicUploadAllowed) {
                    return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('Public upload disabled by the administrator'));

                // Public upload can only be set for folders
                if ($path instanceof File) {
                    return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders'));

            // don't allow "create"-permission if public upload is not allowed.
            // we only need this check if permissions were passed via the request, otherwise
            // it is already being handled.
            $includesCreatePermission = $permissions & Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE;
            if (!$noPermissionFromRequest && !$publicUploadAllowed && $includesCreatePermission) {
                return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('Public upload disabled by the administrator'));

            // convert to permissions
            if ($publicUpload === 'true') {
                    Constants::PERMISSION_READ |
                    Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE |
                    Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE |
            } elseif ($permissions === Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE ||
                $permissions === (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE) ||
                $permissions === (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE) ||
                $permissions === (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE)) {
            } else {
                // because when "publicUpload" is passed usually no permissions are set,
                // which defaults to ALL. But in the case of link shares we default to READ...

            // set name only if passed as parameter, empty string is allowed
            if ($name !== null) {

            // Set password
            $password = $this->request->getParam('password', '');

            if ($password !== '') {
        } elseif ($shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE || $shareType === Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE_GROUP) {
            if (!$this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed()) {
                return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('Sharing %s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %s', [$path->getPath(), $shareType]));
            if (!\is_string($shareWith)) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('shareWith parameter must be a string'));
        } else {
            return new Result(null, 400, $this->l->t('Unknown share type'));


        // set attributes array from request, or if not provided set empty array
        $newAttributes = $this->request->getParam('attributes', null);
        if ($newAttributes !== null) {
            $share = $this->setShareAttributes($share, $newAttributes);
        } else {
            $share = $this->setShareAttributes($share, []);

        try {
            $share = $this->shareManager->createShare($share);
             * If auto accept enabled by admin and it is a group share,
             * create sub-share for auto accept disabled users in pending state.
            if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP && $globalAutoAccept) {
                $subShare = $share;
                $group = $this->groupManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
                foreach ($group->getUsers() as $user) {
                    $userAutoAccept = $this->config->getUserValue($user->getUID(), 'files_sharing', 'auto_accept_share', 'yes') === 'yes';
                    if (!$userAutoAccept) {
                        $this->shareManager->updateShareForRecipient($subShare, $user->getUID());
        } catch (GenericShareException $e) {
            $code = $e->getCode() === 0 ? 403 : $e->getCode();
            return new Result(null, $code, $e->getHint());
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return new Result(null, 403, $e->getMessage());


        $formattedShareAfterCreate = $this->formatShare($share);

        return new Result($formattedShareAfterCreate);

     * @param File|Folder $node
     * @param boolean $includeTags include tags in response
     * @param int|null $stateFilter state filter or empty for all, defaults to 0 (accepted)
     * @param array $requestedShareTypes a key-value array with the requested share types to
     * be returned. The keys of the array are the share types to be returned, and the values
     * whether the share type will be returned or not.
     * [Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER => true, Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP => false]
     * @return Result
    private function getSharedWithMe($node, $includeTags, $requestedShareTypes, $stateFilter = 0) {
        // sharedWithMe is limited to user and group shares for compatibility.
        $shares = [];
        if (isset($requestedShareTypes[Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER]) && $requestedShareTypes[Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER]) {
            $shares = \array_merge(
                $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID(), Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $node, -1, 0)
        if (isset($requestedShareTypes[Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP]) && $requestedShareTypes[Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP]) {
            $shares = \array_merge(
                $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID(), Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $node, -1, 0)

        $shares = \array_filter($shares, function (IShare $share) {
            return $share->getShareOwner() !== $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID();

