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// This component provides data display layers (DataLayer) for up to two
// variables, plus a geometry layer, geometry creation and editing tools,
// and geometry import/export tools, all rendered within the base map
// (CanadaBaseMap).
// Renders its children within the base map.
// Notes on geometry layer group:
//  Terminology
//  - Leaflet uses the term 'layer' for all single polygons, markers, etc.
//    Leaflet uses the term 'layer group' for an object (iteself also a
//    layer, i.e, a subclass of `Layer`) that groups layers together.
//  Purpose
//  - The purpose of the geometry layer group is to allow the user to define
//    a spatial area of interest. This area drives the spatial data averaging
//    performed by various other data display tools (graphs, tables).
//  Behaviour
//  - The geometry layer group is initially empty. Geometry can be added to
//    it by any combination of drawing (on the map), uploading (e.g., a
//    from GeoJSON file), and editing and/or deleting existing geometry.
//  `onSetArea` callback
//  - All changes (add, edit) to the contents of the geometry layer group are
//    communicated by the `DataMap` callback prop `onSetArea`. This callback
//    is more or less the whole point of the geometry layer group.
//  - `onSetArea` is called with a single GeoJSON object representing the the
//    contents of the layer group. But see next point.
//  - Currently only one geometry item (layer), the first created, is passed to
//    `onSetArea`. All other layers are ignored. This is because the receiver(s)
//    (ultimately) of the object passed can handle only a single feature.
//    This is
//      (a) a failing of the receivers, which possibly can be rectified,
//      (b) not a good design, in that `DataMap` shouldn't have to know that
//        some other component external to it is crippled. Filtering the
//        contents of the geometry layer group should happen outside this
//        component, not within. Alas.
//  - `DataMap` currently receives a prop `area`, which, alongside `onSetArea`,
//    suggests that `DataMap` is a controlled component with respect to
//    `area`. It is not. The `area` prop is currently entirely ignored.
//    TODO: The `area` prop should probably be removed.
//  Geometry upload and download
//  - In order to integrate upload and download of geometry with the
//    geometry editing tool, a new React Leaflet component,
//    `LayerControlledFeatureGroup`, has been created. As its name implies,
//    its contents are controlled by a prop `layers`.
//    - The `LayerControlledFeatureGroup` prop `layers`  is controlled
//    by `DataMap` state `geometryLayers`, which is maintained according to
//    what is communicated by callbacks from the geometry layer group
//    draw/edit and upload tools.
//  - The geometry export (download) feature (`GeoExporter` component), like
//    `onSetArea`, exports only the first geometry item present in the
//    geometry layer group. See `onSetArea` for more details.

import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import React from "react";

import _ from "lodash";

import L from "leaflet";
import "proj4";
import "proj4leaflet";
import { EditControl } from "react-leaflet-draw";

import GeoLoader from "../GeoLoader";
import GeoExporter from "../GeoExporter";

import { getLayerMinMax } from "../../data-services/ncwms";
import { makeHandleLeafletRef } from "../../core/react-leaflet-utils";
import CanadaBaseMap from "../CanadaBaseMap";
import DataLayer from "./DataLayer";
import NcWMSColorbarControl from "../NcWMSColorbarControl";
import NcWMSAutosetColorscaleControl from "../NcWMSAutosetColorscaleControl";
import { layerParamsPropTypes } from "../../types/types.js";
import LayerControlledFeatureGroup from "../LayerControlledFeatureGroup";
import StaticControl from "../StaticControl";

import { geoJSONToLeafletLayers } from "../../core/geoJSON-leaflet";
import LayerOpacityControl from "../LayerOpacityControl";

import { getWatershed } from "../../data-services/ce-backend";
import { validateWatershedData } from "../../core/util";

import "./DataMap.css";

class DataMap extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    raster: layerParamsPropTypes,
    isoline: layerParamsPropTypes,
    annotated: layerParamsPropTypes,
    area: PropTypes.object,
    onSetArea: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    activeGeometryStyle: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    inactiveGeometryStyle: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    children: PropTypes.node,
    pointSelect: PropTypes.bool,
    watershedEnsemble: PropTypes.string,

  static defaultProps = {
    activeGeometryStyle: { color: "#3388ff" },
    inactiveGeometryStyle: { color: "#777777" },
    watershedGeometryStyle: { color: "#000000" },
    pointSelect: false,

  static layerTypes = ["raster", "isoline", "annotated"];

