import { createHash, timingSafeEqual } from 'crypto';
import { readFile, createWriteStream } from 'fs';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { getInput } from '@actions/core';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { readKey, readSignature, createMessage, verify } from 'openpgp';
const readFileAsync = promisify(readFile);
type ReadFileAsyncOptions = Omit<Parameters<typeof readFileAsync>[1], 'string'>;
* Parses GitHub Action input and returns the optional value as a string.
* @param name Input name (declared in `action.yml`).
* @param defaultValue Default value as optional fallback.
* @returns Parsed input value.
export const getOptionalString = (name: string, defaultValue = '') =>
getInput(name, { required: false }) || defaultValue;
* Naively checks if 2 given JSON objects are identical.
* @param obj1 First JSON.
* @param obj2 Second JSON.
* @returns `true` if same, `false` if not.
export const areObjectsEqual = (
obj1: object | [],
obj2: object | []
): boolean => JSON.stringify(obj1) === JSON.stringify(obj2);
* Downloads the given URL as a file to the given file location.
* @param url URL to download.
* @param file File path to save the download to.
* @param mode (Optional) File mode.
export function downloadToFile(
url: string,
file: string,
mode: number = 0o755
): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(url, { timeout: 2 * 60 * 1000 }); // Timeout in 2 minutes.
const writer = createWriteStream(file, { mode });
writer.on('close', () => {
return resolve();
} catch (err) {
return reject(err);
* Returns file contents as a `Buffer`.
* @param filePath File path to read.
* @param options (Optional) File read options. @see
* @returns File contents as `Buffer`.
export async function getFileContents(
filePath: string,
options?: ReadFileAsyncOptions
): Promise<Buffer> {
return await readFileAsync(filePath, options);
* Returns file contents as a string. Useful for reading ASCII-encoded files.
* @param filePath File path to read.
* @param options (Optional) File read options. @see
* @returns File contents as string.
export async function getFileContentsAsString(
filePath: string,
options?: ReadFileAsyncOptions
): Promise<string> {
return (await getFileContents(filePath, options)).toString('utf8');
* Returns given file's checksum by calculating the hash for the given algorithm.
* @param filePath File to generate checksum for.
* @param algorithm Hashing algorithm. @default `sha256`
* @returns Checksum of file as string.
export async function getFileChecksum(
filePath: string,
algorithm: string = 'sha256'
): Promise<string> {
const fileContents = await getFileContents(filePath);
return createHash(algorithm).update(fileContents).digest('hex');
* Verifies that the file and its checksum file actually match. It generates
* the checksum and compares it with the checksum in the accompanying checksum file.
* Note that the checksum file is of the format `<checksum> <filename>`.
* @param originalFile Original file for which the checksum was generated.
* @param checksumFile Checksum file.
* @param algorithm (Optional) Hashing algorithm. @default `sha256`
* @returns Returns `true` if checksums match, `false` if they don't.
export async function verifyChecksum(
originalFile: string,
checksumFile: string,
algorithm: string = 'sha256'
): Promise<boolean> {
const binaryChecksum = await getFileChecksum(originalFile, algorithm);
const declaredChecksumFileContents = await getFileContents(checksumFile);
const declaredChecksum = declaredChecksumFileContents
.split(' ')[0];
try {
return timingSafeEqual(
} catch {
// Fail on other errors that can definitely cause the comparison to fail, including
// mismatched Buffer byte lengths.
return false;
* Verifies the GPG signature of the given file.
* @param messageFilePath The message file that was signed.
* @param signatureFilePath GPG signature file.
* @param publicKeyFilePath GPG public key file.
* @returns Returns `true` if signatures match, `false` if they don't.
export async function verifySignature(
messageFilePath: string,
signatureFilePath: string,
publicKeyFilePath: string
): Promise<boolean> {
const messageText = await getFileContentsAsString(messageFilePath);
const signatureBuffer = await getFileContents(signatureFilePath);
const publicKeyText = await getFileContentsAsString(publicKeyFilePath);
const publicKey = await readKey({
armoredKey: publicKeyText,
const signature = await readSignature({
binarySignature: signatureBuffer,
const message = await createMessage({ text: messageText });
const verificationResult = await verify({
verificationKeys: publicKey,
const { verified } = verificationResult.signatures[0];
try {
await verified;
return true;
} catch {
return false;