        $formatted = [];
        foreach ($shares as $share) {
            if (($stateFilter === null || $share->getState() === $stateFilter) &&
                $this->canAccessShare($share)) {
                try {
                     * Check if the group to which the user belongs is not allowed
                     * to reshare
                    if ($this->shareManager->sharingDisabledForUser($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID())) {
                         * Now set the permission to 15. Which will allow not to reshare.
                        $permissionEvaluated = $share->getPermissions() & ~Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE;
                    $formatted[] = $this->formatShare($share, true);
                } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
                    // Ignore this share
                } catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
                    // could happen if the share node points to a storage which isn't available
                    // TODO: This should go through an injected logger instance
                    \OCP\Util::logException('core', $e, \OCP\Util::ERROR);

        if ($includeTags) {
            $formatted = \OCA\Files\Helper::populateTagsForShares($formatted);

        return new Result($formatted);

     * The getShares function.
     * For the share type filter, if it isn't provided or is an empty string,
     * all the share types will be returned, otherwise just the requested ones.
     * Invalid share types will be ignored. If only invalid share types are requested,
     * the function will return an empty list.
     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @NoCSRFRequired
     * - Get shares by the current user
     * - Get shares by the current user and reshares (?reshares=true)
     * - Get shares with the current user (?shared_with_me=true)
     * - Get shares for a specific path (?path=...)
     * - Get all shares in a folder (?subfiles=true&path=..)
     * - Filter by share type (?share_types=0,1,3,6)
     * @return Result
     * @throws LockedException
    public function getShares() {
        if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiEnabled()) {
            return new Result();

        $supportedShareTypes = $this->getSupportedShareTypes();
        $sharedWithMe = $this->request->getParam('shared_with_me', null);
        $reshares = $this->request->getParam('reshares', null);
        $subfiles = $this->request->getParam('subfiles');
        $path = $this->request->getParam('path', null);

        $includeTags = $this->request->getParam('include_tags', false);
        $shareTypes = $this->request->getParam('share_types', '');
        if ($shareTypes === '') {
            $shareTypes = $supportedShareTypes;
        } else {
            $shareTypes = \explode(',', $shareTypes);

        $requestedShareTypes = array_fill_keys($supportedShareTypes, false);
        if ($this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed() === false) {
            // if outgoing remote shares aren't allowed, the remote share type can't be chosen
            unset($requestedShareTypes[Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE], $requestedShareTypes[Share::SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE_GROUP]);
        foreach ($shareTypes as $shareType) {
            if (isset($requestedShareTypes[$shareType])) {
                $requestedShareTypes[$shareType] = true;
        // requestedShareTypes now contains as keys the share type that has been requested
        // (with "true" value), without duplicate elements, and only valid share types

        if ($path !== null) {
            $userFolder = $this->getCurrentUserFolder();
            try {
                $path = $userFolder->get($path);
            } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong path, file/folder doesn\'t exist'));
            } catch (LockedException $e) {
                return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Could not lock path'));

        if ($sharedWithMe === 'true') {
            $stateFilter = $this->request->getParam('state', Share::STATE_ACCEPTED);
            if ($stateFilter === '') {
                $stateFilter = Share::STATE_ACCEPTED;
            } elseif ($stateFilter === 'all') {
                $stateFilter = null; // which means all
            } else {
                $stateFilter = (int)$stateFilter;
            $result = $this->getSharedWithMe($path, $includeTags, $requestedShareTypes, $stateFilter);
            if ($path !== null) {
            return $result;

        if ($subfiles === 'true') {
            if (!($path instanceof Folder)) {
                if ($path !== null) {
                return new Result(null, 400, $this->l->t('Not a directory'));

            // we'll get only the folder contents, but not going further in
            // this matches the previous behaviour of the deleted "getSharesInDir" method
            $nodes = $path->getDirectoryListing();
        } else {
            $nodes = [$path];

        if ($reshares === 'true') {
            $reshares = true;
        } else {
            $reshares = false;

        $shares = [];
        foreach ($nodes as $node) {
            foreach ($requestedShareTypes as $shareType => $requested) {
                if (!$requested) {

                $shares = \array_merge(
                    $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID(), $shareType, $node, $reshares, -1, 0)

