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# Refine + DEV Open Source Hackathon #2 - README Guideline


Refine Open Source Hackathon #2 is just around the corner and this repository serves as your go-to source for everything you need to know in order to submit a qualifying entry.

[:point_right: refine Open Source Hackathon #2 details.](

[:point_right: Please submit your project on Refine DEV platform announcement post.](#)

From rules and guidelines, it provides all the information necessary for successful GitHub submissions. Please prepare your repository README as shown below

You can add `refine-hackathon` tag to your repository to make it easier for us to find your submission.

## Project Name

### Cover Image

Provide your GitHub repository with a visually-appealing cover image for an immediate impression of your submission.

[:point_right: You can use our template cover photos on Figma for README cover image.](

### Project Demo link

If you deployed your project on any platform please write down the link here.

## About

### Description

In this section, give a description of what your submission is. What did you build using refine. Which features of Refine did you implement.

### Participants

In this section, add the GitHub and Twitter profiles of everyone in your team.

### Preview

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the submission, add visuals such as GIFs, images and videos have been incorporated to give an impression of what it looks like.

### Set up Project

In order to get the project up and running on locally, this section need to provide clear steps for successful set-up.

Your submission gives the Refine team an opportunity to not only review it thoroughly, but also allows them to share its valuable insights with the community.

### Prerequisites

If running your project requires any prerequisites, be sure to include them in this section.
It can be an account in any service or any configuration or plugins.

### Install Project

In this section, cover step by step how to run your submission, with each step having a code block example of the command if applicable.

To ensure a successful run of your project, please provide step-by-step instructions.

For example:

- Clone the repository:

git clone <your repo github link>

- Change directory and install dependencies:

cd directory
npm install