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# Example Usage

Every cart has a unique ID associated with it. For the examples
following we used a uuid generated by standard Linux utilities.



The REST API is available for users of the system and is in general
a method based endpoint with JSON objects for data.

### Create a Cart

Post a file to create a new cart.

Contents of file (foo.json).

id =  the id being used on the Archive

path = internal structure of bundle for file placement

hashtype = hashlib hashtype used to generate hashsum

hashsum = the hash (hex value) of the file using the hashtype listed

  "fileids": [
    {"id":"foo.txt", "path":"1/2/3/foo.txt", "hashtype":"md5", "hashsum":""},
    {"id":"bar.csv", "path":"1/2/3/bar.csv", "hashtype":"md5", "hashsum":""},
    {"id":"baz.ini", "path":"2/3/4/baz.ini", "hashtype":"md5", "hashsum":""}

Post the file to the following URL.
curl -X POST --upload-file /tmp/foo.json$MY_CART_UUID

### Status a Cart

Head on the cart to find whether its created and ready for download.


Will receive headers back with the specific data needed. These are:


Message will be blank if there is no error.
The list of possible status:

If the cart is waiting to be processed and there is no current state.
  "X-Pacifica-Status": "waiting"

If the cart is being processed and waiting for files to be staged locally.
  "X-Pacifica-Status": "staging"

If the cart has the files locally and is currently creating the tarfile.
  "X-Pacifica-Status": "bundling"

If the cart is finally ready for download.
  "X-Pacifica-Status": "ready"

If the cart has an error (such as no space available to create the tarfile).
  "X-Pacifica-Status": "error"
  "X-Pacifica-Message": "No Space Available"

### Get a cart

To download the tarfile for the cart.


In the above url my_cart.tar can be any file name of your choice
If no filename parameter is present you will get back data_date.tar in the form data_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.tar
To save to file
curl -O -J$MY_CART_UUID?filename=my_cart.tar

-O says to save to a file, and -J says to use the Content-Disposition file name the server is trying to send back

Once this finishes there will be a tar file named my_cart.tar
Untar by:

tar xf my_cart.tar

### Delete a Cart

Delete a created cart.


Data returned should be json telling you status of cart deletion.

## Admin Commands

There is some interfaces to the internals of the carts via the admin
command line interface `pacifica-cartd-cmd`.

### Database Management

The command line interface has a couple of database management
commands to verify the state of the database and whether it needs

To check the current state of the database, run the following:

pacifica-cartd-cmd dbchk
echo $?

To update the database to the current version, run the following:

pacifica-cartd-cmd dbsync
echo $?

If either of these commands fail you may have issues connecting to
the database configured. Be sure you are using the right configuration
files for connecting to your database.

### Rebuild or Fix a Cart

Sometimes carts will fail to build, build partially, or maybe you
just want to handle cart building out of band. The command line interface
has a way to do this.

pacifica-cartd-cmd fixit --cartid $MY_CART_UUID

### Purge Old Carts that are older than a specific date.

Sometimes carts dont get cleaned up by users, and need to be expired.
The command line interface has a way to do this.

pacifica-cartd-cmd purge --time-ago="60 days ago"