        $formatted = [];
        foreach ($shares as $share) {
            try {
                $formatted[] = $this->formatShare($share);
            } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
                //Ignore share
            } catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
                // could happen if the share node points to a storage which isn't available
                // TODO: This should go through an injected logger instance
                \OCP\Util::logException('core', $e, \OCP\Util::ERROR);

        if ($includeTags) {
            $formatted = \OCA\Files\Helper::populateTagsForShares($formatted);

        if ($path !== null) {

        return new Result($formatted);

     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param int $id
     * @return Result
     * @throws LockedException
     * @throws NotFoundException
    public function updateShare($id) {
        if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiEnabled()) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Share API is disabled'));

        try {
            $share = $this->getShareById($id);
        } catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));


        if (!$this->canChangeShare($share)) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Could not update share'));

        $permissions = $this->getPermissionsFromRequest();
        $password = $this->request->getParam('password', null);
        $publicUpload = $this->request->getParam('publicUpload', null);
        $expireDate = $this->request->getParam('expireDate', null);
        $name = $this->request->getParam('name', null);

         * expirationdate, password and publicUpload only make sense for link shares
        if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK) {
            if ($permissions === null && $password === null && $publicUpload === null && $expireDate === null && $name === null) {
                return new Result(null, 400, 'Wrong or no update parameter given');

            $newPermissions = null;
            if ($publicUpload === 'true') {
                $newPermissions = Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE;
            } elseif ($publicUpload === 'false') {
                $newPermissions = Constants::PERMISSION_READ;

            if ($permissions !== null) {
                $newPermissions = (int)$permissions;

            if ($newPermissions !== null &&
                $newPermissions !== Constants::PERMISSION_READ &&
                $newPermissions !== Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE &&
                $newPermissions !== (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE) &&
                $newPermissions !== (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE) &&
                // legacy
                $newPermissions !== (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE) &&
                // correct
                $newPermissions !== (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE)
            ) {
                return new Result(null, 400, $this->l->t('Can\'t change permissions for public share links'));

            if (
                // legacy
                $newPermissions === (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE) ||
                // correct
                $newPermissions === (Constants::PERMISSION_READ | Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE | Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE | Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE)
            ) {
                if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiLinkAllowPublicUpload()) {
                    return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('Public upload disabled by the administrator'));

                if (!($share->getNode() instanceof Folder)) {
                    return new Result(null, 400, $this->l->t('Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders'));

            // create (upload)
            $includesCreatePermission = $newPermissions & Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE;
            if ($includesCreatePermission) {
                if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiLinkAllowPublicUpload()) {
                    return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('Public upload disabled by the administrator'));

                if (!($share->getNode() instanceof Folder)) {
                    return new Result(null, 400, $this->l->t('Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders'));

            // set name only if passed as parameter, empty string is allowed
            if ($name !== null) {

            if ($newPermissions !== null) {

            if ($password === '') {
            } elseif ($password !== null) {
        } else {
            // For other shares only permissions is valid.
            if ($permissions !== null) {
                $newPermissions = (int)$permissions;

        if ($expireDate === '') {
        } elseif ($expireDate !== null) {
            try {
                $expireDate = $this->parseDate($expireDate);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return new Result(null, 400, $e->getMessage());

        // update attributes if provided
        $newAttributes = $this->request->getParam('attributes', null);
        if ($newAttributes !== null) {
            $share = $this->setShareAttributes($share, $newAttributes);

        try {
            $share = $this->shareManager->updateShare($share);
        } catch (GenericShareException $e) {
            $code = $e->getCode() === 0 ? 403 : $e->getCode();
            return new Result(null, $code, $e->getHint());
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return new Result(null, 400, $e->getMessage());


        return new Result($this->formatShare($share));

     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param int $id
     * @return Result
    public function acceptShare($id) {
        return $this->updateShareState($id, Share::STATE_ACCEPTED);

     * @NoAdminRequired
     * @param int $id
     * @return Result
    public function declineShare($id) {
        return $this->updateShareState($id, Share::STATE_REJECTED);

