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# grunt-trimtrailingspaces

> Trim trailing spaces from each line of the selected files

[![Build Status](](
[![Built with Grunt](](

## Getting Started

This plugin requires [Grunt]( `^1.1` and [Node.js](
version to be minimum of `14.15.0`, which is [the active Long Term Support (LTS) version](

Add this to your project's `Gruntfile.js` configuration:


Then add `grunt-trimtrailingspaces` to your "package.json" dependencies. This can be done with:

npm install grunt-trimtrailingspaces --save-dev

Or by manually editing the `package.json` file by adding the following line inside `devDependencies` object:

  "grunt-trimtrailingspaces": "^6.0.1"

Later on it would be possible to install the plugin with the command `npm install`

It can be updated with the command `npm update`, in case there is a newer version in the
[`npm` registry](

The name to use in your own task definitions is `trimtrailingspaces`.

## Documentation

Add an entry to your `Gruntfile.js`, within the `initConfig` object, which will define the
files of which will the trailing spaces to be removed.

By using the `src` property for selecting files to be processed, they are replaced by the ones processed.

By setting the `failIfTrimmed` option to true, the grunt task will fail after
trimming all files if any whitespace was removed.  This is very useful for
running trimtrailingspaces as a pre-commit task (in combination with
[`grunt-githooks`](, because it will
prevent the commit from going through which would not include the trimming

The examples below are using the [built-in custom filter property](


  trimtrailingspaces: {
    main: {
      src: ['public_html/js/**/*.js'],
      options: {
        filter: 'isFile',
        encoding: 'utf8',
        failIfTrimmed: false


It is possible to save the processed files to a different location by using the `files` property, as shown below.
The destination (key) should be a directory path in which the src files (array value) are stored.
No trailing slash needed.

Please note that this method will create a flat directory of the result.


  trimtrailingspaces: {
    main: {
      files: {
        'public_html/js/trimmed': ['public_html/js/**/*.js']
      filter: 'isFile',
      encoding: 'utf8'


For further information on how files are matched, please see the
documentation of the [`minimatch`]( package,
as it is used underneath Grunt.

To run it:

grunt trimtrailingspaces

## Contributing

["A Beginner's Guide to Open Source: The Best Advice for Making your First Contribution"](

[Also there is a blog post about "45 Github Issues Dos and Don’ts"](

Linting is done with [ESLint]( and can be executed with `npm run lint`.
There should be no errors appearing after any JavaScript file changes.

## Version history

[Changes happening across different versions and upcoming changes are tracked in the `` file.](

## License

Copyright (c) [Juga Paazmaya]( <>

Licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).