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# grunt-image-profile

> A Grunt task for working with image metadata profiles via ImageMagick

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See [ImageMagick documentation about Image Profiles](
for more details about what is done internally. [Also about the supported formats](

## Getting Started

This plugin requires [Grunt]( `~1.0` and [Node.js](
version to be minimum of `8.11.1`, which is [the active Long Term Support (LTS) version](, and
[ImageMagick]( installed.

If you haven't used [Grunt]( before, be sure to check out the
[Getting Started]( guide, as it explains how to create
a [Gruntfile]( as well as install and use Grunt plugins.
Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-image-profile --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


## The "image_profile" task

### Overview
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named `image_profile` to the data object passed into
`grunt.initConfig()` and configure according to the multi task configuration styles.

  image_profile: {
    dist: {
      options: {
        // Task-specific options go here.
      files: {
        // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.

### Options

#### options.convertbin

Type: `String`

Default value: `'convert'`

File path of the `convert` binary from ImageMagick. Use this option to set the path of the binary
in case it is not found in the `PATH` of the current environment.

#### options.iptc

Type: `Object`

Example: `{ '2#80#Byline': 'Juga Paazmaya' }`

Collection of keys and their values to be used as IPTC based profile.

#### options.exif

Type: `Object`

Example: `{ 'GPSLatitude': '60/1, 192322/10000, 0/1' }`

EXIF data


Type: `Array`

Example: `[ 'xmp', 'iptc' ]`

Read the given profiles from the source images and write them to text files that have same name and location
as the source image, while the suffix is determined by the given profile type.

### Usage Examples

Please note that while most of the examples have empty `options` object, nothing will be written
to the images in case it is used as such.

#### Source and destinations

The `files` object can be used to set the source and destination of the image files.

  image_profile: {
    different: {
      options: {},
      files: {
        'dest/image.jpg': 'src/image.jpg'

In case the `src` property is used instead, the metadata will be written directly on the source image files.

  image_profile: {
    same_file: {
      options: {},
      src: [

Globbing can also be used, in which case the destination can be set as a directory.

  image_profile: {
    different: {
      options: {},
      files: {
        'dest/': 'src/*.jpg'
    write_on_original: {
      options: {},
      src: [

#### Using with IPTC Options

This example adds the given [IPTC]( values to the JPEG files found with the source glob.

Please keep in mind that most of the keys start with `2#`.

Please see [IPTC Photo Metadata Standard, 2010-07-08](
for possible keys.

  image_profile: {
    location: {
      options: {
        iptc: {
          '2#90#City': 'Helsinki',
          '2#101#Country/Primary Location Name': 'Finland',
          '2#95#Province/State': 'Uusimaa',
      src: ['src/**/*.jpg']

#### Using with EXIF options

**Notice**: It would seem that ImageMagick cannot write EXIF data to images at the moments. However reading is possible.

Please see [EXIF specifications]( for further details.

#### Save existing profiles

With the `save` options it is possible to define the profiles that would be read from the given source image and saved to text files.

This example will save [XMP]( and IPTC profiles of the source
image and store them as `profiles/image.xmp` and `profiles/image.iptc`.

  image_profile: {
    save_profiles: {
      options: {
        save: [
      files: {
        'profiles/': ['src/image.jpg']

## Contributing

["A Beginner's Guide to Open Source: The Best Advice for Making your First Contribution"](

[Also there is a blog post about "45 Github Issues Dos and Don’ts"](

Linting is done with [ESLint]( and can be executed with `npm run lint`.
There should be no errors appearing after any JavaScript file changes.

## Version history

* `v0.4.0` (2017-07)
  - Minimum Node.js version lifted from `4.2.0` to `6.9.5`
  - `main` property in `package.json` was pointing to a wrong file
* `v0.3.1` (2016-08-11)
  - Dependencies are sure :tophat: up to date
  - Use ESLint directly without the Grunt.js plugin
* `v0.3.0` (2016-05-07)
  - Use Grunt.js `v1.0.0`, no smaller
  - Start using shared ESLint config #7
* `v0.2.0` (2016-02-22)
  - Ability to save existing profiles from images to text files
  - Explicitly set files to publish to npm. Ref gruntjs/
  - Moving to ESLint #4
  - Plenty of documentation added
  - Support Grunt.js v1.0.0
* `v0.1.2` (2013-08-30)
  - Files array globbing was not working
* `v0.1.1` (2013-08-18)
  - Running tests just for IPTC usage
* `v0.1.0` (2013-08-18)
  - Initial release which can only write IPTC profiles

## License

Copyright (c) [Juga Paazmaya]( <>

Licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).