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# @refinedev/codemod

## 4.1.10

### Patch Changes

- [`6bd14228760d3e1e205ea9248e427f9afa2ec046`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - chore: added `type` qualifier to imports used as type only.

  - import { A } from "./example.ts";
  + import type { A } from "./example.ts";

## 4.1.9

### Patch Changes

- [#5945]( [`90930b381d8d369c63bc59beedf69c391875166d`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - chore: added `type` qualifier to imports used as type only.

  - import { A } from "./example.ts";
  + import type { A } from "./example.ts";

## 4.1.8

### Patch Changes

- [#5807]( [`b20a18e4dfc`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - chore: update jscodeshift version to 0.15.2

- [#5799]( [`33a8a80d80f`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - chore: update semver package version to 7.5.2.

- [#5754]( [`56ed144a0f5`]( Thanks [@alicanerdurmaz](! - chore: TypeScript upgraded to [v5.x.x]( #5752

## 4.1.7

### Patch Changes

- [#5695]( [`79865affa1c`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - chore: apply biome format and fix lint errors.

## 4.1.6

### Patch Changes

- [#4454]( [`4bae8add99f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - The latest major update in `@refinedev/mui` to support `@mui/x-data-grid@6` has been released. This update introduces some changes to the existing codebases that `refine-v3-to-v4` codemod cannot cover or has no relation to. We've updated the codemod to install the `v4` version of `@refinedev/mui` to avoid any issues.

## 4.1.5

### Patch Changes

- [#4454]( [`4bae8add99f`]( Thanks [@aliemir](! - The latest major update in `@refinedev/mui` to support `@mui/x-data-grid@6` has been released. This update introduces some changes to the existing codebases that `refine-v3-to-v4` codemod cannot cover or has no relation to. We've updated the codemod to install the `v4` version of `@refinedev/mui` to avoid any issues.

## 4.1.4

### Patch Changes

- [#4423]( [`c3b00b20e84`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - fix: babel transformation error

## 4.1.3

### Patch Changes

- [#4423]( [`c3b00b20e84`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - fix: babel transformation error

## 4.1.2

### Patch Changes

- [#3929]( [`c682cfe5cf8`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - fix: LoadingButton is still imported from @refinedev/mui

## 4.1.1

### Patch Changes

- [#3929]( [`c682cfe5cf8`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - fix: LoadingButton is still imported from @refinedev/mui

## 4.1.0

### Minor Changes

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
  Added transform function to change `metaData` to `meta`.

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
  Added `move-to-new-org` transform to move **refine** packages to their new scope `@refinedev`.

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
  `Antd` components exported by `@refinedev/antd` have been removed. This codemode will help you move these components into `antd`.

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
  Added transform function to change `useMenu` imports to `"@refinedev/core"`.

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
  Added transform function to change `resourceNameOrRouteName` prop to `resource` in buttons.

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!

  - Added transformation function to renamed `AuthProvider` to `LegacyAuthProvider`.

  - Added transformation function to add `v3LegacyAuthProviderCompatible: true` to all auth hooks.

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
  **Moving to the `@refinedev` scope 🎉🎉**

  Moved to the `@refinedev` scope and updated our packages to use the new scope. From now on, all packages will be published under the `@refinedev` scope with their new names.

  Now, we're also removing the `refine` prefix from all packages. So, the `@pankod/refine-core` package is now `@refinedev/core`, `@pankod/refine-antd` is now `@refinedev/antd`, and so on.

### Patch Changes

- Thanks [@aliemir](, [@alicanerdurmaz](, [@batuhanW](, [@salihozdemir](, [@yildirayunlu](, [@recepkutuk](!
  fix: semver dependency

## 3.31.0

### Minor Changes

- [#3822]( [`0baa99ba787`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - - refine v4 release announcement added to "postinstall". - refine v4 is released 🎉 The new version is 100% backward compatible. You can upgrade to v4 with a single command! See the migration guide here:

## 3.30.0

### Minor Changes

- [#3822]( [`0baa99ba787`]( Thanks [@BatuhanW](! - - refine v4 release announcement added to "postinstall". - refine v4 is released 🎉 The new version is 100% backward compatible. You can upgrade to v4 with a single command! See the migration guide here:

## 3.29.0

### Minor Changes

- [#3169]( [`76b0e932a60`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Added Ant design v4 to v5 codemod support.

## 3.28.0

### Minor Changes

- [#3169]( [`76b0e932a60`]( Thanks [@yildirayunlu](! - Added Ant design v4 to v5 codemod support.

## 3.27.2

### Patch Changes

- Fixed `@pankod/refine-codemod` build issue

## 3.27.1

### Patch Changes

- [`031e15e797`]( Thanks [@omeraplak](! - Fixed `@pankod/refine-codemod` build issue

## 3.27.0

### Minor Changes

- Add Codemod support for changed `columns` usage of `useDataGrid` hook. [#2072](

  export const PostsList: React.FC = () => {
  -    const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid<IPost>({
  -        columns,
  -    });
  +    const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid<IPost>();
      return (
  -            <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} autoHeight />
  +            <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} columns={columns} autoHeight />

## 3.26.0

### Minor Changes

- [#2072]( [`bbca622ede`]( Thanks [@salihozdemir](! - Add Codemod support for changed `columns` usage of `useDataGrid` hook. [#2072](

  export const PostsList: React.FC = () => {
  -    const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid<IPost>({
  -        columns,
  -    });
  +    const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid<IPost>();
      return (
  -            <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} autoHeight />
  +            <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} columns={columns} autoHeight />