     * @param $id
     * @param $state
     * @return Result
     * @throws LockedException
     * @throws NotFoundException
    private function updateShareState($id, $state) {
        $eventName = '';
        if ($state === Share::STATE_ACCEPTED) {
            $eventName = 'accept';
        } elseif ($state === Share::STATE_REJECTED) {
            $eventName = 'reject';

        if (!$this->shareManager->shareApiEnabled()) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Share API is disabled'));

        try {
            $share = $this->getShareById($id, $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID());
            $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new GenericEvent(null, ['share' => $share]), 'share.before' . $eventName);
        } catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));

        $node = $share->getNode();

        // this checks that we are either the owner or recipient
        if (!$this->canAccessShare($share)) {
            return new Result(null, 404, $this->l->t('Wrong share ID, share doesn\'t exist'));

        // only recipient can accept/reject share
        if ($share->getShareOwner() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID() ||
            $share->getSharedBy() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID()) {
            return new Result(null, 403, $this->l->t('Only recipient can change accepted state'));

        if ($share->getState() === $state) {
            if ($eventName !== '') {
                $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new GenericEvent(null, ['share' => $share]), 'share.after' . $eventName);
            // if there are no changes in the state, just return the share as if the change was successful
            return new Result([$this->formatShare($share, true)]);

        // we actually want to update all shares related to the node in case there are multiple
        // incoming shares for the same node (ex: receiving simultaneously through group share and user share)
        $allShares = $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID(), Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $node, -1, 0);
        $allShares = \array_merge($allShares, $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($this->userSession->getUser()->getUID(), Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $node, -1, 0));

        // resolve and deduplicate target if accepting
        if ($state === Share::STATE_ACCEPTED) {
            $share = $this->deduplicateShareTarget($share);


        try {
            foreach ($allShares as $aShare) {
                $this->shareManager->updateShareForRecipient($aShare, $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID());
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return new Result(null, 400, $e->getMessage());


        // refresh the mounts by teardown of existing user mounts and remounting
        // by retrieving current user folder
        // FIXME: needs public API!
        // FIXME: trigger mount for user to make sure the new node is mounted already
        // before formatShare resolves it

        $this->notificationPublisher->discardNotificationForUser($share, $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID());

        if ($eventName !== '') {
            $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new GenericEvent(null, ['share' => $share]), 'share.after' . $eventName);
        return new Result([$this->formatShare($share, true)]);

     * Deduplicate the share target in the current user home folder,
     * based on configured share folder
     * @param IShare $share share target to deduplicate
     * @return IShare same share with target updated if necessary
    private function deduplicateShareTarget(IShare $share) {
        $userFolder = $this->getCurrentUserFolder();
        $parentDir = \dirname($share->getTarget());
        if (!$userFolder->nodeExists($parentDir)) {
            // assume the parent folder matches the configured shared folder
            // the "getShareFolder" method will create the configured shared folder if needed
        $pathAttempt = Filesystem::normalizePath($share->getTarget());

        $pathinfo = \pathinfo($pathAttempt);
        $ext = isset($pathinfo['extension']) ? '.'.$pathinfo['extension'] : '';
        $name = $pathinfo['filename'];

        $i = 2;
        while ($userFolder->nodeExists($pathAttempt)) {
            $pathAttempt = Filesystem::normalizePath("{$parentDir}/{$name} ({$i}){$ext}");


        return $share;

     * Check session user is owner or sharer of the share
     * @param IShare $share
     * @return bool
    protected function canChangeShare(IShare $share) {
        // Only owner or the sharer of the file can update or delete share
        if ($share->getShareOwner() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID() ||
            $share->getSharedBy() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID()
        ) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * @param IShare $share
     * @return bool
    protected function canAccessShare(IShare $share) {
        // A file with permissions 0 can't be accessed by us,
        // unless it's a rejected sub-group share in which case we want it visible to let the user accept it again
        if ($share->getPermissions() === 0
            && !($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP && $share->getState() === Share::STATE_REJECTED)) {
            return false;

