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// Package patcher is a library to handle modification of uGO Bytecode.

package patcher

import (


const (
    patchNext byte = iota

type patchFunc = func(*instsIterator) (op byte, insts []byte)

// Gosched modifies given ugo.Bytecode to add Go's runtime.Gosched() function
// calls which takes place when number of calls reaches to callCount value.
// This patch should be used in single threaded application e.g. WebAssembly.
// If error is returned, given ugo.Bytecode must be discarded due to invalid patching.
func Gosched(bc *ugo.Bytecode, callCount int64) (int, error) {
    // Generate following instructions to insert before backward jumps and
    // function start points.
        0000 CONSTANT <index>
        0000 CALL 0 0
        0000 POP
    constIndex := len(bc.Constants)
    insert := make([]byte, 0, 7)
    b := make([]byte, 8)
    b, err := ugo.MakeInstruction(b, ugo.OpConstant, constIndex)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    insert = append(insert, b...)
    b, err = ugo.MakeInstruction(b, ugo.OpCall, 0, 0)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    insert = append(insert, b...)
    b, err = ugo.MakeInstruction(b, ugo.OpPop)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    insert = append(insert, b...)
    var numInserts int
    bp := newBytecodePatcher(bc,
        func(it *instsIterator) (byte, []byte) {
            pos := it.Pos()
            if pos == 0 {
                // insert at the top of function
                return patchInsertBefore, insert
            opcode := it.Opcode()
            if opcode == ugo.OpJump {
                // if jump backward, insert instructions before jump
                if it.Operands()[0] < pos {
                    return patchInsertBefore, insert
            return patchNext, nil
    if err := bp.patch(); err != nil {
        return numInserts, err
    fn := &goschedFunc{
        callCount: callCount,
    bc.Constants = append(bc.Constants, fn)
    return numInserts, nil

type goschedFunc struct {
    counter   int64
    callCount int64

func (g *goschedFunc) String() string   { return "<gosched>" }
func (g *goschedFunc) TypeName() string { return g.String() }
func (g *goschedFunc) CanCall() bool    { return true }

func (g *goschedFunc) Call(args ...ugo.Object) (ugo.Object, error) {
    if atomic.AddInt64(&g.counter, 1) >= g.callCount {
        atomic.StoreInt64(&g.counter, 0)
    return ugo.Undefined, nil

func (g *goschedFunc) NumCalls() int64 {
    return atomic.LoadInt64(&g.counter)

type bytecodePatcher struct {
    it       *instsIterator
    bc       *ugo.Bytecode
    jumps    []posJump
    smap     sourceMapper
    newInsts []byte
    curInsts []byte
    modifier patchFunc

func newBytecodePatcher(bc *ugo.Bytecode, fn patchFunc) *bytecodePatcher {
    bm := &bytecodePatcher{
        bc:       bc,
        it:       &instsIterator{operands: make([]int, 4)},
        modifier: fn,
    return bm

func (bp *bytecodePatcher) patch() (err error) {
    curFn := bp.bc.Main
    numConsts := len(bp.bc.Constants)
    cidx := -1
    for cidx < numConsts {
        bp.curInsts = curFn.Instructions
        bp.newInsts = make([]byte, 0, cap(bp.curInsts))
        if err = bp.saveJumpPos(); err != nil {
        if err = bp.generate(); err != nil {
        if err = bp.updateJumps(); err != nil {
        curFn.Instructions = bp.newInsts
        curFn.SourceMap = bp.smap.MakeSourceMap()

        for cidx < numConsts {
            if f, ok := bp.bc.Constants[cidx].(*ugo.CompiledFunction); ok {
                curFn = f

func (bp *bytecodePatcher) saveJumpPos() error {
    bp.jumps = bp.jumps[:0]
    for bp.it.Next() {
        switch op := bp.it.Opcode(); op {
        case ugo.OpJumpFalsy,
            pos := bp.it.Pos()
            operands := bp.it.Operands()
            bp.jumps = append(bp.jumps,
                    pos:     pos,
                    jump:    operands[0],
                    opcode:  op,
                    operand: 0,
            if op == ugo.OpSetupTry {
                bp.jumps = append(bp.jumps,
                        pos:     pos,
                        jump:    operands[1],
                        opcode:  op,
                        operand: 1,
    return bp.it.Error()