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      rasterLayer: null,
      isolineLayer: null,
      annotatedLayer: null,
      geometryLayers: [],
      layerOpacity: {},

    for (const layerType of DataMap.layerTypes) {
      if (props[layerType]) {
        this.state.layerOpacity[layerType] = props[layerType].defaultOpacity;

  displayWatershedBoundary = () =>
    this.props.pointSelect && this.props.watershedEnsemble;

  // Handler for base map ref.

  handleMapRef = makeHandleLeafletRef("map").bind(this);

  // Handlers for data layer refs.

  // TODO: Push into DataLayer? Difficulty because map isn't in React
  // context of DataLayer, despite what one might expect from React Leaflet
  // documentation.
  // It's not so bad here, but would be better there.
  updateLayerRange = (layerType, props, onChangeRange) => {
    try {
      let bounds =;
      if (bounds.getWest() === bounds.getEast()) {
        // This netCDF file has an invalid bounding box, presumably because
        // it has been through a longitude normalization process.
        // See
        // As a result, longitudes in the file go from 0 to 180, then -180 to
        // 0. This means the westmost boundary and the eastmost boundary
        // are both zero (actually -.5675 or something like that, the center
        // of a cell with one edge at 0.)
        // Passing a bounding box with identical eastmost and westmost bounds
        // to ncWMS results in an error, so create a new Canada-only bounding
        // box and ignore the worldwide extent
        // [[-122.949219,63.632813],[-113.769531,68.222656],
        // [-110.742187,63.242187],[-122.949219,63.632813]]
        // of this map.
        const corner1 = L.latLng(90, -50);
        const corner2 = L.latLng(40, -150);
        bounds = L.latLngBounds(corner1, corner2);
      getLayerMinMax(layerType, props, bounds).then((response) => {
    } catch (err) {
      // TODO: This whole try-catch block might be unnecessary now
      // that this function is invoked only on layer load event.
      // Because the map loads data asynchronously, it may not be ready yet,
      // throwing an error on This error can be safely
      // ignored: the minmax data only needs to be available by the time the
      // user opens the map options menu, and by then it should be, unless
      // something is wrong with the ncWMS server and no map rasters are
      // generated at all.
      // Any other error should be rethrown so it can be noticed and debugged.
      // NOTE: rethrowing errors loses stacktrace in Chrome, see
      if (err.message !== "Set map center and zoom first.") {
        throw err;

  handleLayerRef(layerType, layer) {
    const leafletElement = layer && layer.leafletElement;
    if (leafletElement) {
      const onChangeRange = this.props[layerType].onChangeRange;
      leafletElement.on("load", () => {
        this.updateLayerRange(layerType, this.props, onChangeRange);
    this.setState({ [`${layerType}Layer`]: leafletElement }); // Ewww

  // Handlers for area selection. Converts area to GeoJSON.

  layersToArea = (layers) => {
    // const area = layersToGeoJSON('GeometryCollection', layers);
    // const area = layersToGeoJSON('FeatureCollection', layers);
    // TODO: Fix this ...
    // The thing that receives this GeoJSON doesn't like `FeatureCollection`s
    // or `GeometryCollection`s.
    // Right now we are therefore only updating with the first Feature, i.e.,
    // first layer. This is undesirable. Best would be to fix the receiver
    // to handle feature selections; next
    const layer0 = layers[0];
    return layer0 && layer0.toGeoJSON();

  onSetArea = () => {

  layerStyle = (index) => {
    if (index === 0) {
      return this.props.activeGeometryStyle;
    } else if (this.displayWatershedBoundary()) {
      return this.props.watershedGeometryStyle;
    } else {
      return this.props.inactiveGeometryStyle;

