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# uGO Playground

uGO Playground is a single page web application to create playground for
[uGO](https://github.com/ozanh/ugo) script language. Playground is built for

## Project setup

Install followings:

- go v1.17
- node v14
- npm
- yarn

go install github.com/ozanh/ugo@latest

It is recommended to install `Vue CLI` npm packages globally for
development purposes. See detailed `Vue CLI` installation instructions

yarn global add @vue/cli

Install all node dependencies with the following:

yarn install

Use `vue ui` command to access to awesome Vue GUI to serve/build/test instantly.

### Compiles and hot-reloads for development

make development
yarn run serve

### Compiles and minifies for production

make production
yarn run build

Built files are placed in `dist` directory.

There is a simple Go web server in the package at `cmd/server` directory to
access web application which can be run with the following command:

go run cmd/server/main.go

go run cmd/server/main.go -h
  -dir string
        file server root directory (default "dist")
  -listen string
        bind address:port (default ":9090")

### Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

### Test Go and JS

make test
yarn run test

### Customize configuration

See [Makefile](Makefile) file for testing and building.

See [vue.config.js](vue.config.js) file for Vue settings ([Configuration

See [package.json](package.json) file for other settings.


- [ ] Import `uGO` scripts as modules from local files, http(s) addresses and
  github gists.


uGO Playground is licensed under the MIT License.

See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for the full license text.