namespace Oxidmod\JsonRpcServer;
// phpcs:ignoreFile
enum ServerError: int
case parseError = -32700;
case requestError = -32600;
case methodNotFoundError = -32601;
case invalidParamsError = -32602;
case internalError = -32603;
public static function fromCode(int $code): self
return match ($code) {
self::parseError->value => self::parseError,
self::requestError->value => self::requestError,
self::methodNotFoundError->value => self::methodNotFoundError,
self::invalidParamsError->value => self::invalidParamsError,
default => self::internalError,
public function message(): string
return match ($this) {
self::parseError => 'Parse error',
self::requestError => 'Invalid Request',
self::methodNotFoundError => 'Method not found',
self::invalidParamsError => 'Invalid params',
self::internalError => 'Internal error',
public function description(): string
return match ($this) {
self::parseError => 'Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.',
self::requestError => 'The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.',
self::methodNotFoundError => 'The method does not exist / is not available.',
self::invalidParamsError => 'Invalid method parameter(s).',
self::internalError => 'Internal JSON-RPC error.',