        // Owner of the file and the sharer of the file can always get share
        if ($share->getShareOwner() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID() ||
            $share->getSharedBy() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID()
        ) {
            return true;

        // If the share is shared with you (or a group you are a member of)
        if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER &&
            $share->getSharedWith() === $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID()) {
            return true;

        if ($share->getShareType() === Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
            $sharedWith = $this->groupManager->get($share->getSharedWith());
            if ($sharedWith !== null && $sharedWith->inGroup($this->userSession->getUser())) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Make sure that the passed date is valid ISO 8601
     * So YYYY-MM-DD
     * If not throw an exception
     * @param string $expireDate
     * @throws Exception
     * @return \DateTime
    private function parseDate($expireDate) {
        try {
            $date = new \DateTime($expireDate);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid date. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD');

        if ($date === false) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid date. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD');

        $date->setTime(0, 0, 0);

        return $date;

     * Since we have multiple providers but the OCS Share API v1 does
     * not support this we need to check all backends.
     * @param string $id
     * @param null $recipient
     * @return IShare
     * @throws ShareNotFound
    private function getShareById($id, $recipient = null) {
        $share = null;
        $providerIds = \array_keys($this->shareManager->getProvidersCapabilities());
        // First check if it is an internal share.
        foreach ($providerIds as $providerId) {
            try {
                $share = $this->shareManager->getShareById($providerId .":". $id, $recipient);
                return $share;
            } catch (ShareNotFound $e) {
                if (!$this->shareManager->outgoingServer2ServerSharesAllowed()) {
                    throw new ShareNotFound();

            } catch (ProviderException $e) {
                // We should iterate all provider to find proper provider for given share

        if ($share  === null) {
            throw new ShareNotFound();

        return $share;

     * @param IShare $share
     * @param string[][] $formattedShareAttributes
     * @return IShare modified share
    private function setShareAttributes(IShare $share, $formattedShareAttributes) {
        $newShareAttributes = $this->shareManager->newShare()->newAttributes();
        foreach ($formattedShareAttributes as $formattedAttr) {
            $value = isset($formattedAttr['value']) ? $formattedAttr['value'] : null;
            if (isset($formattedAttr['enabled'])) {
                $value = (bool) \json_decode($formattedAttr['enabled']);
            if ($value !== null) {

        return $share;

     * @return mixed
    private function getPermissionsFromRequest() {
        // int-based permissions are set -> use them
        $permissions = $this->request->getParam('permissions', null);
        if ($permissions !== null) {
            return $permissions;
        // have permissions been set via attributes?
        $attributes = $this->request->getParam('attributes', null);
        if ($attributes === null) {
            return null;
        $permission = 0;
        foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
            if ($attribute['scope'] === 'ownCloud') {
                $key = $attribute['key'];
                $value = $attribute['value'];
                if ($key === 'create' && $value === 'true') {
                    $permission |= Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE;
                if ($key === 'read' && $value === 'true') {
                    $permission |= Constants::PERMISSION_READ;
                if ($key === 'update' && $value === 'true') {
                    $permission |= Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE;
                if ($key === 'delete' && $value === 'true') {
                    $permission |= Constants::PERMISSION_DELETE;
                if ($key === 'share' && $value === 'true') {
                    $permission |= Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE;

        return $permission;

     * @return mixed
    private function getSupportedShareTypes() {
        $providersCapabilities = $this->shareManager->getProvidersCapabilities();

        $shareTypes = [];

        foreach ($providersCapabilities as $capabilities) {
            foreach ($capabilities as $key => $value) {
                $shareTypes[] = $key;
        $shareTypes = \array_unique($shareTypes);
        $shareTypes = array_keys(array_intersect(Share::CONVERT_SHARE_TYPE_TO_STRING, $shareTypes));

        return $shareTypes;