func (bp *bytecodePatcher) generate() error {
    for bp.it.Next() {
        op, insts := bp.modifier(bp.it)
        pos, offset := bp.it.Pos(), bp.it.Offset()
        switch op {
        case patchNext:
            bp.newInsts = append(bp.newInsts, bp.curInsts[pos:pos+offset+1]...)
        case patchInsertBefore:
            bp.insertAt(len(bp.newInsts), len(insts))
            bp.newInsts = append(bp.newInsts, insts...)
            bp.newInsts = append(bp.newInsts, bp.curInsts[pos:pos+offset+1]...)
            return fmt.Errorf("generate: unknown op: %d", op)
    return bp.it.Error()

func (bp *bytecodePatcher) insertAt(pos, size int) {
    for i := 0; i < len(bp.jumps); i++ {
        bp.jumps[i].InsertAt(pos, size)
    bp.smap.InsertAt(pos, size)

func (bp *bytecodePatcher) updateJumps() error {
    operands := make([]int, 0, 2)
    for _, v := range bp.jumps {
        if !v.updated {
        if bp.newInsts[v.pos] != v.opcode {
            msg := "updateJumps: opcodes expected: %d, got: %d"
            return fmt.Errorf(msg, v.opcode, bp.newInsts[v.pos])
        operands, _ = ugo.ReadOperands(
        operands[v.operand] = v.jump
        insts := make([]byte, 8)
        insts, err := ugo.MakeInstruction(insts, v.opcode, operands...)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("updateJumps: %w", err)
        copy(bp.newInsts[v.pos:], insts)
    return nil

// posJump holds the jump instructions data to be able to update position and
// jump target positions when instructions are inserted.
type posJump struct {
    pos     int
    jump    int
    opcode  byte
    operand byte
    updated bool

func (pj *posJump) InsertAt(pos, size int) {
    if pj.pos >= pos {
        pj.updated = true
        pj.pos += size
    if pj.jump < pos || (pj.opcode == ugo.OpSetupTry && pj.jump == 0) {
    pj.updated = true
    pj.jump += size

// instsIterator is a lazy instructions iterator that gets operands on demand.
// Use Reset method to re-use the same instance.
type instsIterator struct {
    pos      int
    insts    []byte
    opcode   ugo.Opcode
    operands []int
    offset   int
    err      error

func (it *instsIterator) Next() bool {
    if it.pos >= len(it.insts) || it.err != nil {
        return false
    it.opcode = it.insts[it.pos]
    if int(it.opcode) >= len(ugo.OpcodeOperands) {
        it.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid opcode %d at %d", it.opcode, it.pos)
        return false
    it.offset = 0
    for _, width := range ugo.OpcodeOperands[it.opcode] {
        it.offset += width
    it.pos += it.offset + 1
    return true

func (it *instsIterator) Opcode() ugo.Opcode {
    return it.opcode

// Returning slice is reused at next call, copy if required.
func (it *instsIterator) Operands() []int {
    it.operands, _ = ugo.ReadOperands(
    return it.operands

func (it *instsIterator) Offset() int {
    return it.offset

func (it *instsIterator) Pos() int {
    return it.pos - it.offset - 1

func (it *instsIterator) Error() error {
    return it.err

func (it *instsIterator) Reset(insts []byte) {
    it.pos = 0
    it.insts = insts
    it.err = nil

// sourceMapper holds source map of a ugo.CompiledFunction to update instruction
// positions in map by converting the source map to two slices as keys and values
// and updating keys (positions) at every insertion.
type sourceMapper struct {
    keys   []int
    values []int

func (sm *sourceMapper) Reset(sourceMap map[int]int) {
    if sm.keys == nil {
        sm.keys = make([]int, len(sourceMap))
        sm.values = make([]int, len(sourceMap))
    sm.keys = sm.keys[:0]
    sm.values = sm.values[:0]
    for k, v := range sourceMap {
        sm.keys = append(sm.keys, k)
        sm.values = append(sm.values, v)

func (sm *sourceMapper) InsertAt(pos, size int) {
    // Sequential search is mostly 30% faster due to sort overhead for small slices.
    for i, v := range sm.keys {
        if v >= pos {
            sm.keys[i] = v + size

func (sm *sourceMapper) MakeSourceMap() map[int]int {
    // put length for map creation, it is faster
    m := make(map[int]int, len(sm.keys))
    for i, v := range sm.keys {
        m[v] = sm.values[i]
    return m