require_relative '../boot'
# Create a Subscription Plan (Manual charge)
# You need to set your AccountCredentials (EMAIL, TOKEN) in the application config
# P.S: See the boot file example for more details.
email = 'EMAIL'
token = 'TOKEN'
plan = PagSeguro::SubscriptionPlan.new(
charge: 'manual', # Manual Subscription Plan must always use manual charge type.
redirect_url: 'http://www.lojateste.com.br/redirect',
review_url: 'http://www.lojateste.com.br/review',
reference: 'REFERENCE',
sender: {
name: 'Nome do Cliente',
email: 'client@example.com',
phone: { area_code: 11, number: 123456 },
address: {
street: 'Av Brigadeira Faria Lima',
number: '1384',
complement: '3 andar',
district: 'Jd Paulistano',
city: 'Sao Paulo',
state: 'SP',
country: 'BRA',
postal_code: '01452002'
name: 'Insurance',
details: 'Payment of 100.',
amount: 100.0,
period: 'Monthly',
max_payments_per_period: 2,
max_amount_per_period: 200.0,
initial_date: Time.new(2016, 4, 19, 0, 0),
final_date: Time.new(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0),
max_total_amount: 2_400.0
# Edit the lines above.
plan.credentials = PagSeguro::AccountCredentials.new(email, token)
if plan.errors.any?
puts '=> ERRORS'
puts plan.errors.join('\n')
print '=> Subscription Plan correct created, its code is '
puts plan.code
puts '=> And your client can finish the subscription using this url:'
puts plan.url