import express from 'express';
import HttpProxy from 'http-proxy';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import * as http from 'http';
import { ProxyOptions } from './types';
import logger from '../../../common/logger';
import { createProxyStateHandler } from './stateHandler/stateHandler';
import { registerAfterHook, registerBeforeHook } from './hooks';
import { createRequestTracer, createResponseTracer } from './tracer';
import { createProxyMessageHandler } from './messages';
import { toServerOptions } from './proxyRequest';
// Listens for the server start event
export const waitForServerReady = (server: http.Server): Promise<http.Server> =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
server.on('listening', () => resolve(server));
server.on('error', () =>
reject(new Error('Unable to start verification proxy server'))
// Get the Proxy we'll pass to the CLI for verification
export const createProxy = (
config: ProxyOptions,
stateSetupPath: string,
messageTransportPath: string
): http.Server => {
const app = express();
const proxy = new HttpProxy();
logger.trace(`Setting up state proxy with path: ${stateSetupPath}`);
// NOTE: if you change any of these global middleware that consumes the body
// review the "proxyReq" event reader below
type: [
'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'application/json; charset=utf8',
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.use('/*', bodyParser.raw({ type: '*/*' }));
registerBeforeHook(app, config, stateSetupPath);
registerAfterHook(app, config, stateSetupPath);
// Trace req/res logging
if (config.logLevel === 'debug' || config.logLevel === 'trace') {'debug request/response logging enabled');
// Allow for request filtering
if (config.requestFilter !== undefined) {
// Setup provider state handler, createProxyStateHandler(config));
// Register message handler and transport
// TODO: ensure proxy does not interfere with this, createProxyMessageHandler(config));
// Proxy server will respond to Verifier process
app.all('/*', (req, res) => {
logger.debug(`Proxying ${req.method}: ${req.path}`);
proxy.web(req, res, toServerOptions(config, req));
// TODO: node is now using ipv6 as a default. This should be customised
return http
.listen(undefined, config.proxyHost || '');