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; Set the default mode for the query engine. If set to true
; prompts and paging will be done.
; (False)
; interactive =

; Ingest service external endpoint url for uploading data.
; (
; upload_url =

; Ingest service external endpoint url for getting status.
; (
; upload_status_url =

; Policy service external endpoint url for the uploader.
; (
; upload_policy_url =

; Policy service external endpoint url for validation.
; (
; upload_validation_url =

; Cart service external endpoint url for the download.
; (
; download_url =

; Policy service external endpoint url for the download.
; (
; download_policy_url =

; Status website url to be used with the upload transaction ID.
; (
; status_web_site =

; Type of authentication to perform there are three valid values.
; (clientssl | basic | None)
; type =

; Username to use if authentication type is basic.
; (jdoe)
; username =

; Password to use if authentication type is basic.
; (********)
; password =

; Client SSL Certificate to use if authentication type is clientssl.
; (~/.pacifica-cli/client.cert)
; cert =

; Client SSL Key to use if authentication type is clientssl.
; (~/.pacifica-cli/client.key)
; key =