  addGeometryLayer = (layer) => {
    this.setState((prevState) => {
      return { geometryLayers: prevState.geometryLayers.concat([layer]) };
    }, this.onSetArea);

  addGeometryLayers = (layers) => {
    for (const layer of layers) {

  editGeometryLayers = (layers) => {
    // May not need to do anything to maintain `state.geometryLayers` here.
    // The contents of the layers are changed, but the layers themselves
    // (as identities) are not changed in number or identity.
    // `geometryLayers` is a list of such identities, so doesn't need to change.
    // Only need to communicate change via onSetArea.
    // Maybe not; maybe better to create a new copy of geometryLayers. Hmmm.

  deleteGeometryLayers = (layers) => {
    this.setState((prevState) => {
      const geometryLayers = _.without(prevState.geometryLayers, ...layers);
      geometryLayers.forEach((layer, i) => layer.setStyle(this.layerStyle(i)));
      return { geometryLayers };
    }, this.onSetArea);

  eventLayers = (e) => {
    // Extract the Leaflet layers from an editing event, returning them
    // as an array of layers.
    // Note: `e.layers` is a special class, not an array of layers, so we
    // have to go through this rigmarole to get the layers.
    // The alternative of accessing the private property `e.layers._layers`
    // (a) is naughty, and (b) fails.
    let layers = [];
    e.layers.eachLayer((layer) => layers.push(layer));
    return layers;

  handleAreaCreated = (e) => {
    //add the watershed boundary to the map if relevant
    if (this.displayWatershedBoundary()) {
      // get the latitude and longitude of the new point from its layer object
      // we know the layer is a CircleMarker
      // TODO: is there some leaflet built-in function for this, rather than
      // an _attribute?
      const outletLat =;
      const outletLon = e.layer._latlng.lng;
        ensemble_name: this.props.watershedEnsemble,
        area: `POINT (${outletLon} ${outletLat})`,
        .then((response) => {
  handleAreaEdited = (e) => this.editGeometryLayers(this.eventLayers(e));
  handleAreaDeleted = (e) => this.deleteGeometryLayers(this.eventLayers(e));

  handleUploadArea = (geoJSON) => {

  // Handlers for layer opacity

  handleChangeLayerOpacity = (layerType, opacity) =>
    this.setState((prevState) => ({
      layerOpacity: {
        [layerType]: opacity,

  // Lifecycle event handlers

  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    const propChange = !_.isEqual(nextProps, this.props);
    const stateChange = !_.isEqual(nextState, this.state);
    const b = propChange || stateChange;
    return b;

  render() {
    // TODO: Add positioning for autoset

    const dataLayers =
      (layerType) =>
        this.props[layerType] && (
              opacity: this.state.layerOpacity[layerType],
            onLayerRef={this.handleLayerRef.bind(this, layerType)}

    const allowGeometryDraw = this.state.geometryLayers.length === 0;

    return (
      <CanadaBaseMap mapRef={this.handleMapRef}>


          {...this.props.raster} // update when any raster prop changes

          layers={[this.state.rasterLayer, this.state.isolineLayer]}

          {...this.props.isoline} // update when any isoline prop changes

        {allowGeometryDraw && !this.props.pointSelect && (
          <StaticControl position="topleft">
              title="Import polygon"

        <LayerControlledFeatureGroup layers={this.state.geometryLayers}>
              marker: false,
              circlemarker: allowGeometryDraw &&
                this.props.pointSelect && {
                  title: "Select an outlet point",
                  text: "Select an outlet point",
              circle: false,
              polyline: false,
              polygon: allowGeometryDraw &&
                !this.props.pointSelect && {
                  showArea: false,
                  showLength: false,
              rectangle: allowGeometryDraw &&
                !this.props.pointSelect && {
                  showArea: false,
                  showLength: false,
            //don't allow editing watershed boundary polygon
            edit={this.displayWatershedBoundary() ? { edit: false } : {}}

          // See comments at module head regarding current GeoExporter
          // arrangement.
          !allowGeometryDraw && (
            <StaticControl position="topleft">
                title="Export polygon"


export default DataMap;