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Test Coverage
- no_team_fields = false if local_assigns[:no_team_fields].nil?

  .card-header Match Settings
    - unless no_team_fields
      / TODO: Properly handle errors here.
      / Currently there's a discreptency between using :home_team and :home_team_id
      / :home_team displays errors properly, :home_team_id works with the controller
      = f.collection_select :home_team_id, div.rosters.active, :id, :name,
                            include_blank: false, label: 'Home Team'
      = f.errors_on :home_team

      = f.collection_select :away_team_id, div.rosters.active, :id, :name,
                            include_blank: 'BYE', label: 'Away Team'
      = f.errors_on :away_team

      %label Options
      = f.check_box :has_winner, label: 'Has a Distinct Winner', label_class: 'pl-1'
      = f.check_box :allow_round_draws, label: 'Allow set draws', label_class: 'pl-1'

    = f.number_field :round_number, label: 'Round Number (Used for ordering)'
    = f.text_field :round_name, label: 'Round Name (Display Name)'
    = f.markdown_editor :notice, id: dom_id(div), rows: 6, no_escape: true

      .mr-2 Picks & Bans


      = link_to_add_association f, :pick_bans, class: 'btn btn-sm btn-success',
                                render_options: { locals: { league: div.league } },
                                'data-association-insertion-node' => "##{div.id}_pick_bans" do
        = inline_svg_tag 'open_iconic/plus.svg', class: 'icon mr-2'
        Add Pick / Ban

  - if f.object.pending?
      = f.fields_for :pick_bans do |pick_bans_f|
        = render 'pick_ban_fields', f: pick_bans_f
      %div{ id: "#{div.id}_pick_bans" }
  - else
    .card-body Can't edit picks & bans unless scores are pending

      .mr-2 Sets


      = link_to_add_association f, :rounds, class: 'btn btn-sm btn-success',
                                render_options: { locals: { league: div.league } },
                                'data-association-insertion-node' => "##{div.id}_rounds" do
        = inline_svg_tag 'open_iconic/plus.svg', class: 'icon mr-2'
        Add Set

  - if f.object.pending?
      = f.fields_for :rounds do |rounds_f|
        = render 'round_fields', f: rounds_f, league: div.league
      %div{ id: "#{div.id}_rounds" }
  - else
    .card-body Can't edit rounds unless scores are pending