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 <img src="media/pankod.png" width="350">

<div align="center"> <h3><b>@pankod/canvas2video</b></h3> </div>

<div align="center">Create dynamic, data-driven videos on the fly.</div>
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<div align="center">
  <sub>Created by <a href="">Pankod</a></sub>

## About

@pankod/canvas2video is a backend solution for creating and rendering dynamic videos. It lets you build web canvas scenes by using the *Cairo-backed* [fabric]( library and add animations with [gsap](
Your animation timeline will be rendered frame by frame and piped to ffmpeg renderer for the final video output.

## Use Cases

📺 Personalized video advertising

🎞️ Programmatical customization of video templates

⛅ Creating dynamic videos with real-time data (See: [Weather Example ](./examples) - [Youtube](

## Getting started

To install the module, run the following in the command line:

npm install @pankod/canvas2video --save


yarn add @pankod/canvas2video

## Usage

`renderer` expects a `makeScene` function where you create your canvas animation by using [fabric]( and 
[gsap]( methods. It returns a *stream of frames* to be consumed by the `encoder` in the next step.

Below is a basic example of a one-second rotation animation of "Hello World" text. After rendering the animation and encoding the video, the output will be saved to `output/hello-world.mp4`.

import { renderer, encoder } from "@pankod/canvas2video";

const helloWorld = async () => {
    const stream = await renderer({
        silent: false,
        width: 1920,
        height: 1080,
        fps: 30,
        makeScene: (fabric, canvas, anim, compose) => {
            const text = new fabric.Text("Hello world", {
                left: 400,
                top: 400,
                fontSize: 100,
                fill: "#f99339",
                angle: 0,
  , {
                duration: 1,
                angle: 360,
                ease: Power3.easeOut,

    const output = await encoder({
        silent: false,
        frameStream: stream,
        output: "output/hello-world.mp4",
        fps: {
            input: 30,
            output: 30,
    console.log("process done,", output.path);

You may refer the following documentations to learn how the construct your own `makeScene` methods:

📃[Fabric.js Documentation](

📃[GSAP Documentation](

You can optionally provide the `encoder` function a `backgroundVideo` object. In this case, your animation will be used as an overlay layer and merged with the background video. More information about the usage of background videos is given in the *Options* section.

## Examples

<div align="center">
 <img width="600" src="media/pullr-gif.gif" >


You'll find two working demos int the [examples](./examples) folder folder of the project. Give them a try by following the steps below:

#### **Check out examples**

$ git clone
$ cd examples
$ npm i
After this, you can run commands at the below then check examples/output directory:
#### **Example 1**

$ npm run start:hello-world

#### **Example 2**

$ npm run start:weather


## Options

### **Renderer**

| Properties                      | Type       | Description                          |
| ------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------ |
| **width** <br> \*_required_     | `number`   | canvas width                 |
| **height** <br> \*_required_    | `number`   | canvas height               |
| **fps** <br> \*_required_       | `number`   | animation fps |
| **makeScene** <br> \*_required_ | `function` | [See below](#makeScene)              |


#### **_makeScene_**

The function takes 4 arguments(fabric, canvas, anim and compose) which is passed by the `renderer` function.

    /* .. */
    makeScene: (fabric, canvas, anim, compose) => {
         * your code to create and manipulate your canvas

| _Parameter_ | _Type_              |                                               |
| ----------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| **fabric**  | fabric.js instance  | [Repo]( |
| **canvas**  | fabric.StaticCanvas | [Repo]( |
| **anim**    | gsap.TimelineMax    | [Repo](     |
| **compose** | () => void          |


### **Encoder**

| Properties                        | Type       | Description                         |
| --------------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------- |
| **frameStream** <br> \*_required_ | `Readable` |  `renderer` function return value    |
| **output** <br> \*_required_      | `string`   | output file path               |
| **fps** <br> \*_required_         | `Object`   | `{ input: number, output: number }` |
| **backgroundVideo**               | `Object`   | [See below](#backgroundVideo)       |


#### **_backgroundVideo_**

backgroundVideo: {
  videoPath: string, // your background video path
  inSeconds: number, // video start time in seconds
  outSeconds: number, // video end time in seconds


## To-do

📌 [Lottie]( animation support

📌 Thread & concurrency management

📌 Finer control over encoder settings

## License
