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# News / Release Notes

## 2.3.4


- [Replaces tilecache with mapproxy to request basemap tiles](

## 2.3.3


- [Updates the extreme streamflow portal to new data ensembles containing the merged Peace and Fraser watersheds](

## 2.3.2


- [Updates help text for the extreme stramflow portal](

## 2.3.1


- [Pins the serve package in docker containers](

## 2.3.0


- [Displays the extent of the watershed area that drains to the selected point in the Extreme Streamflow portal](

## 2.2.0


- [Adds a SingleAppController and DualAppController for selecting CMIP6 climatologies](
- [Adds documentation describing differences between CMIP5 and CMIP6 data](

## 2.1.8


- [fixes a bug that precented downloading polygons drawn on the map as shapefiles](
- [switches security scanner from Anchore to Snyk](

## 2.1.7


- [adds a table displaying information about the selected watershed](

## 2.1.6


- [fixes a bug affected formatting of queries to the data API](

## 2.1.5


- [security improvements](

## 2.1.4


- [flood portal queries and displays ensemble percentiles in a graph](
- [Set up new portal to display flood frequency data](

## 2.1.3


- [Bump axios from 0.16.2 to 0.21.1 (security update)](

## 2.1.2

Erroneous tag

## 2.1.1


Bug fixes and improvements.

- [Reduce Docker footprint](
- [Fix absent climate layers](
- [Update Help to reflect expanded DD and RP availability](

## 2.1.0


This release adds the ability to request dynamic datasets from ncWMS. There are also a lot of
improvements to DevOps and a bug fix for mislabelled axes in a graph.

- [Add capability for dynamic dataset map layers](
- [Fix data / axis mismatch in Variable Response Graph](
- [Update workflows](
- [Reduce docker image size](
- [Add workflow to github actions](
- [Add new docker build args](
- [Jenkinsfile update](

Backend requirements:

- Climate Explorer Backend >= 3.0.1

## 2.0.5


- [Fix Dataset dropdown in Map Settings](

Backend requirements:

- Climate Explorer Backend >= 1.0.0

## 2.0.4


- [Fix bug where app crashes when a polygon is selected on the map](

Backend requirements:

- Climate Explorer Backend >= 1.0.0

## 2.0.3


- [Update initial default selected model to PCIC12](
- [Migrate underscore to lowdash to support improving selectors](
- [Switch help text generation to pcic-react-external-text package](
- [Major overhaul of dataset selection UI](
  - Fix a bug affecting variable selection for HadGEM datasets
  - Fix a bug affecting dataset selection for the Annual Cycle graph
  - Add category headers to variable selection dropdown
  - Remove deprecated mixins
  - more human-friendly menu options
  - improve handling of asynchronous events around dataset selection
- [Switch to a unicode arrow with better browser support](
- [Configure Jenkins for this codebase](
- configure Jenkins to [automatically push images to Dockerhub]( and [tag them with branch names](

Backend requirements:

- Climate Explorer Backend >= 1.0.0

## 2.0.2


- [Hotfix to remove lookbehind regex, which was not supported by Firefox](

## 2.0.1


- [Document export format for unstructured timeseries graphs](
- [Order variable selection dropdown](

## 2.0.0


Major version increment:

- Conversion to a Create React App app.
- Hot updatable configuration files (see README).
- Externalization of most text (Help, etc.) as a configuration file.


- [Improve docker instructions in README](
- [Add display options for prsn](
- [Export data from unstructured timeseries graphs](
- [**Convert to Create React App**](
- [Convert Help and other text-intensive items to external text](
- [Help > FAQ: Explain current polygon import limitations and behaviour](

## 1.2.3


- [More name tweaking](

## 1.2.2


- [Tweak naming and credits](

## 1.2.1


- [Fix a bug that caused the time of year on exported data to show as "undefined"](
- [Support configuring user-friendly unit strings in UI](
- [Graph popups display specific month or season corresponding to each value](
- [Datasets with only annual values are visually separated on annual cycle comparison graphs](

## 1.2.0


Features and bug fixes

- [Flexible determination of "matching" climatologies (start and end dates)](
- [Fix data export in LongTermAveragesGraph](
- [Fix invalid default climatology (Dataset) selection](
- [Save zipped shapefiles to root folder in zipfile](
- [Fix stats summary table time of year bugs](
- [Fix time of year selection in LTA graph](
- [Allow users to change opacity on climate layers](
- [Limit geometry to one active polygon](
- [Fix imported polygon behaviours](
- [Always display different variables with different vertical scales](
- [Show dataset selection in Data Map panel label](
- [Disable circle marker map tool](
- [Set precision for _all_ variables](
- [Fix timestampToTimeOfYear bug; clean up code](
- [Guidance, Part 6: Miscellaneous](
- [Guidance, Part 5: Dataset context
- [Guidance, Part 4: Panels](
- [Guidance, Part 3: Help](
- [Guidance, Part 2: Information popovers](
- [Guidance, Part 1: Revise navigation](
- [Fix dataset filter for anomaly graph](
- [Display datasets with no monthly values in the Long Term Averages graph](
- [Improve anomaly graph UI](
- [Flexible map width](
- [Context graph bugfixes](
- [UI changes and bugfixes to support multiplle timeset types in one portal](
- [Fix spreadsheet download format](
- [Make sure timeseries are correlated](
- [Support selecting a specific variable+description](
- [Default to loading CanESM2 and rcp85](
- [Use correct scenario string for downscaled data queries to multistat](
- [Add stick plot](
- [Add a future annual cycle graph](

Code improvements

- [Update LTAG and SST lifecycle to match AnnualCycleGraph](
- [Fix test suite after jsdom update ](
- [Pass only needed data to context graphs](

## 1.1.0


- [Adds Extreme Precipitation tab to list of existing data views](
- [Add multi-model context graph (a.k.a. the "spaghetti plot) to main portal](
- [Adds currently running version number and commitish to footer](
- [Fix DualDataController query bugs](
- [Several]( [refactoring]( [changes]( to improve code quality

## 1.0.2


- [Disable parameters that don't match any datasets on dataset dropdown menus](
- [Fix a bug that prevented comparing variables across a specified area](
- [Fix map usability bugs](
- [Add application-wide routing and access to multiple ensembles](

## 1.0.1


- [Fix a bug preventing downloading Annual Cycle data](
- [Fix a bug that treated 0 as missing data](

## 1.0.0


- [Add a new unstructured timeseries graph for point-in-time (non-mean) data; allow displaying multiple time slices at once on the map](
- [Use a thematic graph colour palette](
- [Add a configuration file to provide precision, logarithmic scaling, and colour settings for specific variables](
- [Add a new error message when a user selects a non-existent data set](
- [Add abilty to display two datasets simultaneously on graphs and maps; support data sets split across multiple files by time resolution](
- [Make data displayed in graphs downloadable](
- [Switch to running tests serially to fix a race condition in Jest](
- [Fix timeseries parsing for the MOTI portal](
- [Add footer text to map](
- [Switch request library to ajax from jQuery; improve error handling](

## 0.2.0


- [Add button to set ncWMS layer colorscalerange based on current map view](
- [Add colorbar to map display](
- [Add button to download map image](
- [Enforce Airbnb eslint settings](
- [Add loader to map when dataset not yet available](
- [Consolidate MapController options](
- [Add polygon import/export for map region]( with [shapefile]( capability
- [Add Datatable export buttons](

## 0.1.0


- Initial versioned release