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Test Coverage
#!/bin/bash -eu
set -e
set -u
set -x

SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"; pwd)" # Figure out where the script is running
. "$SCRIPT_DIR"/lib/

# Link the build so that the examples are always testing the
# current build, in it's properly exported format
(cd dist && npm ci --ignore-scripts)

echo "Running e2e examples build for node version $(node --version)"
for i in examples/*; do
  [ -d "$i" ] || continue # prevent failure if not a directory
  [ -e "$i" ] || continue # prevent failure if there are no examples
  echo "--> running tests for: $i"
  pushd "$i"
  # replace pact dependency with locally build version
  contents="$(jq '.devDependencies."@pact-foundation/pact" = "file:../../dist"' package.json)" && \
        echo "${contents}" > package.json

    if [ x"${SETUP_DIST_ONLY:-}" == "x" ]; then 
      echo "running all examples as SETUP_DIST_ONLY not set"
    # npm ci does not work because we have just changed the package.json file
      npm install --ignore-scripts
      npm test
      echo "skipping testing of examples as SETUP_DIST_ONLY set"

echo "Running Vx examples build"

# Commented because:
#    1. We can't run the broker on windows CI
#    2. We use the live broker in the v3 examples now anyway
# docker pull pactfoundation/pact-broker
# BROKER_ID=$(docker run -e PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_ADAPTER=sqlite -d -p 9292:9292 pactfoundation/pact-broker)

# trap "docker kill $BROKER_ID" EXIT

for i in examples/v*/*; do
  [ -d "$i" ] || continue # prevent failure if not a directory
  [ -e "$i" ] || continue # prevent failure if there are no examples
  echo "------------------------------------------------"
  echo "------------> continuing to test V3/v$ example project: $i"
  node --version
  pushd "$i"
  # replace pact dependency with locally build version
  contents="$(jq '.devDependencies."@pact-foundation/pact" = "file:../../../dist"' package.json)" && \
     echo "${contents}" > package.json
  # npm ci does not work because we have just changed the package.json file
  if [ x"${SETUP_DIST_ONLY:-}" == "x" ]; then 
    echo "running all examples as SETUP_DIST_ONLY not set"
  # npm ci does not work because we have just changed the package.json file
    npm install --ignore-scripts
    npm test
    echo "skipping testing of examples as SETUP_DIST_ONLY set"