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 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, ownCloud GmbH
 * @license AGPL-3.0
 * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
namespace OCP\License;

 * Interface ILicenseManager
 * Holds operations for managing the ownCloud license
 * License states are expected to go through the following states:
 * valid -> about to expire -> expired
 * This means that "valid" and "about to expire" states must be considered
 * as "good" states. Error states are "expired", "invalid" (if the license string
 * can't be parsed or contains errors) and "missing" (if no license is found)
 * @package OCP\License
 * @since 10.5.0
interface ILicenseManager {
    /** The license is valid and hasn't expired yet */
    public const LICENSE_STATE_VALID = 0;
    /** No license found */
    public const LICENSE_STATE_MISSING = 1;
    /** The license is invalid or broken. Couldn't parse the license properly */
    public const LICENSE_STATE_INVALID = 2;
    /** The license is "valid" (not broken, can be parsed) but has expired */
    public const LICENSE_STATE_EXPIRED = 3;
    /** The license is valid and it's close to its expiration date */
    public const LICENSE_STATE_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE = 4;

    public const THRESHOLD_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE = 60;  // 60 days

     * @since 10.5.0
     * Return an array with "start" and "end" keys to know when the grace period has
     * started and when the grace period will end, or null if the grace period hasn't
     * started yet.
     * Additional keys could be returned if the $includeExtras param is set to true.
     * Note that these extras could be expensive to retrieve
     * Both "start" and "end" keys will hold unix timestamps such as
     * ['start' => 15263748, 'end' => 15557865].
     * @param bool $includeExtras true to include extra information (potentially expensive), false
     * to just retrieve the "start" and "end" period interval
     * @return array|null array with "start" and "end" keys to define the grace period interval
     * or null if the grace period hasn't started or isn't defined
    public function getGracePeriod(bool $includeExtras = false): ?array;

     * @since 10.5.0
     * Set a new license through ownCloud. You can use any string as the license.
     * Use null if you don't want to set a new license but want to run possible cleanup
     * routines this method could have. This could be useful if the license is entered manually
     * and you don't want the admin to enter the license again; note that cleanup routines
     * might need to be run even though the license hasn't changed
     * @param string|null $licenseString the new license or null if we don't want to change the
     * license but run the cleanup routines.
    public function setLicenseString(?string $licenseString);

     * @since 10.8.0
     * Remove the set license
    public function removeLicenseString();

     * @since 10.5.0
     * Get the license state for $appid. This function will return one of the LICENSE_STATE_*
     * constants.
     * @param string $appid the id of the app to get the license for
     * @return int one of the LICENSE_STATE_* constants
    public function getLicenseStateFor(string $appid): int;

     * @param string $appid the application to be checked
     * @param string|null $language the language to translate the messages to.
     * @return array containing the information as described above
     * @since 10.5.0
     * Get a message suitable to be displayed with the state of the license for the app
     * The message will be translated to the requested language if there is translation
     * available. If language is null, use the default language.
     * This function will return an array with the following information:
     * "license_state" -> one of the LICENSE_STATE_* constants representing the state of the license
     * "type" -> a code representing the license type: -1 unknown, 0 normal, 1 demo (more could be added)
     * "raw_message" -> the English message to be displayed. This will be an array
     *   containing the lines of the message
     * "translated_message" -> the translated message in the requested language. This will be an array
     *   containing the lines of the message.
     * "contains_html" -> an array containing which lines of the translated message contains html code
     *   The lines start counting at 0
    public function getLicenseMessageFor(string $appid, string $language = null): array;

     * @since 10.8.0
     * Ask the license for some specific information without leaking the license.
     * Note that some method might be protected and the LicenseManager will refuse checking
     * them. An InvalidArgumentException will be thrown
     * @param string $appid The appid to check the license for.
     * @param string $method The method of the license that we want to call. If the
     * method has been declared as protected (AbstractLicense->getProtectedMethods()),
     * the LicenseManager will throw an LicenseManagerException
     * @param array $params The parameters for the method
     * @return mixed the result of the method
     * @throws LicenseManagerException if there is no license set, the method can't be called
     * of the method fails
    public function askLicenseFor(string $appid, string $method, array $params = []);

     * @since 10.5.0
     * This method is intended to be called only by the apps trying to check if the app
     * itself has a valid license and it's allowed to run. Core shouldn't need to call
     * this method, nor other different apps ("myApp" should only check for itself).
     * Use `getLicenseStateFor` method instead for that purpose.
     * Check if there is a valid license that can be used for $appid. A grace period
     * will start regardless of the license validation (we shouldn't start a
     * grace period after X days of using the app due to the license expired).
     * The grace period will be global to all the apps, and it will start with the first
     * app calling this method
     * If there no valid license and the grace period has finished, this method
     * will disable the app.
     * Implementations can provide additional options to customize this behaviour. Check
     * the implementations for details.
     * Some known options are:
     * - startGracePeriod => true/false (default true): in order to start the grace period or not
     * - disableApp => true/false (default true): to disable the app under the above conditions or not
     * This method will return true if there is a license valid for the app (usually
     * the ownCloud's license) or if the grace period is active
     * @param string $appid the id of the app we want to check
     * @param array $options an array with the options to be applied.
     * @return bool true if there is a valid license or the grace period is active, false
     * otherwise.
    public function checkLicenseFor(string $appid, array $options = []): bool;